Pretty funny video about a panel of non-descript Black people talking about the candidates. Bernie comment is funny;
"The man right there!"
"He gonna walk it like he talk it."

and reporters are sitting on the Native stuff cause they're waiting to see if she makes the general. Our media is disgusting and they will smear her with it when Trump and the RNC try to set the narrative.
He's a media creation and connected with the right billionaire donors that have connections to boost him. He also has the Kennedy gimmick going so people like that. It's not a coincidence that he's gaining with 50 and older voters that watch cable news. CNN/MSNBC talk about him for multiple segments a day about how great he is and how he's surging in early states cause he's not a socialist and people want moderation
This article back in April did not get enough heat. When Pete was polling at like 2% he was in NYC for dinners with party donors about "unity" and "what to do about bernie" Why is somebody who no one knows about at dinners like this?
I think the goal is stop Bernie from winning Iowa/NH so then Biden can go on to win Nevada/South Carolina and dominate Super Tuesday.
Bernie is good in Nevada but Biden is up 10 in the averages. I am of the belief that Biden will crater after he loses NH/Iowa but I need to see it happen first. There isn't a national primary but he's been formidable in national polling. If you check the Morning Consult second choice data, Bernie is Biden voters second choice.those early states after nh/iowa (although bernie isnt bad in nevada right?) are going to keep biden afloat when if it was more dispersed it would be different. he has to anyway if he has any shot of winning but he has to win cali and its an early state too compared to recently it being late. so just winning that would basically level off biden dominating super tuesday and then from there i like bernies chances
There's no way we can switch +55 Biden voters because they only get their political news from MSNBC. There's 0 chance of me getting the old people in my family to youtube the Majority Report on a regular basis.Moms is Biden 1, Bernie 2. It’s lowkey annoying lol. She had previously told me she was riding with Bernie. But she watches a lot of MSNBC and it seems like she’s switched up.
That’s basically it.There's no way we can switch +55 Biden voters because they only get their political news from MSNBC. There's 0 chance of me getting the old people in my family to youtube the Majority Report on a regular basis.