wtf good is a second strikeAre you really under the opinion that Pakistan or NK or Iran is going to nuke America if it pledges to not nuke first? What behavioral logic model is that? They would still be facing eradication if they strike. You're confusing her stance with taking second-strike off the table, which is the real principle behind M.A.D. Taking Liz's stance would actually reduce international tensions and ensures a lasting peace by making disarmament a viable option. If I have a psychotic neighbour who has shot someone in my neighborhood before and refuses to promise not to shoot up my house, am I more or less likely to acquire weapons myself? Now if I know that they will never use their weapon first, am I more or less likely to acquire a weapon?
and NK/Iran/Pakistan/Etc gonna grow their programs whether we disarm or not. you really think us saying we're gonna chill is make them NOT continue their weapons development?
we're not the center of the world either. Iran got nukes anyone, NK got em for south korea and japan, and pakistan been waiting for india to slip for generations
her viewpoint is from an EXTREMELY narrow and coddled perspective