
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Marvel marketing this like a future Oscar contender. Got spoilers in it and everything :wow:


chadwick looking like levar burton in roots in that screen cap



Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
What the hell are you talking about ...his blood uncle is T’Chaka his grandfather is Azzuri.. his connection to wakanda is a birthright as a descendent of one of the royal tribes ...you nikkas are making up random nonsense to defend the goofy ass fukkery at this point :mjlol:
Lmao @ “Cheated his way into wakanda” when he’s Wakandan Royalty

If his father is a traitor than so is T’Chaka for turning his back on a Wakandan descendent and leaving Killmonger in Oakland unprotected ...so by your own dumb logic T’Challa shouldn’t be BP either

And with all that said it was Killmonger not T’Chaka not T’Challa who brought Klaw to Justice ... how in the hell does that make him a traitor LMAO

All of this shyt that your talking about sounds retarded

THE FACT is the Wakandans didn’t abide to their own edicts and blatantly cheated Killmonger out of his rightful position ... USING BP POWERS DURING A CHALLANGE IS NOT PERMITTED... point blank period ...all these goofy excuses that you nikkas are using sound hilarious


Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
The article pissed me off because it showed basic ignorance about the universe this whole story operates in, and sometimes outright ignorance of things that happened in this very movie.

Vibranium was discussed in the film and in previous films and in plenty other places in the MCU.

That statement is confusing and wrong - it's not a source of energy, it absorbs energy, and that was explicitly explained in the movie.

There isn't any sense in the movie that Killmonger goes to Wakanda because he thinks he is the "rightful king". He goes to Wakanda because he wants to use Wakanda's power in a particular way. He believes he has the right to challenge for the king, but there's no sense that he believes he is the "rightful king" or that he even thinks that way. He even refers to Wakanda as "you" not "we", shyts all over their traditions, and makes it clear that he at no point really sees himself as part of them anyway.

"I want the throne. You are all sitting up here comfortable. Must feel good. There's about two billion people around the world who look like us and their lives are a lot harder. Wakanda has the tools to liberate them all."

"I want your weapons, your secrets, it’s all mine now."

No, that's simply untrue, Coogler so clearly melds the two sides together that I can't imagine what movie Lebron was watching. T'Challa straight shyts on his father's isolationism and says that he made a mistake. In the end, T'Challa chooses against the "sealed off" vision for Wakanda and for "global black solidarity using Wakanda's privilege to emancipate all black people." He just doesn't see revolutionary violence as the means to accomplish that. T'Challa reconciles the two incomplete visions in the exact way that Lebron is trying to claim he does not.

Yes, Killmonger has an incoherent political philosophy, what do you expect? He's been a lone wolf all his life, it ain't like he's part of some think tank or philosophical movement. But the claim that he is "a receptacle for tropes of inner-city gangsterism" is pure bullshyt. How far removed do you have to be from the reality of inner city gangs to think that Killmonger was EVER supposed to represent some two-bit gangster? He's clearly meant to represent a violent revolutionary, not an inner-city gangster, and other than being violent he has virtually nothing whatsoever to connect him to those tropes.

Does Lebron not understand that this is a movie about Africa? Even Killmonger is himself the son of a Wakandan noble. It's true that African-Americans aren't really represented in the movie, but that's because the movie is about Wakanda, and Wakandans aren't African-Americans. I hate it when people shyt on a movie for failing to be something that the movie never intended to be.

That's just stupid - in the MVU it is clear that a Black American man isn't "the most dangerous person in the world", and that distortion of events completely misses that Killmonger takes out Klawe (something every single viewer is intended to cheer) as well as provided the impetus to redirect Wakanda. Killmonger ain't even a villain in the movie, just like T'Chaka ain't a hero in the movie - he's more of an antagonist whose opposition to true problems with Wakanda are what direct T'Challa to the righteous path.

That's just some bullshyt. :stopitslime:

First off, it's straight wrong. Everett Ross isn't the "sole white leading character" in the movie, his part isn't even as big as Klaue's part, and Klaue is the epitome of evil AND gets his ass murked.

Second, Ross is the butt of a joke for basically the whole movie. He comes off as an ass when he brushes off T'Challa in order to do business with the evil Klaue, is part of a CIA that trained Killmonger to do everything the wrong way, is willing to possess stolen Wakandan vibranium, looks dumb when it's clear the CIA knows nothing whatsoever about Wakanda, lets Klaue own him in the interview, lets Klaue escape when T'Challa could have had him on the ship to Wakanda already, and throughout the movie gets people telling his ass to shut up basically every time he opens his mouth. Shuri even calls him a "broken white boy" and "colonizer". Yes, he gets his redeeming moment, but for most of the movie he ain't shyt.

Killmonger is a FAR more compelling and important character, and is FAR more necessary to determining the direction of Wakanda.

fukk, is anyone going around saying, "Ross was my hero from the movie, I really identified with Agent Ross." :francis:

The movie DID offer commentary on U.S. imperialism. But if you want a movie that focuses on American racism, probably should wait for one that is set in, you know, America. :usure:

No, more bullshyt. I mean fukk it, Klawe himself died in this very movie. Ultron and Wolfgang von Strucker both died in Age of Ultron. Ronan died in Guardians of the Galaxy. Ego died in Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Red Skull died in Captain America. Pierce died in Winter Soldier. Stane died in Iron Man. Vanko died in Iron Man 2. Killian died in Iron Man 3. Laufey died in Thor. Malekith died in Thor: The Dark World. Cross died in Ant-Man.

The main villain often dies in Marvel movies. Making it like Killmonger's death was some unique event is flat incorrect. Yes, Loki is still alive, but that is the exception, not the rule.

More ridiculous bullshyt. Killmonger's life does matter, tremendously, he changes the entire fate of Wakanda and his dream is going to be carried on by T'Challa, just by a different means.

How can you watch Black Panther and come to the conclusion that Killmonger doesn't matter??? :dahell:

:snoop: I have no words.

Obviously false, the movie shows Killmonger to be knowledgeable, competent, and indeed an MIT-educated genius. Other than a false hope in violence and a poor political philosophy, you could say that he is the most consistently competent character in the entire film. (With the possible exception of Okoye.)

In the same article where he complains about White villains not dying, he then complains that the White villain DID die instead of living a long life like in the comic books? :why:

If you watch this movie and come out only thinking of Killmonger as "the bad guy", you've missed the whole point.

Wait, who the hell is Wakanda going to have judge the U.S. in that trial? England? Russia? France? :heh:

And why would Wakanda taking a case against the USA before the UN even have a chance of success? They'd get shot down just like everyone else does. :rudy:

This guy is still focused on America in a movie that is not about America. There were destructive imperialists all over the place, the majority of the fukking U.N. has blood on its hands. Wakanda is different from them, it's gonna do things its own way.

Yeah, T'Challa is just like Trump. :camby:

Soymuscle Mike

Formerly known as Vincenzo Corleone
Jun 6, 2012
Sweetlake City
I feel like Killmonger's vision with his dad is the illest scene I've ever seen in a comic book movie.

Everything is perfect.

-The Wakandan backdrop to the Oakland apartment.
-The way Erik looks at the floor where he found his dad as soon as he walks in.
-The PE poster.
- His dad showing up.
- How they switch from Erik the boy to Erik the man.
- The sadness on both sides, and how Erik's sadness turns to straight anger ("Maybe it's them that's lost :demonic:") while his dad is just like :mjcry:

Fukk comic book movies, one of the illest shyts I've ever seen period :wow:
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Accept to take the L
May 1, 2012
Just came out of my second viewing. How can any black person, especially AA, not ride with Killmonger:hhh:

All he wanted was chaos, he was loyal to no one and tried to destroy the herb:stopitslime: dude gave a good speech when he died that’s all:rudy:
No wonder every week y’all follow a new hotep until he gets exposed :francis:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
All he wanted was chaos, he was loyal to no one and tried to destroy the herb:stopitslime: dude gave a good speech when he died that’s all:rudy:
No wonder every week y’all follow a new hotep until he gets exposed :francis:

He was more than that, his earlier speeches (in the museum, before the elders) were fire too. He just had those fatal flaws, in part because he trusted in violence and in part because he was consumed by revenge.