
Aug 15, 2014
@Skyfall even that dude that made the “ rising up” video debunking the Bernie bro myth, which I still think is the best ad ever made for Bernie so far official or unofficial , had to be excommunicated cause these white libs were mad 5 years ago he made some video of mlk with spliced together speeches and made it sound like he was talking about sex, big deal. Sick of this woke scolding
lmao yes and the person who found that video was the same person who's been exposing Cenk's old comments :dead:

These are mostly Warren supporters desperately trying to take down Bernie. It’s getting sad. Very similar to Kamala's final weeks before she dropped. They want to win over reasonable Republicans, but only the ones that appear on MSNBC lol

If they really care about stopping a Republican realignment(they don't) you have to go after uninformed people like Joe Rogan and people who watch him into it. Sorry. They are reachable unlike most Fox viewers. Anybody who concern trolls about the most popular podcast in America endorsing Bernie and them sharing it is not serious about gaining power. Again this isn't a Rogan endorsement I don't listen to him. They want 4 more years of Trump

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Because they know it means 4 more years of trump :francis:

Bernie gonna smash Trump and gonna roast the establishment. He got the youth on his side, as well as the Obama/Trump voters, the Independents, and even the non voters. They are giving Bernie record amounts of money to his campaign and showing up to vote.


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
Why are you so sure of this?
Many reasons... mostly the fact Bernie cant deliver on most of his platform(which is full of wild promises) without Dems taking the senate. He's going to be a do nothing president.
I cant figure out what his supporters think will happen if hes elected? Is he going to make us "socialist" by decree?

Progressives seem to hate incrementalism, but its the way things get done.

In addition to that:
He has no black agenda.
His age/health is in question, having suffered a heart attack while campaigning.
He's economically unmoored from reality.
He fractures the Democratic party, which helps republicans.


All Star
May 9, 2012
Many reasons... mostly the fact Bernie cant deliver on most of his platform(which is full of wild promises) without Dems taking the senate. He's going to be a do nothing president.
I cant figure out what his supporters think will happen if hes elected? Is he going to make us "socialist" by decree?

Progressives seem to hate incrementalism, but its the way things get done.

In addition to that:
He has no black agenda.
His age/health is in question, having suffered a heart attack while campaigning.
He's economically unmoored from reality.
He fractures the Democratic party, which helps republicans.
i dont think what hes capable of has anything to do with him getting elected. politicians always promise shyt. and i def dont think the fracturing matters. they said the exact same thing with trump. oh hes fracturing the party, i remember dems celebrating saying the repubs fell apart as a party. age/health is a concern for anyone left with a shot, trump/bernie/biden and i can easily argue bernie is in the best shape of the 3

i think bernie easily washes trump. but im super worried about the dem primary. trump was able to take over his party cause the process is more democratic, the dems have too many controls in place to stop a guy like bernie


Oct 5, 2012
Fresno, CA.
i dont think what hes capable of has anything to do with him getting elected. politicians always promise shyt. and i def dont think the fracturing matters. they said the exact same thing with trump. oh hes fracturing the party, i remember dems celebrating saying the repubs fell apart as a party. age/health is a concern for anyone left with a shot, trump/bernie/biden and i can easily argue bernie is in the best shape of the 3

i think bernie easily washes trump. but im super worried about the dem primary. trump was able to take over his party cause the process is more democratic, the dems have too many controls in place to stop a guy like bernie
Trump, like Obama came into office with congress controlled by his party.:hubie:
... and the dem establishment is making it clear they dont rock with him.:hubie:
... only one of the three you listed has suffered cardiac arrest on the campaign trail.:hubie:

I dont expect to move the needle in this thread, supporting Bernie is a religious practice at this point, but lets be honest.


Go Wizards, Go Terps, Go Packers!
Staff member
May 16, 2012
Many reasons... mostly the fact Bernie cant deliver on most of his platform(which is full of wild promises) without Dems taking the senate. He's going to be a do nothing president.
I cant figure out what his supporters think will happen if hes elected? Is he going to make us "socialist" by decree?

Progressives seem to hate incrementalism, but its the way things get done.

In addition to that:
He has no black agenda.
His age/health is in question, having suffered a heart attack while campaigning.
He's economically unmoored from reality.
He fractures the Democratic party, which helps republicans.

Dems are excited to vote for the nominee by and large. The party fracture is from the regular person to the pundit/donor/consultant class in DC and other big cities. Same as GOP

Bernie isn't going to make us socialist by decree... he has done his share of deal making in Congress but he negotiates for a maximum position.

His health has been confirmed as good by multiple doctors and he had a minor heart attack. He may live another 20-30 years, who knows?

Economically he isn't talking about seizing the means of production. He's advocating going after the parasitic forces that caused the last crash, taxing them, and redistributing it through existing or new programs for working folk.

Black agenda? He has loads of plans regarding housing, criminal justice, infrastructure with emphasis on black communities... you ain't paying attention.


All Star
May 9, 2012
Trump, like Obama came into office with congress controlled by his party.:hubie:
... and the dem establishment is making it clear they dont rock with him.:hubie:
... only one of the three you listed has suffered cardiac arrest on the campaign trail.:hubie:

I dont expect to move the needle in this thread, supporting Bernie is a religious practice at this point, but lets be honest.
A heart attack isn’t cardiac arrest, Biden’s brain is melting and trump is on speed and downers, is out of shape and regularly eats McDonald’s and his brain is going too

the original question I thought was about whether Bernie can be elected , it’s a diff argument on what he gets done , I agree with you on that part that it will be hard


Top Notch
Jun 29, 2012
Brooklyn #byrdgang
Many reasons... mostly the fact Bernie cant deliver on most of his platform(which is full of wild promises) without Dems taking the senate. He's going to be a do nothing president.
I cant figure out what his supporters think will happen if hes elected? Is he going to make us "socialist" by decree?

Progressives seem to hate incrementalism, but its the way things get done.

In addition to that:
He has no black agenda.
His age/health is in question, having suffered a heart attack while campaigning.
He's economically unmoored from reality.
He fractures the Democratic party, which helps republicans.

So a moderate or centrist democrat would get things done in a non filibuster proof and non democratic super majority in this climate.:jbhmm: Or are you forgetting what happened to Obama for six years with his legislative goals when he lost the house and then the Senate.

Any Democrat that wins the presidency without a democratic congress in 2020 will be a do nothing president in this hyper partisan climate.

It's about electability. I'm a left leaning centrist and I'm trying to beat Trump definitively. I know that the progressives have the juice to beat Trump definitively.

U haven't learned anything from the past three presidential elections? I know that if you are rolling out another moderate establishment type bore fest, U giving Trump a better shot at winning re election.

A populist campaign proposing real change is the best shot at beating Trump in 2020. U need to energize everyone in the democratic base.

2016 was a rebuke by americans that they are tired of the establishment politics of both parties. The republicans rolled out a populist Trump and the democrats rolled out an establishment moderate Clinton. Look wat happened.

In 2008, Obama ran a populist campaign of ending the war, healthcare reform and complete opposition to establishment politics on both sides and the clinton machine with compromising to stop the gridlock in Washington and never looked back from the primaries to the general election.

On the other side In 2012, the republicans rolled out establishment Romney and looked what happened to him against the incumbent Obama.

Even in 1992, Clinton ran a populist campaign
championing the need for public investment to create jobs and universal health care and he
beat the incumbent Bush 41 and then moved to Center.

The evidence is right gotta inspire people to vote and Bernie has had steady and real support since 2015.

This is the year to run a progressive as the presidential nominee for the democratic party. They tipped the scales for Hillary in 2016 and it led to disaster.

If Bernie or Warren wins Iowa and/or New Hampshire, u cant deny that the juice is with the progressives and you just take a step back, vote and watch :hubie:.

They likely wont get things done in the presidency given the climate and the unlikely super majority congress in 2020 but I'm confident they will beat Trump, Sanders moreso (since he is more likeable than Warren), rather than Biden, Bloomberg and Buttigieg.

I was looking for Beto to start a moderate populist campaign with young voters and Hispanics but he imploded on the national stage. Buttigieg was the last shot at a populist campaign from the moderates but it looks like he has no juice.
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