Dr. Narcisse
Close up. Could have easily let this be the first version. As great as the background is this looks better imo.

It is a typical Marcel film. It's a continuation of the story.ESPECIALLY in the superhero genre. How many more superhero films are we gonna get where the superhero is seeking the full potential of his or her powers and the entire world is in peril? That's why movies like DEADPOOL and LOGAN are praised. They went against that "end-of-the-world" scenario cliché. I'd rather it be more of a personal internal conflict that challenges T'Challa's mentally and emotionally. And we still may get that, but this synopsis makes it feel like a typical Marvel film.
not really fond of the whole "Threat to the entire World" plot but we'll see
Btw, Disney needs to fire their marketing people. Boss Logic's joint was made in like 30 mins
Coogler showed with Creed that he can take a seemingly predictable story on paper and turn it into something fresh.ESPECIALLY in the superhero genre. How many more superhero films are we gonna get where the superhero is seeking the full potential of his or her powers and the entire world is in peril? That's why movies like DEADPOOL and LOGAN are praised. They went against that "end-of-the-world" scenario cliché. I'd rather it be more of a personal internal conflict that challenges T'Challa's mentally and emotionally. And we still may get that, but this synopsis makes it feel like a typical Marvel film.
Black Panther takes place in 2016, shortly after Civil War. Infinity War takes place in 2018. I'm not sure its going to be that kind of connection. Might just be the Soul Gem is in Wakanda.I was focusing more on the political aspects of it, and not the "end of the world" aspects. The film is suppose to lead into Infinity war, but I don't think it's going to be all sky portals, huge faceless armies stuff that plagues other films. I dunno, we'll see. I'm tired of that too.
Why does Marvel suck so much when it comes to posters? At least half of them are brutal.
Everybody was expecting July. Again, I really hope it wasn't just slapped together.
White people seem anxious as hell to shyt on this film no matter what. Even the die hard Marvel fans.
True.I thought this trailer would drop in July too
but the more I think about it, makes sense to drop now ahead of "Cars 3" dropping next week and "Transformers" before the 4th
July SDCC will probably be all about "Infinity War" footage/trailer
Marvel doesn't usually put out trailers 8 months beforehand either, but here we are. It's just the poster is an obvious slapped together, rushjob, and I hope the trailer doesn't follow suit just to capitalize on finals night.When has Marvel ever put out a trailer that felt slapped together? Seriously, all of their trailers have been dope since the first Iron Man.
Close up. Could have easily let this be the first version. As great as the background is this looks better imo.
why the fukk did they rush that poster smh