Bold ideas excite people. Democratic voters need to be electrified to come out to the polls, they're not like Republicans who vote consistently no matter what.
Bold ideas excite people. Democratic voters need to be electrified to come out to the polls, they're not like Republicans who vote consistently no matter what.
like if we stop threatening nukes, russia will stop threatening them as wellIts not just America that moves like this . Go talk that shyt to a general in India about talking first strike off the table and he’d laugh at you.The only reason India and Pakistan are not throwing hands right now is because of the threat of nukes .
China and India got tension but they don’t do shyt because they both got them thangs.
If India didn’t have the threat of nukes China would be bullying them just like they damn near everyone else in the region
That shyt is a deterrent and you don’t take that off the table at all. It’s some rainbows and sunshine shyt to think anything else .
That’s a weakness and Warren would get ate up in a national security debate if she said some shyt like that
Warren styled on nikkas like her name was Furious per usual.
Bernie came out the gate hot with his wildcat offense but after halftime when the defense came out in the reparations formation Bernie lost a step and never recovered.
Marianne continues to win new fans and Anderson interviewing her now sucking up.
Bootyjudge had a hot line or two. Beto didn’t flop like last time.
Everybody else needs to drop out.
The point is your and your neighbor greeting each other with pistols every morning isn’t actual peace and arguably only increases the chance for shyt actually popping off because y’all waving guns at each other every day anyway.Its not just America that moves like this . Go talk that shyt to a general in India about taking first strike off the table and he’d laugh at you.The only reason India and Pakistan are not throwing hands right now is because of the threat of nukes .
China and India got tension but they don’t do shyt because they both got them thangs.
If India didn’t have the threat of nukes China would be bullying them just like they damn near everyone else in the region
That shyt is a deterrent and you don’t take that off the table at all. It’s some rainbows and sunshine shyt to think anything else .
That’s a weakness and Warren would get ate up in a national security debate if she said some shyt like that
Are you really under the opinion that Pakistan or NK or Iran is going to nuke America if it pledges to not nuke first? What behavioral logic model is that? They would still be facing eradication if they strike. You're confusing her stance with taking second-strike off the table, which is the real principle behind M.A.D. Taking Liz's stance would actually reduce international tensions and ensures a lasting peace by making disarmament a viable option. If I have a psychotic neighbour who has shot someone in my neighborhood before and refuses to promise not to shoot up my house, am I more or less likely to acquire weapons myself? Now if I know that they will never use their weapon first, am I more or less likely to acquire a weapon?a forced stalemate IS peacethis peace love and harmony shyt is not real. never was, never will be. the only people who think otherwise either got shortchanged in history classes or are not trying to acknowledge the inherent violence, opportunism, and overall ambivalence the world as a whole has for prolonged conflicts between leading militaries
"if you attack our neighbor, we will nuke you"this is called peace whether people want to admit it or not. overwhelming threat of force is the greatest deterrent in history and the nuclear threat is the greatest ever made
because of nuclear weapons, every standing military in the world is held hostage by the possibility of nuclear annihilation of all parties. that's not some beautiful hand holding shyt, but it is what's kept the world away from conventional warfare from the nation heavyweights
people have no idea how good they got it living in this era...
No one has said that. I just don't believe it helps Black people that much. This is for whites on average, lets just be clear. Is this big for Blacks, especially college educated ones on average, heck yeah!The people talking that student loan debt only effect whites must be in their late 30s and 40s .
No way y’all kicking it with nikkas in my age group talking that .
Sound kind of detached and out of touch
you think people didn't threaten each other before? or throughout literally all of human history?The point is your and your neighbor greeting each other with pistols every morning isn’t actual peace and arguably only increases the chance for shyt actually popping off because y’all waving guns at each other every day anyway.
like if we stop threatening nukes, russia will stop threatening them as well
like if we take it off the table, iran will halt its program
its naive straight up. the nuclear deterrent means the stakes of war or so high that no one can commit fully - and its worked well that an entire generation has forgotten what linked up artillery fire and days of non stop bombing does to a major country.... its such a fukking powerful tool that we don't even see navies going at it anymore.
a lot of these posters are out of touch. You can tell they haven't been around the mid to late 20's crowd, even early 30's crowd of Black folks that are in no position to set themselves up for the future with a house because they are crippled with student loan debt. But hey, some whites are going to benefit so lets just forget about it.
The people talking that student loan debt only effect whites must be in their late 30s and 40s .
No way y’all kicking it with nikkas in my age group talking that .
Sound kind of detached and out of touch
If forgiving debt bumps up credit scores so there can be more black homeowners that could be beneficial. I haven't really looked into these debt forgiveness plans as much as others though.Let me be very clear, I'm not necessarily opposed to student loan debt forgiveness (even though I don't have any student loan debt)
The idea I'm challenging is that it is more beneficial for black people than white people, cause it's simply not true. I'm not going to fall for the trap that paints it out as a huge victory for black people like white people won't see more benefit. There are some of us that will absolutely benefit from such a program, but it's not gonna flip the economic gap that exists.
Oh I feel youLet me be very clear, I'm not necessarily opposed to student loan debt forgiveness (even though I don't have any student loan debt)
The idea I'm challenging is that it is more beneficial for black people than white people, cause it's simply not true. I'm not going to fall for the trap that paints it out as a huge victory for black people like white people won't see more benefit. There are some of us that will absolutely benefit from such a program, but it's not gonna flip the economic gap that exists.
There's no real change in the behavioural logic for Iran in this circumstance. They would still get blown to smithereens if they dropped a nuclear bomb on Iran. Again, y'all are confusing first (preemptive) strike for second (retaliatory) strike.Iran would hear that shyt ,kick their program into overdrive and would gladly try to blow Israel off the fukkin map.
Netanyahu would be on Fox News cutting all types of promos against Warren