Oculus Rift Official Thread (preorders start 1/6/16 $599 Expected to Ship in March)


May 1, 2012
Da Burgh
Truthfully, as some of you that have been on here for a while know, I kinda hate life. Tech is one of the few things in life that brings me joy. That's why I go so hard with it. If it wasn't for tech and music, I probably would have killed myself by now. Real talk...I'm a very depressed and negative person. Tech brings me the little bit of happiness that makes life worth living. Music also soothes my soul. Without those...I dunno. :rip: I guess :yeshrug:
Damn...I had to re-read this to make sure I didn't type it. This is my life


52 Years Young
May 28, 2012
Truthfully, as some of you that have been on here for a while know, I kinda hate life. Tech is one of the few things in life that brings me joy. That's why I go so hard with it. If it wasn't for tech and music, I probably would have killed myself by now. Real talk...I'm a very depressed and negative person. Tech brings me the little bit of happiness that makes life worth living. Music also soothes my soul. Without those...I dunno. :rip: I guess :yeshrug:
Life ain't right
May 8, 2012
The Ghetto of Oz
Truthfully, as some of you that have been on here for a while know, I kinda hate life. Tech is one of the few things in life that brings me joy. That's why I go so hard with it. If it wasn't for tech and music, I probably would have killed myself by now. Real talk...I'm a very depressed and negative person. Tech brings me the little bit of happiness that makes life worth living. Music also soothes my soul. Without those...I dunno. :rip: I guess :yeshrug:

Damn breh

Personally I've lost quite a few family members within the last decade so I know what it's like to be down

I was on this tip for awhile till I realized you really can't buy happiness.. No matter how much you spend.. No matter what you buy.. It's only temporary

You can't smoke or drink away pain either.. Tried that too

I was heavy into writing and creating music for a time.. Which actually did help but I got away from that as I got older/ busier

I've talked to many different people in life and I realize that Everyone is dealing with something..

Different challenges etc

At this point what I realize is .. The only thing you can control in life is the way you respond to stress/ issues

Life is a temporary condition.. We ain't got time to waste being down all the time.

You have to be willing to change your routines.. Do something different.. Switch it up..
Surround yourself with positive people
Maintain positive thoughts

Middle finger to everything else that tries to bring you down..

Negativity is poison..
Don't feed it to yourself
Don't accept it from anyone


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Truthfully, as some of you that have been on here for a while know, I kinda hate life. Tech is one of the few things in life that brings me joy. That's why I go so hard with it. If it wasn't for tech and music, I probably would have killed myself by now. Real talk...I'm a very depressed and negative person. Tech brings me the little bit of happiness that makes life worth living. Music also soothes my soul. Without those...I dunno. :rip: I guess :yeshrug:
Get out of corporate America and start your own business breh. It's a constant source of joy for me. I'm sure you can parlay your knowledge into a lucrative consulting career.
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May 18, 2012
:mjcry: the next level of gaming is upon us. Let us join hands as we step into a new frontier, one of which we may not be completely ready for :mjcry:

Horror games on this shyt :mjcry:

:whoa: I ain't even gonna try that shyt. That's just asking for a heart attack.


Apr 30, 2012
Now who else wanna fukk with Hollywood Court?
Truthfully, as some of you that have been on here for a while know, I kinda hate life. Tech is one of the few things in life that brings me joy. That's why I go so hard with it. If it wasn't for tech and music, I probably would have killed myself by now. Real talk...I'm a very depressed and negative person. Tech brings me the little bit of happiness that makes life worth living. Music also soothes my soul. Without those...I dunno. :rip: I guess :yeshrug:

I'm not on that level, but games provide escapism from this boring ass world. We were born too soon for space travel and too late to explore the unexplored world, so games give us that at least :francis:
May 10, 2012
@Ciggavelli This dude is living your dream

Oculus founder: 'I'll be damned if some random delivery guy will deliver the first Rift.'
One very lucky developer and gamer got the surprise of his life

By Ben Kuchera on Mar 26, 2016 at 4:10p


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Palmer Luckey, founder of Oculus, is trying to get warm. "They have real buildings here in Alaska, I'm glad to report," Luckey told Polygon. He had taken the time to travel to Anchorage two days before the Oculus Rift's official launch to hand-deliver the first retail Oculus to a very surprised buyer named Ross Martin.

It all seems a bit bonkers, but you can watch the video for yourself.

"Last morning I got an e-mail that was very nondescript and low-key, and it just said that 'hey we want to ship your Rift to you on Saturday, we want to deliver it to you, please call us to confirm some details,'" Martin said. He thought it was cool they thought he would get it over the weekend, but assumed everyone who pre-ordered got the same e-mail. When he called the number he was told they would be delivered in person.

"It really didn't sink in, you know, it just felt weird for the first half of the day, and then towards the end of the day it started to become reality. I felt like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. It was amazing. Me? They chose me? I couldn't sleep that night."

For Luckey, this wasn't just a publicity stunt; it was an important part of his journey.

Why this was important
The retail version of the Oculus Rift launches this coming Monday, on March 28. It represents the end of a very long journey on the part of Luckey and, despite the obvious challenges of having the founder of the company out of the office the weekend before launch, he put his foot down about this delivery process.

"This didn't come together until the last second, I've had a bunch of things that I've wanted to do over the years, and I was pretty adamant," Luckey told Polygon. He just didn't give anyone much choice about his trip.


"I said hey guys, I've been working on this since 2009, we've been working on Oculus since 2012, I'll be damned if some random delivery guy is going to get the satisfaction of delivering the first Rift. That's mine." Luckey said. "So I could figure I could take a day out of the launch process and take a quick vacation in Alaska."

The vacation was a short one, however; they shot a quick video of the delivery process and then it was straight back to the airport to catch the flight home.

Hiking through Alaska in the winter wearing flipflops was a mistake

— Palmer Luckey (@PalmerLuckey) March 26, 2016

For his part, Martin didn't have any idea he was the first person to buy the hardware. He woke up early that day and visited some forums and chat rooms for tips, and made sure the page was loaded before the rush. The process went smoothly for him, but he was given no indication of his special place in line.

"I had no idea," he told Polygon. "I knew I was in the March shipping cycle. But there are people online who are comparing order numbers, and I never paid attention to that."

Luckey explained that there were "a few hundred" customers who put their order in at the exact same second. "The checkout process took everybody about the same amount of time, so he won by about a fraction of a second," Luckey said.


Our call was the first time Martin was given that piece of information, and stated he always assumed people gamed these automated ordering systems with bots or programs. "I would never think that someone doing it by hand would be the first," he said, sounding a bit dazed.

The Oculus Rift should begin arriving for the rest of the Kickstarter backers and first customers this Monday. It's unlikely the founder will be delivering any more.