So what you’re saying is, aspects of her plan that completely overlap with Bernie’s could be implemented but you don’t know how bernie could get anything implemented? Because the M4A expansion is modeled straight off of his plan. His year one was down to 55 though.

huh? What I'm saying is that there are rules to what can be passed through reconciliation and what can't, and Bernie's full M4A bill cannot. It's almost as if Warren designed her plan to remove those aspects that can't be passed and kept in the ones that can, so she can expand M4A healthcare as much as possible, knowing that the full thing can't be passed immediately.
It doesn't matter what his year one transition is, if the bill contains provisions that would eradicate private health insurance it cannot be passed with 50 votes...unless you get rid of the filibuster, which Liz supports but Bernie has steadfastly refused to support for some reason. I'm sure Bernie
could get healthcare expansion implemented if he removed certain ineligible provisions from his bill...aka the Liz Warren plan