Ehh your going to say that it’ was all incels ??? I’m a person who reads Gb message boards and looks at websites they didn’t want a male reboot either . They wanted at the least closure of the og cast while they was alive especially with Murray being the only hold out for years . And if your going to try and ignore a good portion of the fan base your going to have to make a good movie which is why casino royale works and 21 jump street as opposed to the ghostbusters
No I didn’t say it was all. I said those were the loudest ones. And the loudest ones are the people who get the attention and rightly or wrongly, determine what the arguments are focused on and set the terms for the debate. So anyone on a forum or a fan who didn’t feel that way is unfairly lumped in.
And while we’re talking casino royale, if they listened to the fans that movie would’ve never been made. The fans weren’t asking for Brosnan to be replaced. The fans weren’t asking for a grittier tone. The fans weren’t asking for a reboot. And they definitely weren’t asking for Daniel Craig, who was verbally tarred and feathered when he took the role. Was called too ugly for the role and too blonde. But EON kept their heads down and did the work. And when they did speak out, it was against the loudest people. Just like Star Wars and just like ghostbusters.
So when these producers or creators are responding in the media, they’re responding to the ignorant people. No reason to be offended by it if you’re not one of those people. Like I said, it’s not fair, but the bad apples set the rules of engagement and often ruin the whole bunch