official AI songs thread / cloned AI vocals can be used to make final songs from someone else's demo version

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
I appreciate your realness. To keep it a 100 what I've been talking about on here so far is only really skimming the surface my concept. Let me ask you something:

If I could give you a detailed insight into the character you're playing in the Game using nothing but the exact time, date and location where you took your first breath would that make you question the nature of reality itself? Like by what sort of metric could that be possible? What are the implications if correct?

PM the details mentioned if you want to put my concept to the test because I stand behind it.

In general I'd agree due to how Soulless it is but morbid curiosity makes you check. For me its the philosophical implications of tech and the nature of convincing illusions that we may, on a larger, more ancient scale, find ourselves within. As above, so below. That much is evident as is the fact that carbon based man is soon to be augmented with silicon hence the subtle programming of Siri being Iris but flipped as the apple of eye will be bitten again when subdermal implants of tech kick in:


Think different indeed... As well as action.

Bro none of that shyt will make me question reality. Not in the way you speaking of. I can and have had out of body experiences and been in the astral world so I’ve literally been in different realities or whatever you wanna call it. And humans have abstract thought, so it’s natural at some point for most people to question reality. The issue is when nikkas think they got a gameplan, map, cracked the code, opened the veil, or whatever terminology you wanna use. This an existence with no definitive answers. Any person, book, etc… which such a confident theory on existence, I never agree. nikkas can only surmise. nikkas been having aha moments since the beginning of time and still die confused


Jan 1, 2018
@Double Burger With Cheese - Then you know what of I'm speaking. I've never said I've found the Truth with a capital T, just that I'm looking for it. Actually this is a deeper concept I'll be getting into in a bit because people are here in the Game for 4 main reasons:

Get laid.
Get paid.
Make the world a better place.

As you can guess the vast majority are jumping over the first two fences, again and again. Every now and then we get someone stepping up as the third challenger (like Tesla for example) as they're playing the Game on a higher frequency and want to change the wavelength for the rest. The last one is that which we all will, at some point, have to face because without Knowledge of Self you're stuck in the Game using its concepts and frames of reference. My aim is transcendence. The rest of what I speak is simply side effects of this intent and the actions it begets as well as lacing those who may be wondering as they're inspired to think outside of the box they didn't know their mind was in.

Questioning reality or not you're welcome to put my script check to the test. What I see will be private and won't be mentioned outside of our conversation or ever referenced in public. Matter of fact I'd send it off site via email so it won't be snooped by staff checking or anyone else. Put my concept to the test.

I'm certain you'll find it eye opening as it raises questions about life from the fundamental level as it provides direct evidence reality is scripted. That in itself has immense implications and just adds credence to the Game we're playing using our Souls as credits...


Sorry, that's another B
Feb 12, 2017

Really feeling this one

NGL if this shyt was on DSP's I'd def be bumping this in the car.

Thoughts ?