You hit it right on the head. I think the decrease in relative status guides this line of thinking. Since graduating from grad school I've had people in my circle randomly ask me about my student loans, every time it happens I still get the

face. Because the question is never etched in empathy or sincere curiosity, but etched in insecurity and wanting to know where they stand in the social hierarchy. This is prevalent in places like NYC where there is a large Blue collar middle class that share spaces/communites with white collar middle class people. Not having student debt has become a source of pride for some to offset insecurities regarding disparities in income, status, mobility, and opportunity.
See, this is sad^^^. As cookie and crazy Marianne williamson. sounded, she was always on point saying our problems are a spiritual issue. Something is WRONG with us as a nation. me being a black man in america, I always knew that was the case because america was pretty much built on the backs of free slave labor. and since white folks do not for the most part want to aknowledge that very fact and therefore give up the reparations. we will continue down this path. its all linked to our foundation. our foundation was built on evil. therefore nothing truly good can be sustained here. We're always trying to hold on to the good parts. but they keep fading away because that evil is in the veins of our society. until we fix that original sin. we will continue down this path. you say but what about other minorities, why do they act so crazy towards black folks? or even each other "the latin thats been in america for a few gens thinking he/she is way better than the person thats fresh in with a green card. or black folks like you said above doing that same thing, being from a little higher class , having a few more pennies thinking they're better than the lower folks. that is stemmed from white racism and the system the elite whites setup. always have a buffer class. always have someone between the haves and have nots. to keep the pitchforks to a minimum when the people start realizing that their money is being stolen from them and most of it is going to the top. those elites need a buffer to keep us at bay. if they keep us fighting one another. we will never fight them as a complete unit of people.
poor white italian, irish men were told by rich elite whites "you know you shouldnt be in a union with those know you're better than them right? you're basically white like us elite."
buffer class of poorer white folks that they first clowned and called monkeys, are now there to protect the rich white elite from all black people.
light skin vs dark skin black folks, a handful of financially successful black folks they allow to be extra successful are there to make the rest of us think all we have to do is comply with what white people want us to be and you too will be as successful as jay Z, oprah, and bill cosby. until one of these people get out line. and they smack them back down.
light latins vs darker latins vs black/afro latins.
we can go on and on.
same song, same story.
the elite trying to keep us from joining forces and riding on them to make them treat us fairly. because that would mean they would have to GIVE UP actual power. not all of it. some of it. they dont want to give up ANY of it. which is why they will say stuff like, they would rather give to charities of their choice than to be taxed the same amounts for the good of other people. they want to KEEP control of ALL the power.