yea, the economy is clearly done at this pointAt this point, the polls are showing this isn't about one singular issue, even one as big as COVID-19.
Bottomline here is a majority of the country SIMPLY DON'T TRUST THIS DOOFUS.
There is no amount of negative ads, campaign adjustments, vaccines that will change this perception.
The way I see it Trump isn't technically running against Biden, he's running against his first 3.5 years of his first term. And that's a race he can't win. He's a trash president. November will be a romp.
i know im always talking about labor day (@GzUp ) but i really think its gonna be a SHOCKING wakeup/poll crash for the republican party once that weekend hits. like, extremely bad
trump has been overpromising about the economy coming back because it's really all he's got. but when we really get a month or two out from this election and he hasn't delivered? even some of his fanatical base is gonna start to his ass