Obama Ties Broken Families To Gun Violence In Emotional Chicago Speech

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
I would say a decent amount of the time that is the case :yeshrug:

Well, who knows now. Our people came from parts in Africa where villages raised the family. When we were enslaved the slave owners made a conscious effort to destroy the family unit. Then they had broken families, the very thing that teaches how to BE A FAMILY. Then after slavery so often a male was lynched taking the male role model out of the home. This changes the role of the woman of the house, but also changes the example for the daughters and rightfully so, and also again takes the male role model from the male children.

Women learned how to be the man and the woman because they fukcin had to. Daughters learned they can and may have to do it without a man which affects the relationship between them and those same males growing up without male role models.

All this doesnt even mention the stress of life and perhaps udder hopelessness of being 2nd class citizens or viewed and treated as animals by society. Its no fukcin wonder the shyt has spun out of control. Is there an answer for it? I dont know, but to deny that this is the direct result of american culture and policy is dishonest.

How to change the shyt? alleviating the hopelessness would be a start. Then lets work from there.


May 3, 2012
Well, who knows now. Our people came from parts in Africa where villages raised the family. When we were enslaved the slave owners made a conscious effort to destroy the family unit. Then they had broken families, the very thing that teaches how to BE A FAMILY. Then after slavery so often a male was lynched taking the male role model out of the home. This changes the role of the woman of the house, but also changes the example for the daughters and rightfully so, and also again takes the male role model from the male children.

Women learned how to be the man and the woman because they fukcin had to. Daughters learned they can and may have to do it without a man which affects the relationship between them and those same males growing up without male role models.

All this doesnt even mention the stress of life and perhaps udder hopelessness of being 2nd class citizens or viewed and treated as animals by society. Its no fukcin wonder the shyt has spun out of control. Is there an answer for it? I dont know, but to deny that this is the direct result of american culture and policy is dishonest.

How to change the shyt? alleviating the hopelessness would be a start. Then lets work from there.

you make a valid point, and I don't disagree. In the same sense, I think its counterproductive to completely displace the blame for the epidemic of broken families in America (of all races BTW). I don't think you'd deny that individual irresponsibility plays a role.


May 20, 2012
Well, who knows now. Our people came from parts in Africa where villages raised the family. When we were enslaved the slave owners made a conscious effort to destroy the family unit. Then they had broken families, the very thing that teaches how to BE A FAMILY. Then after slavery so often a male was lynched taking the male role model out of the home. This changes the role of the woman of the house, but also changes the example for the daughters and rightfully so, and also again takes the male role model from the male children.

Women learned how to be the man and the woman because they fukcin had to. Daughters learned they can and may have to do it without a man which affects the relationship between them and those same males growing up without male role models.

All this doesnt even mention the stress of life and perhaps udder hopelessness of being 2nd class citizens or viewed and treated as animals by society. Its no fukcin wonder the shyt has spun out of control. Is there an answer for it? I dont know, but to deny that this is the direct result of american culture and policy is dishonest.

How to change the shyt? alleviating the hopelessness would be a start. Then lets work from there.

How come the rise in murder rates is dropping in most other cities like NY, DC, ATL and LA, but only remaining steady in a small number of cities like Chicago, Bmore and Detroit?

I understand all the societal factors but I'm really fed up and it's time we started calling people out.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
How come the rise in murder rates is dropping in most other cities like NY, DC, ATL and LA, but only remaining steady in a small number of cities like Chicago, Bmore and Detroit?

I understand all the societal factors but I'm really fed up and it's time we started calling people out.

Who knows? Gotta research the common factors and the variables they dont have in common.

What I would look at is the difference between Baltimore and DC; two cities extremely close with different trends. My initial GUESS at the difference would be one is the national capital so they try to clean up the mess more.

Look at cities like San Fran and Oakland. Why are they different? What can we do to make Oakland more like San Fran? It comes down to, do you think skin color is causing the problem or is the problem affecting the skin color? If you think its the skin color then there's no way to solve the issue and we may as well nuke the place.

you make a valid point, and I don't disagree. In the same sense, I think its counterproductive to completely displace the blame for the epidemic of broken families in America (of all races BTW). I don't think you'd deny that individual irresponsibility plays a role.

Absolutely. Unlike creating the problem, the solution can only be had at an individual level. And I dont have the #'s in front of me but I do believe the #'s are astronomically higher for blacks than any other race in America. I would have to look at the stats across geographic, socio-economic, religious, (other demographics) etc to see if there are other variables that tend to increase or decrease the problem though.

Reply to both quotes:

What we need is comprehensive solutions. We need accountability and also opportunity. We need to actually address the ills of the past because those past assaults become wounds and scars in the present. We spend like 40K per year to lock a muthafukca up in jail. Imagine if we invest half of that into these people before they get to the jail stage, how could that change their outlook on life? Its worth a fukcin try instead of dropping these multi million dollar bombs on other poor people across the globe how about a multi-million dollar community center? :leon:

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Thanks for making that connection, President Obama. You know who else made this connection? Every mother in America who's lost a son or daughter to the system or the grave. They've all said "if only his father was here"... so it doesn't take a Harvard Law review to make this connection. What did society benefit from this connection Obama has made for us? What do we tangibly take from this speech as a joint society not just in the United States, but in inner cities in Canada as well? In what way was this speech a net positive for anyone on earth other than the speech organizers, the media who covered it, and President Barack Obama?

The more I think deeply about the President and his vague, tepid, and frankly apathetic language towards the utter state of dismay of the African American community, the more I wonder whether he has a single atom of honesty and integrity left in that suit. What kind of man uses the shield of hapless inaction, the straw shield we can barely use in our daily lives with regards to the societal ills we see on a daily basis? Like when you see a homeless man begging for change for instance; you want to help but there really is so much you can tangibly do. What kind of man wields this shield of inaction from the center of global political power? What kind of man wields this shield in the White House, yet doesn't hesitate to swing the sword at citizens without due process? What kind of man sees this shield, built from logical straw, as forged steel, when 50 years ago, a man who's legacy Obama has hijacked and co-opted, needed only to stand INFRONT of, INFRONT of, the halls which Obama is the head of, the halls which they call Obama MR PRESIDENT, he needed to only be INFRONT of them, to preach ACTION, and it is through his undying selfless action and sacrifice this President is afforded the LUXURY of inaction. The only question remaining is whether I should be more ashamed of Obama for being the antithesis of what he pro-ported to be, or more ashamed of myself for ever being deceived by such an obvious facade.

Emotional Chicago Speech indeed.

intilectual recipricol

Killin fake hip hop
Aug 1, 2012
The Brook
Thanks for making that connection, President Obama. You know who else made this connection? Every mother in America who's lost a son or daughter to the system or the grave. They've all said "if only his father was here"... so it doesn't take a Harvard Law review to make this connection. What did society benefit from this connection Obama has made for us? What do we tangibly take from this speech as a joint society not just in the United States, but in inner cities in Canada as well? In what way was this speech a net positive for anyone on earth other than the speech organizers, the media who covered it, and President Barack Obama?

The more I think deeply about the President and his vague, tepid, and frankly apathetic language towards the utter state of dismay of the African American community, the more I wonder whether he has a single atom of honesty and integrity left in that suit. What kind of man uses the shield of hapless inaction, the straw shield we can barely use in our daily lives with regards to the societal ills we see on a daily basis? Like when you see a homeless man begging for change for instance; you want to help but there really is so much you can tangibly do. What kind of man wields this shield of inaction from the center of global political power? What kind of man wields this shield in the White House, yet doesn't hesitate to swing the sword at citizens without due process? What kind of man sees this shield, built from logical straw, as forged steel, when 50 years ago, a man who's legacy Obama has hijacked and co-opted, needed only to stand INFRONT of, INFRONT of, the halls which Obama is the head of, the halls which they call Obama MR PRESIDENT, he needed to only be INFRONT of them, to preach ACTION, and it is through his undying selfless action and sacrifice this President is afforded the LUXURY of inaction. The only question remaining is whether I should be more ashamed of Obama for being the antithesis of what he pro-ported to be, or more ashamed of myself for ever being deceived by such an obvious facade.

Emotional Chicago Speech indeed.
I will say that I agree, except the alternative on the ballads were worse, so no need to feel bad for the vote. And at the end of the day all shyt remains the same, but at least he "makes em mad" :manny:

At this point, friend, its the small things.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
How come the rise in murder rates is dropping in most other cities like NY, DC, ATL and LA, but only remaining steady in a small number of cities like Chicago, Bmore and Detroit?

I understand all the societal factors but I'm really fed up and it's time we started calling people out.

DC and NY are gentrifying, ATL I think has a strong education tradition, and La and other cities have multiple industries to keep people working

But mostly it's education, there was a study done that I posted that said 50% of adults in Detroit are functionally illiterate, I think that explains things


Bandage Hand Steph
May 18, 2012
While I personally thought this was a good speech, this was a lose-lose situation. I think that the things he said are things that he truly believes based on his cumulative experiences as a person and his time as a community organizer as well as Chigaco politian. I don't think the things he said about the violence being cultural are conservative platitudes to him, but his real actual beliefs. Be that for better or worse. But he also spoke of his own experiences honestly, and I appreciated that.

Quite frankly, a few years ago, I would have beaten up Obama for 'talking down' to Black people the same way, I did when Bill Cosby said something similar but you know what I am more inclined to agree with these two as the years go by. Yes, we need to make changes to the drug wars, but Obama doesn't have the power to do all that by himself even if he had a Democratic Congress and he's done quite a bit and in doing so will curb the construction of the industrial prison complex, but that's neither here or there problem in Chicago is two parts economical and cultural and he was right to address that in this particular forum because that can have the most immediate impact in the streets in Chicago and elsewhere.

In other word had Obama talked to much policy, he would have been seen as political pandering and if he spoke from the heart, people would say 'he
s not really one of us' and 'what gives him the right to judge'

Let's be real Obama was walking into a minefield.

I agree that I see no problem with the speech. Also, if Obama was to pull off even half of what he said in that speech it would help tremendously. Free public education, investing & hiring in inner cities, rebuilding low income houses, tax breaks for business that build in inner cities, improving public safety to promote economic growth. (alot of this sounds like gentrification-hopefully it isn't though) :sadcam:

While the reasons & history of this country is the main cause of our people's destruction we have to realize that 'this country' is not going to really try to help 'fix' our problems. It (white America) doesn't care; so Obama & Bill Cosby is right to preach about personal responsibility to us. We are gonna have to be the ones to do it. White folks just aren't going to do it breh. :aicmon:


All Star
Oct 6, 2012
i didnt read the speech, but i agree w/ the general premise. U want to fix the hoods, fix the families.

Black people need to find a way to separate our minds or our trajectory from the one of mainstream america,because broken families use to be a black think from the 70s through today. Now its becoming a national standard. While it was just us, we were lampooned w/ no mercy. Now its accepted and damn near celebrated on national tv. Ud be cruxified for having a b*stard back in the day,now u get a tv show.

last thing we need is mainstream america telling us, is that broken family baby daddy thing is cool, cause it isnt

America has some future. a nation full of white broke drug addicts w/ failing family structuress ,displaced anger AND guns.....if you arent armed, u betta get armed. shyts gonna crack eventually


All Star
Oct 6, 2012
and as far as black salvation, it never has and never will come from the top down...all our progress came from the bottom up. Politics never uplifted us, we uplifted ourselves. Never forget that

Obama isnt doing anything other than upholding a position.


Solid Gold Dashikis
Apr 30, 2012
black love, unity, and music
Thanks for making that connection, President Obama. You know who else made this connection? Every mother in America who's lost a son or daughter to the system or the grave. They've all said "if only his father was here"... so it doesn't take a Harvard Law review to make this connection. What did society benefit from this connection Obama has made for us? What do we tangibly take from this speech as a joint society not just in the United States, but in inner cities in Canada as well? In what way was this speech a net positive for anyone on earth other than the speech organizers, the media who covered it, and President Barack Obama?

The more I think deeply about the President and his vague, tepid, and frankly apathetic language towards the utter state of dismay of the African American community, the more I wonder whether he has a single atom of honesty and integrity left in that suit. What kind of man uses the shield of hapless inaction, the straw shield we can barely use in our daily lives with regards to the societal ills we see on a daily basis? Like when you see a homeless man begging for change for instance; you want to help but there really is so much you can tangibly do. What kind of man wields this shield of inaction from the center of global political power? What kind of man wields this shield in the White House, yet doesn't hesitate to swing the sword at citizens without due process? What kind of man sees this shield, built from logical straw, as forged steel, when 50 years ago, a man who's legacy Obama has hijacked and co-opted, needed only to stand INFRONT of, INFRONT of, the halls which Obama is the head of, the halls which they call Obama MR PRESIDENT, he needed to only be INFRONT of them, to preach ACTION, and it is through his undying selfless action and sacrifice this President is afforded the LUXURY of inaction. The only question remaining is whether I should be more ashamed of Obama for being the antithesis of what he pro-ported to be, or more ashamed of myself for ever being deceived by such an obvious facade.

Emotional Chicago Speech indeed.

The only thing I can say is..."I told you so..."


May 1, 2012
Damn, do homosexuals have to get name dropped in every speech he gives now?

Seriously. nikka stays giving shout outs to the gay community. shyts pathetic. Once i saw him flip flop on that gay shyt, i knew he was a suckuh i couldnt vote for.