For the record, AOC cant run in 2024, shes still too young. But you better believe there is an undercurrent of folks who hate the kumbaya dems. We want an attacker and that will rally people. The same way Trumps bravado has taken a lot of latino voters away. Dem media that cry and complain for year after year about what Trump is doing moves people to support him. It makes it APPEAR he is getting stuff done, even though he's not. Everyone would rally around an attacker from the Dems. Looks at how much praise these speeches get when Obama, Buttigeig, Warren goes in on Trump. We have to stop settling for these moderates and go left, hard left. This was a layup election with a president that did every single thing wrong and not only is the election still in jeopardy, we wont even get 4 seats in the senate for a majority. What more do people need to see?
GA, TX, NC, PA, FL were all in play and should have been blue. Stop all this moral victory crap, Dems lost those states and 45s support has grown nationwide because the people dems put out front are way too soft.
"bu...bu..bu theyre gonna call you a socialist

" SO-THE-FUKK-WHAT!!!! You already lost Florida and its trending away so these weak Dems aint getting it done. Even the rise in Dem voters is more-so due to Trump than Biden or anything the Dems are doing. Get tough and get the voting electorate back