Dope season. Im ashamed to admit this is one of my favorite scifi shows. The concept and world isnt ideal but hella intresting. There is so much grittiness despite the futuristic veneer.
Mackie did a fine job imo. I mean people nitpick as if Tak has a ton of physically emotive traits outside of being stoic. Mackie pulled off the ninja aura well along with the strong yet tender moments with quell.
My only nitpick was despite Angie and her world's shenanigans, the world didnt feel as alive and futuristic as season 1. Im rewatching it now but scenes like the museum, the augmented people, the underground fight club with ortega, the floating fight etc, season 1 did a better job on leaning into their setting because it has tons of intresting stuff. I give credit to S2 for getting to the meat of the story with the quell, elders and the protectorate
But damn I wanna fukk Quell
Envoys take what is offered right?