Thanks for making that connection, President Obama. You know who else made this connection? Every mother in America who's lost a son or daughter to the system or the grave. They've all said "if only his father was here"... so it doesn't take a Harvard Law review to make this connection. What did society benefit from this connection Obama has made for us? What do we tangibly take from this speech as a joint society not just in the United States, but in inner cities in Canada as well? In what way was this speech a net positive for anyone on earth other than the speech organizers, the media who covered it, and President Barack Obama?
The more I think deeply about the President and his vague, tepid, and frankly apathetic language towards the utter state of dismay of the African American community, the more I wonder whether he has a single atom of honesty and integrity left in that suit. What kind of man uses the shield of hapless inaction, the straw shield we can barely use in our daily lives with regards to the societal ills we see on a daily basis? Like when you see a homeless man begging for change for instance; you want to help but there really is so much you can tangibly do. What kind of man wields this shield of inaction from the center of global political power? What kind of man wields this shield in the White House, yet doesn't hesitate to swing the sword at citizens without due process? What kind of man sees this shield, built from logical straw, as forged steel, when 50 years ago, a man who's legacy Obama has hijacked and co-opted, needed only to stand INFRONT of, INFRONT of, the halls which Obama is the head of, the halls which they call Obama MR PRESIDENT, he needed to only be INFRONT of them, to preach ACTION, and it is through his undying selfless action and sacrifice this President is afforded the LUXURY of inaction. The only question remaining is whether I should be more ashamed of Obama for being the antithesis of what he pro-ported to be, or more ashamed of myself for ever being deceived by such an obvious facade.
Emotional Chicago Speech indeed.