Breh are things looking bad for trump post Labor Day still possibly?

thats how i feel
he's been promising the economy will come back. it wont. hes been promising kids will get back to school; they havent. he's promising we'll get a vaccine; we won't. hes been promising the virus will just go away; it might even get worse
now all of this shyt he's been able to keep putting off, and keep putting off, because the election is juusttt that far away. but post labor day, the reality of these failures is gonna hit america like a ton of bricks
i see a lot of moderates officially jumping off the ship as his campaign gets more and more desperate as his failures become impossible to deny
and i know it's mostly decided, and not many people are changing their minds, but enough will
this clown is out here lying about the V shaped recovery that doesnt exist. he has NO economy to run on