Whatever you want to call it -- "professional class left" or "Professional Managerial Class" is going to ruin Bernie like they did Corbyn/Labour. He has these types in his campaign in his earman i just saw a headline on status coup saying bernie pulls his cenk endorsement, smh, this has to be the sjw part of the left. oh you made a joke as a 20 something year old in a blog post, sorry cant back you now. i dont fukk with this move by bernie, i know theres a larger picture and you shouldnt die on the hill of cenk but still, its typical bullshyt by that portion of the so called left
One thing you hear from Bernie people is that he has an effect on people who would normally be hostile to left politics. They hate the Democrats but like Bernie and it's because they think he cares. This is the class war politics that the establishment HATES and why this new "left" is hedging their bets or concern trolling by "pushing Bernie left"
This "We need bernie to do better, less racist/sexist, we need push him to the left." crap is gonna be part of why he loses.
People love to call Jacobin a Bernie outlet and it is but they were trolling him hard on open borders back in April. Electoral suicide. This is lowkey why 2016 Bernie was underrated as a general election candidate because he had a more hardline stance on immigration and identity politics. And even if I agree with his new immigration stuff I know why it could be toxic in a general election. Whatever this new left wing is, is shyt.
Anyways, this is why it's tough for Bernie right now because there is no coherent "left" and Bernie's old school version of it doesn't fit in 2020 with the fake wokes. Once Bernie is gone, we will have a left movement run by upper middle class millennials running on intersectional socialism, a movement which will be indistinguishable from Human Resource department politics. We're fukked