You definitely can do both. Bernie has shown that he's really only interested in doing one.
as he should. obama did a couple of things for the PEOPLE. Most of what he wanted to do wasnt done or was so b*stardized it was only done in theory.
Taking it to them and leaning on bad representatives and informing the less informed/lazy voters of whats really going on is by far the most effective way to get things done as the president. It will also cause people to vote out idiots in congress at the same time.
Why is it that people are so afraid of medicare for all? because they are too lazy or dont know that if you pay 100 bucks more in taxes to not pay 300 bucks in premiums and co-pays/coins per month. you just saved 200 bucks. Most people dont know that. And to get people to realize that. bernie has to roll up on you with a nice power point slide and tell you piece by piece, equation by equation. simple math by simple math. then you get the voters to say "OHHHHH... I SEE NOW" Then you tell them to tell their representatives to get down with the plan or lay down. its not hard.
The reason this has to be done is because our voters are SUPER IGNORANT to whats really going on and how things actually work. So someone is going to have to run around the country explaining things to them in simple form and then having them push their people to do their bidding.
There is no other way. We've tried the other stuff already. and by the way, he never said he wouldnt use his executive orders to make things move. but presidents that are not bullies(trump) should never do that right off the start because you do realize that pisses people off even if its something they need and can use. you have to explain it to them, have them lobby their reps first. then when that fails. THENNNN you pull the exec orders and force it. when they cry about it, you say "i told you about this before, we went thru the chain of command and nothing happened. so I'm taking matters into my own hands." thats the way you run the white house. If you just run thru doing a trump and drumming up exec orders. all that will happen is you will get an angry mob of hater voters the next 4 years voting you out and voting yet another idiot in office and that new guy will over turn all of your exec orders. because thats the draw back to using that power. it only lasts for as long as you're in power or someone comes behind you that agrees with those actions.
Bernie is trying to change the culture. You have to get people involved in their own political stuff so they can keep an eye on these politicians and companies even after bernie is done with the white house.
Remember, these same arguments sure sound like 2016 arguments about how bernie couldnt get anyone elected on any down tickets that are progressive like him. they swore that only bernie thinks like this and no one else is going to follow. well look at us now. 3 years later and every other question on the dem debate is a bernie question. aint that something. The dude moved the needle before and he wasnt even a known person. what do you think he can do as the president? use your head and stop being stuck in the OLD way of doing things.