People are over looking this. Biden really haven’t been attacked in the last few months. The the attacks went to Bernie and Bloomberg. However, Trump has fukked up the coronavirus response, and it is looking like we might be headed into a recession. That should be enough to give Biden the election. But if the economy recovers and the coronavirus fizzle out, I think Trump takes it.Biden won’t be able to control the narrative like he could in a democratic primary where no one wanted to hurt each other too bad. Sanders didn’t run any negative ads on Biden. If anything, that showed me he probably wasn’t the guy progressives were looking for. You cannot be the nominee and not be a fighter. In the end, Bernie was too nice and too bad at retail politics. Trump on the other hand, and the Republican machine will not allow Biden to get away with anything. They will do what they did to Hillary times 10,000. If Biden wins, it won’t be because people trust him to get anything done - it will be because they want Trump out. There wasn’t a single debate on trade prior to Michigan. Bernie never contrasted himself to Biden. His team should have been driving all of this home since Iowa. This is what happens when your team if full of outsiders trying to play an insider’s game. But Biden could also win off the strength of all the new people that progressives registered to vote. You saw this happen with Doug Jones in Alabama and Wilmer in Michigan. Progressives lost but brought in a lot of new people. Sanders campaign’s popularity with Hispanic voters and that turnout will be important in Arizona, Texas, and Nevada. To a lesser extent in Wisconsin, Minnesota and Michigan.