Barry aint thinking about no Felicity brehs...just finished the episode online......
Ollie is a pimp...
The nyssa Kiss...
The felicity secret tell...
This whole Episode:
I know all the girls are fukking fine as hell though but Felicity. mang. Ollie is a dog, and he knows he is, dont get mad when barry flashes back into town wtih your sidekick smiling all wild. I'm gonna be likeHey you snooze you loose.
sara isnt the true black canary tho so there's a lot of leeway with her character
This, Lance knows, he'll admit it to Ollie on his deathbed (which I hope foes not happen anytime soon)I'm pretty much convinced Lance knows Ollie is Arrow. There's no way the writers, who been brilliant, write Lance being completely clueless of this. The kicker is from something completely unrelated. When Felicity with ease concluded that Thea is Malcolm Merlyn's daughter just by adding two and two together, there is without a DOUBT that the writers are smart enough to imply that Lance, who made his career as a detective, whom INITIALLY figured it out who Ollie really was by EPISODE THREE, that now he's suddenly have no clue. There's no way that could be possible. He knows his own daughter is Black Canary, he knows that both her and Ollie were from the island and survived, he knows Felicity works closely to BOTH Arrow and Ollie. HE KNOWS! I'll will never forgive the writers if they pull a TDKR and have Lance not know like Gordon didn't know. I'm willing to assume that Lance just doesn't care and is playing along similar to how Lucius Fox done with Bruce just to give him an out if ever accused. Especially since his working relationship with Arrow costed him his job as detective. I truly think both him and Ollie know, but at this point it doesn't matter.
Just a thought.
Why not? Laurel already displayed she has the skills to kick the crap out of people in various episodes, she just needs some fine tuningTrue but following the formula of CW's wiritng there wont be ANOTHER Black Canary...per se "Dinah" aka Laurel.
Why not? Laurel already displayed she has the skills to kick the crap out of people in various episodes, she just needs some fine tuning
nah i dont see that....the fact that they had her beating up grown men in the first season doesnt make me think she's just the "damsel in distress"....the writers already said she could become black canary at some point anyway, plus the black canary version they're using now is nothing like the one in the makes no sense to have sara as the lone black canary with how she is now, she'd have to be a lot different in the futureHe character is more of a moral element of the show than anything else ...she can't die or be anything else other than what she is.
nah i dont see that....the fact that they had her beating up grown men in the first season doesnt make me think she's just the "damsel in distress"....the writers already said she could become black canary at some point anyway, plus the black canary version they're using now is nothing like the one in the makes no sense to have sara as the lone black canary with how she is now, she'd have to be a lot different in the future
to get you to come back to the league?
to get me to come back to her
.. oh![]()
can someone explain to me why the fukk Felicity confronted Moira in the first place?
Nyssa is the baddest woman to grace this show.
I hate Sara's chin.
It seems weird seeing Ollie blatantly tell someone "I need you"
Ollie saying the above, Nyssa kidnapping moms cause she misses it, Sara p*ssy must secrete cocaine and ecstasy.
:ohh: she looks good in that outfit, though.
It's also weird seeing Detective Lance be the one cooking all the time. lol *realizes he was always the one to cook all the time* never mind.
Felicity is beautiful. Sorry, I just have this thing for women crying.
but did she HAVE to tell him right then!?
this FIGHT Scene!!!!!! I swear Nyssa had a blur behind her!
Oliver Queen: Scum of the Earth. fukking ridiculous. Moira didn't deserve that shyt.
Look. At first I was likeat Laurel's reaction, till I remembered I was JUST trying to understand why Laurel called her a bytch for no reason during the flashback, when all Sara was trying to do was warn her. Sara's the "pretty" sister that gets all the boys. Laurel's the "smart" sister. That's their dynamic. Laurel is/was jealous of Sara. Her leaving with Ollie pretty much sealed that.
the quality of this show, man.... I don't even have the words for it.