Suns trading for Beal is one of the worst moves in NBA history. Ishbia came through and wanted to make splashes. Problem is everybody knew that "Big 3" experiment wasn't going to work, what makes it worse is you can't even dump Beal without his approval. I blame bad management rather than Beal because you don't trade for a guy like that making that type of money with a NTC.
Not only everything you just said....
You also don't trade for someone who is used to losing. That's literally the only thing that nikka has known since he arrived in the NBA, and he's been paid VERY handsomely to lose.
When you get too familiar with a bad situation for too long, it becomes normalized. That desire for "something better" isn't always gonna be there. Some folks cool where they're at doing them. Not everyone has that "I HAVE TO WIN AT ALL COSTS" type of competitive energy like KD, LeBron, Steph, etc.
It's also why some folks don't bother to seek better in relationships even if they probably could if they tried. The toxic environmental is normalized. Sometimes folks need therapists before they even can accept it.
Study humans long enough and they become very predictable. Doesn't matter the medium. Work. Relationships. And sports.