I had more fun with bf3 but I played bc2 a lot longer. I will say this the destructible environments in bc2>>>>>>>bf3
I think their was a ton of variety in terms of maps in BC2. You had artic, desert, and jungle urban warfare type settings. BF3 maps all look the same imo. I can't tell the difference between Metro/Siene or Kharg/Noshir half the times. Plus, sniping was way smoother in BC2. When is CQ dropping for non premium members? And how are the maps? Big? Medium? Small? COD like?
I think their was a ton of variety in terms of maps in BC2. You had artic, desert, and jungle urban warfare type settings. BF3 maps all look the same imo. I can't tell the difference between Metro/Siene or Kharg/Noshir half the times. Plus, sniping was way smoother in BC2. When is CQ dropping for non premium members? And how are the maps? Big? Medium? Small? COD like?
I think their was a ton of variety in terms of maps in BC2. You had artic, desert, and jungle urban warfare type settings. BF3 maps all look the same imo. I can't tell the difference between Metro/Siene or Kharg/Noshir half the times. Plus, sniping was way smoother in BC2. When is CQ dropping for non premium members? And how are the maps? Big? Medium? Small? COD like?
not only that, wtf was ea thinking? how you going add a bunch a stupid ass shyt like laser, flashlights, suppression blur and a whole lot glare. come on, let just add a bunch a shyt to annoy players aiming. what kind of train of thought is that. lets not give players the ability to customize their loadout when not in-game.i swear cats that think bf3 is piff, more than likely never played the previous battlefield.
I put so much time into BC2 its crazy...then I put a ton of time into the Vietnam map pack. That was the most balanced shooter I ever played..and the maps were dope. BF3 is good but BC2 was another level with it.
The environments may looks similar but after playing regularly you'll know the difference between them easily.
And the CQC maps are perfect size for TDM. I never play TDM on the other maps, and when I occasionally did with a friend, it would just feel off. With these, it feels perfectly fine.
Squad TDM is great here as well.