I have said multiple times before that even Warren's plan is straining the reaches of what is likely. But I can still see a realistic path for it to happen. That path is practically non-existant with Bernie's approach. Manchin himself in on record as supporting a public option, so I don't think it will be impossible to get him on board with voting for Liz's first step, but he says he wouldn't support Bernie's M4A bill and even equivocated on whether he would vote for Bernie over Trump. Which is why Bernie's plan relies on getting rid of him somehow. Liz's plan is more pragmatic because it was devised to navigate the actual political landscape, as opposed to Bernie's plan which was devised as an end-goal. I personally doubt whether that second step in her plan will actually come to pass, but I also accept that full M4A is a long-term, perhaps decades-long, political project. I don't expect it to happen under any president in the next term. But Liz's plan is definitely more likely to pass than Bernie's plan.