The Fukin Prophecy
RIP Champ
I can't be the only one when first reading that thought it would end with a baby hands joke...

This will backfire badly on them, especially those in tight races...i wonder if the dems really do benefit more from this fukkery
anyone who respects what mcconnell does with this was gonna vote trump anyway, probably rabidly. meanwhile, theres so much enthusiasm this can rile up on the leftthat 100 million they gained in a day. all these hillary/bernie/warren supporters who think biden isnt left enough are gonna be out for blood
and this now forces the debate question on roe v wade, which will be terrible for trump
Nope, the GOP base is just going to look for the next Trump in 2024.If Trump loses, will the GOP base eventually turn on him like they did with the Bushes?
On right wing twitter I see them constantly complain about the Bushes and anyone in their sphere
What's crazy is for as much as they cry about vote shaming, they love to shame everyone who isn't M4A or bust as a corporate neoliberal shill who doesn't care if people live or die, even though they purposely and disingenuously conflate M4A with universal healthcare.
They're already shaming AOC for having the audacity to say we need to come together to oppose the right as they trample over the very constitution they claimed to uphold and plunge this country into fascism. What a milquetoast establishment neoliberal bytch.
The far left cares more about purity politics than actually winning or making any meaningful policy progressions, and that is why they will always be losers.
I don't think so.
Rose Twitter has spent all weekend adamant in their stance of, "I was already not interested in voting for Biden, and the only thing the libs had to shame me into considering it was RBG's SC seat. Now that she's gone and the GOP is going to fill it anyway, I'm not even gonna bother. I wasn't sold on whatever milquetoast centrist Biden would have picked anyway."
And anyone who disagreed with that sentiment has been getting shytted on and mass unfollowed. They're already turning on AOC for saying we need to vote for Biden.
From the same group. Never heard of The Tyson Group before
This. This right here. All of this. This one sentence right here would break the campaign wide open.
Just one interviewer letting him say whatever he wants for half an hour, then saying
“So, we asked you these questions for a reason. As a Christian Man, you know it’s one of the 10 commandments to not lie. And a patriot such as yourself would not lie to the American people. So that only leaves incompetence, and because we have all of the truth and documents to support it.... it looks as if you’re not fit for the job. How could you be so woefully unprepared? You wouldn’t willing lie, would you? Would you?”
And if dude tries to walk up out of there, you follow him like the cameramen on Maury yelling “You don’t serve God! Who do you serve? Trump? Trump is not God.”
Trump would throw Pence under the bus in the highest degree and Pence would submit willfully, and “independents” would leave in droves.
Why can’t we have a better media?
What's crazy is for as much as they cry about vote shaming, they love to shame everyone who isn't M4A or bust as a corporate neoliberal shill who doesn't care if people live or die, even though they purposely and disingenuously conflate M4A with universal healthcare.
They're already shaming AOC for having the audacity to say we need to come together to oppose the right as they trample over the very constitution they claimed to uphold and plunge this country into fascism. What a milquetoast establishment neoliberal bytch.
The far left cares more about purity politics than actually winning or making any meaningful policy progressions, and that is why they will always be losers.
I shyt on the twitter left all the time but I haven’t seen this take at all. What I do see is them being angry at the hesitance of mainstream Dems to full-throatedly endorse court-packing or treating Republicans like honest or noble brokers with the whole “follow your conscience” line. Ain’t no one saying RBG dying has pushed them to abstaining from the election