
May 23, 2012
Warren stans are melting down on Twitter. They couldn't even take one semi negative news cycle.

It's the SAME crew that jumped on team Warren from team Clinton too. This is just how they behave. "It's nothing to do with my's BERNIE'S FAULT!" Clinton did nothing wrong, Warren did nothing wrong, it's that damned Bernie and his supporters. He's so powerful and yet not powerful according to them.


Aug 15, 2014
It's the SAME crew that jumped on team Warren from team Clinton too. This is just how they behave. "It's nothing to do with my's BERNIE'S FAULT!" Clinton did nothing wrong, Warren did nothing wrong, it's that damned Bernie and his supporters. He's so powerful and yet not powerful according to them.
I'm not even tryna flex but they were shytting on us hard when she was breaking through in the polls. Some of them are blaming us except Pete is stealing her soft support in Iowa. College educated whites have moved from Harris to Warren and now Pete.

They thought Liz had Bernie buried back in October. Primary thread was crowning her as the nominee. Now depending on the poll, Bernie is ahead and slowly gaining.

I told them this back in October at her peak in bold -- she and her supporters hadn't dealt with a negative news cycle yet and because a lot of them were acting like it was coronation, I assumed it would go bad. This Liz's first actual competitive race.

It is scarily similar to how Hillary supporters were acting in 2016. Bernie and his brehs can withstand the heat, it's just different over here :jawalrus:

The hardest she has been pressed this entire cycle on anything was by the Breakfast Club..... lol our press is awful

This red carpet treatment that she is getting will end if she gets the nomination. We haven’t seen how she deals with an actual negative cycle yet. Go look at how she almost blew her 2012 senate run when she started getting criticized by the press, was ducking media apperances and was avoiding to meet Natives. It will come up again and she needs to have a better answer for it than the stuttering mess she gave Charlamagne. It's naive as hell to think that this issue has run its course when it almost sinked her in her senate

Bad week may haunt Warren - The Boston Globe
Talking about Warren's Medicare-for-all messaging is an assault? I've talked with Kreole multiple times in here about it just fine. Bernie Bros aren't the only people in American who are talking about it. It's a serious life or death issue that people want clarity on.

Its okay for cable news and big time columnists to dunk on Bernie everyday and say supporting Bernie over Warren is sexist

But as soon as an anonymous forum poster or some random YouTuber talks about Warren's message on health care, foreign policy or something else its you all must stop attacking "Warren's record”. I'm obviously for Bernie and against Biden but both of them have withstood multiple, long winded negative news cycles. Warren hasn't been through one since the DNA test. This public teacher shyt barely registered and the N.A. stuff won't get brought up unless she makes the general.

If you think a candidate or anyone else shouldn't be questioned on things because it'll re-elect Trump then you'll be in for a surprise when the Republican machine digs up something that tanks them in the general because we were too scared to talk about it. This reeks of Kamala's campaign shouting how dare you when anyone mentioned her criminal justice record because she was gaining in the polls and everybody was "this helps Trump" :damn: but thankfully she got got. You better acknowledge or deal with this stuff now.

Some of her supporters trying to deflect from criticism are echoing those used in 2016.[


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
Intervention definitely doesn't either because it comes along with civilian casualties. :francis:
Besides plan yoga and Hindu conferences with fellow Hindus Tulsi hasn't supported Hindu extremists either. And newsflash :India is our ally in the region she isn't doing anything past presidents haven't done. It's a weak point to make.
Let Iraqis solve Iraq's problems. Unless you believe in American exceptionalism or something ?You wouldn't want a foreign nation coming into the US trying to solve a humanitarian problem would you?
:mindblown: y'all are 1 trick ponies...who in this conversation is advocating for military's almost like you guys don't understand there are multiple ways to affect the quality of life of a foreign population

"let Iraqis solve Iraq's problems" is exactly what I would expect from someone not concerned with the material reality of average Iraqis

If your politics stops at your borders you are a nationalist. You can't be an anti-imperialist nationalist :heh:

Upgrade your politics.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
:mindblown: y'all are 1 trick ponies...who in this conversation is advocating for military's almost like you guys don't understand there are multiple ways to affect the quality of life of a foreign population

"let Iraqis solve Iraq's problems" is exactly what I would expect from someone not concerned with the material reality of average Iraqis

If your politics stops at your borders you are a nationalist. You can't be an anti-imperialist nationalist :heh:

Upgrade your politics.
So you are saying you would welcome another nation into the US to solve our immigration or police brutality or human trafficking problems (all humanitarian US problems)?
bro get that hindu nationalist and genocidal maniac out of here :stopitslime:

Pulling out of a region and creating a power vacuum and "ending war adventures" sounds good until you realize that that's just another way to empower dictators and authoritarians

What is she talking about in regards to the citizens and cultural upheaval? Anyone can end a war. How are you going to show love to the people?
We started our conversation with me quoting this shyt right here. Tulsi is talking about the military. You are now moving the goal posts to what talking about NGOs, the Peace Corp, the United Nations?!
You were advocating for military intervention if you are criticizing Tulsi because that's what she is talking about ending not anything else. lol Yer not slick B.


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
So you are saying you would welcome another nation into the US to solve our immigration or police brutality or human trafficking problems (all humanitarian US problems)?

1 trick pony shyt again.....why would I, a socialist, welcome another white supremacist country into the US?

Do you understand who you are talking to?

We started our conversation with me quoting this shyt right here. Tulsi is talking about the military. You are now moving the goal posts to what talking about NGOs, the Peace Corp, the United Nations?!
You were advocating for military intervention if you are criticizing Tulsi because that's what she is talking about ending not anything else. lol Yer not slick B.
Like I said update your politics. The goal of ending military intervention is not to ONLY end military intervention. I've explained this for 3 posts now. If you are anti-intervention and not anti-imperialist then you do not understand the causes of military intervention and you actually do not care about the PEOPLE being affected by military intervention.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
1 trick pony shyt again.....why would I, a socialist, welcome another white supremacist country into the US?

Do you understand who you are talking to?

Like I said update your politics. The goal of ending military intervention is not to ONLY end military intervention. I've explained this for 3 posts now. If you are anti-intervention and not anti-imperialist then you do not understand the causes of military intervention and you actually do not care about the PEOPLE being affected by military intervention.
I said a white nation? I didn't, but you assumed that's what I meant or that's the only scenario you are willing to consider? Check yourself B, you seem to believe in some type of exceptionalism that may not be about countries but uh something else. :mjpls:
My politics are fine thanks for the recommendation tho. I think they are one in the same otherwise what are we talking about? Trade deals? NGOs, the UN? You aren't being specific enough what you mean. I asked this one post ago. :mjgrin:


IC veteran
Staff member
May 1, 2012
Gaithersburg, MD via Queens/LI
I said a white nation? I didn't, but you assumed that's what I meant or that's the only scenario you are willing to consider?
Check yourself B, you seem to believe in some type of exceptionalism that may not be about countries but uh something else. :mjpls:
My politics are fine thanks for the recommendation tho. I think they are one in the same otherwise what are we talking about? Trade deals? NGOs, the UN? You aren't being specific enough what you mean. I asked this one post ago. :mjgrin:
At this point you're pretty much confirming you're an alt right disinformation alias.

There are no countries capable of amassing any type of humanitarian effort on that scale that are not white supermacists. Secondly, and you should know this, the UN already does these type of missions in the US: US halts cooperation with UN on potential human rights violations

Secondly, to the bolded, you wouldn't be asking these questions if you were reading my critiques instead of ego posting.

There is a word for people who are anti-imperialist, and anti-capitalist and Tulsi dodged that with the quickness. Basura.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
At this point you're pretty much confirming you're an alt right disinformation alias.

There are no countries capable of amassing any type of humanitarian effort on that scale that are not white supermacists. Secondly, and you should know this, the UN already does these type of missions in the US: US halts cooperation with UN on potential human rights violations

Secondly, to the bolded, you wouldn't be asking these questions if you were reading my critiques instead of ego posting.

There is a word for people who are anti-imperialist, and anti-capitalist and Tulsi dodged that with the quickness. Basura.
Hmmm . . . there is a country with the second largest population in the world and our biggest trading foe and has the second largest military in the world as well that isn't white. I guess you don't know about it or figure they are incapable but I'll let you tell it. :mjlol: But I'm the disinformation alias?
Just wow, again check yourself and your glorifying of white people/nations.:snoop:
I'm just checking your misinformation campaign against Tulsi. :francis:
And the last part again if you provided specifics and not just innuendo could be disputed but you didn't. So I guess we are done unless you need the last word? :mjgrin:


Aug 15, 2014
lol Warren stans think she can compete with Trump and now she had one semi negative cycle and theyre freaking out and blaming bernie. you should be thanking bernie if anything, if warren never got tested in the primary she has no chance in the general.
and reporters are sitting on the Native stuff cause they're waiting to see if she makes the general. Our media is disgusting and they will smear her with it when Trump and the RNC try to set the narrative.

Two weeks ago no one knew who bootyieg is now he's leading early states lmao. What kind of ruse is this shyt?
He's a media creation and connected with the right billionaire donors that have connections to boost him. He also has the Kennedy gimmick going so people like that. It's not a coincidence that he's gaining with 50 and older voters that watch cable news. CNN/MSNBC talk about him for multiple segments a day about how great he is and how he's surging in early states cause he's not a socialist and people want moderation

This article back in April did not get enough heat. When Pete was polling at like 2% he was in NYC for dinners with party donors about "unity" and "what to do about bernie" Why is somebody who no one knows about at dinners like this?

The matter of What To Do About Bernie and the larger imperative of party unity has, for example, hovered over a series of previously undisclosed Democratic dinners in New York and Washington organized by the longtime party financier Bernard Schwartz. The gatherings have included scores from the moderate or center-left wing of the party, including Speaker Nancy Pelosi of California; Senator Chuck Schumer of New York, the minority leader; former Gov. Terry McAuliffe of Virginia; Mayor Pete Buttigieg of South Bend, Ind., himself a presidential candidate; and the president of the Center for American Progress, Neera Tanden.
‘Stop Sanders’ Democrats Are Agonizing Over His Momentum

I think the goal is stop Bernie from winning Iowa/NH so then Biden can go on to win Nevada/South Carolina and dominate Super Tuesday.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
Two weeks ago no one knew who bootyieg is now he's leading early states lmao. What kind of ruse is this shyt?
He dumped a shytload of money in Iowa and Warren is sinking fast, I guess he is picking up her white college educated base. I doubt it lasts.


Jun 6, 2012
New York
and reporters are sitting on the Native stuff cause they're waiting to see if she makes the general. Our media is disgusting and they will smear her with it when Trump and the RNC try to set the narrative.

He's a media creation and connected with the right billionaire donors that have connections to boost him. He also has the Kennedy gimmick going so people like that. It's not a coincidence that he's gaining with 50 and older voters that watch cable news. CNN/MSNBC talk about him for multiple segments a day about how great he is and how he's surging in early states cause he's not a socialist and people want moderation

This article back in April did not get enough heat. When Pete was polling at like 2% he was in NYC for dinners with party donors about "unity" and "what to do about bernie" Why is somebody who no one knows about at dinners like this?

I think the goal is stop Bernie from winning Iowa/NH so then Biden can go on to win Nevada/South Carolina and dominate Super Tuesday.
Good point about the media and the meeting. He is the mayor of a college town who got 8000 people to vote for him to win. But is now elevated to being in that room with Democratic leadership just means he is handpicked by some powerful people.