Dallas' 4 Eva
Should have just watched the recap, homie.
Hell yeah this season aint got SHIIIT to do with season 1.
Should have just watched the recap, homie.
The Envoy(s) seem like the most overrated fighters, because Kovacs stay getting his ass beat.
Yes. I watched season 1. Even so, I'm on Episode 4 now and the technology is still confusing me. Anyone who skipped season 1 would be hopelessly lost.New to this. Do I need to watch season 1 first?
The elders are the fossilized angel aliens they have hanging on the wall as decoration.I'm on episode 3 I'm digging it...just have a question of who the elders are or why they haven't met any aliens yet...
The Envoy(s) seem like the most overrated fighters, because Kovacs stay getting his ass beat.
You think he’s struggling? I can’t say I agree. It’s not an Emmy winning performance but I don’t see what’s so bad. I’ll be frank— I just don’t think people are used to having a black man in a role like this. People keep acting like Kinnaman did something special. He was just tall, blonde, and white.
Nonsense. Kinnaman was crap in Robocop and Suicide Squad. I bet you that before season 1 no one on here would stan a film that he appeared in because he is a bad actor.
But that sense of detachment that ruins his acting actually works in his favour in a role like this. That unsaid arrogance and tongue in cheek slightly-self and situation deprecating humour helps the viewer rationalise away the more absurd parts of season 1. It portrays the sense that the narrative shouldn't be taken too seriously as that covers a multitude of sins.
Check the british like humour. Check the arrogance. Bad actor but like Keanu it suits these robotic killer type roles.
Mackie is unable to do any of that. I have been through this sort of stuff with brehs on here before who view actors in terms of names and personalities rather than the subtlety that they are able to portray on film and how that fits with the broader narrative.
This actor at the continental reception may not be the best actor in the world but he was one of the best actors in the world for this rol. Like the Taxi driver in Pulp Fiction what is said is less important that the non-verbal communication.
Mackie cannot do that and those kinds of roles are not for him.
Sorry I offended your boyfriend.
I just finished it.
i liked it but didn't love it. I thought Mackie got his ass kicked a bit too much. Didn't seem like he was that much of a bad ass tbh. It wasn't "Finn" territory though.
Conversely, I liked the love interest chick. She was a bad ass.
With Simone, whether in Luke Cage or in this show, she does well with what they give her but I'm not sure if she is simply being typecast as the sassy black girl role in everything or whether she simply lacks the range to ever be the love interest or main villain(ness). She stays being the 3rd most important female with an "aight" subplot.
Conversely, I understand why some say Poe carried the season. I thought he was awesome. Now that was a great subplot and he brought real emotion and angst. Every time he let nas down, you knew that shyt cut him deep.
The fight scenes were ok. The ending was meh but I thought the plot was cool and it was well acted; everyone took it seriously, so it kept me invested.
Without his upgraded sleeve he ain't shyt.
His birth sleeve was upgraded though. When he was being awakened in VR and told about being double sleeved, Jaeger/Carrera mentioned that it had been enhanced.It's funny that they showed off his "magnetic gun hands" upgrade, but he never really go to use it at all.
When he fought the
they were evenly matched physically.Non-upgraded version of his original sleeve
OK, I missed that.His birth sleeve was upgraded though. When he was being awakened in VR and told about being double sleeved, Jaeger/Carrera mentioned that it had been enhanced.