I just finished it.
i liked it but didn't love it. I thought Mackie got his ass kicked a bit too much. Didn't seem like he was that much of a bad ass tbh. It wasn't "Finn" territory though.
Conversely, I liked the love interest chick. She was a bad ass.
With Simone, whether in Luke Cage or in this show, she does well with what they give her but I'm not sure if she is simply being typecast as the sassy black girl role in everything or whether she simply lacks the range to ever be the love interest or main villain(ness). She stays being the 3rd most important female with an "aight" subplot.
Conversely, I understand why some say Poe carried the season. I thought he was awesome. Now that was a great subplot and he brought real emotion and angst. Every time he let nas down, you knew that shyt cut him deep.
The fight scenes were ok. The ending was meh but I thought the plot was cool and it was well acted; everyone took it seriously, so it kept me invested.