lmao goat
Bullshyt.False it drowns out minority interest, groups such as Iowa farmers and Ohio factory workers would be ignored in favor of pandering to metropolitan areas with higher population densities, leaving rural areas and small towns marginalized.
I doubt the union wouldn't last long.
Bernie biggest issue is that he's at 100% name recognition and isn't the clear frontrunner. I don't know what room he has to grow, electorally. Same issue with Biden. They're both pretty much at their ceiling, poll wise, unless other candidates start dropping out.What's also incredible is how Buttjoke and O'Rourke surged ahead massively in terms of single day/week campaign financing early on but have plateaued since. O'Rourke especially is just pitiful. But Buttjoke has a lot of hush hush money that he's taken and he still can barely crack 5% on any reputable polling.
People are vastly underestimating Sanders capacity to kick his campaign into another gear once we get closer to October/November. He's maintained a strong financial base which, like his popularity floor, isn't going to go away or vaporize because the powers that be decide to shift their chips on to somebody else.
Really the biggest threat right now is Steyer basically using his campaign as a dummy to dump money into whoever is around Bernie in finances in order to give them an advantage. Though as is pointed out, Biden's burning through cash so quickly basically because he's had to spend his entire campaign putting out fires and telling people "no I'm Obama's cool friend, remember, not the racist grandpa". Another signal that he's teetering on the edge of just total collapse at any moment. So it'll probably be Harris who gets the majority of dark money.
Bernie biggest issue is that he's at 100% name recognition and isn't the clear frontrunner. I don't know what room he has to grow, electorally. Same issue with Biden. They're both pretty much at their ceiling, poll wise, unless other candidates start dropping out.
Polls are not results, just sayin' . . .Im pretty surprised that bernie isnt as successful this time around
Hes polished his message a little and has gotten a bit sharper on foreign policy but its starting to seem like he was really capitalizing on hillary's unfavorables more than i thought he was in 2016
Last time they didn't consider him a threat. Now they realize he's serious, so the entire establishment and their whores in the media are doing everything they can to shut him down.Im pretty surprised that bernie isnt as successful this time around