Obama Supporters ... what is it going to take for you to wake up?

Roaden Polynice

May 1, 2012
Viva los indignadosssss

Really, I do often dream of a glorious uprising. But it will never happen :to:


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
thing is, no matter which of the 'two' parties that get in power, american citizens will be messed up either way and yet we have people continually backing 'their party'. both parties will have you fighting and arguing over something inconsequential and thinking they are different by defending or attacking some minor point, but some how, some way, no matter who gets in, things that destroy the constitution and our civil liberties just magically pass by the skin of their teeth and there is always some distraction that magically appears right when they do this. HEY GUYS Paula Deen is a racist! Can you believe it? **Slips through some anti-liberty bill/ruling quietly.


May 21, 2012

welcome to the 21st century...

Feel free to link up with the dozens of other anarchists...


Son did you see where I said I was relocating too? fukk out of here with that anarchirst horseshyt. I'm going to be swimming in great standards of living and personal freedoms, while you'll be carrying all your biometric info on a national id card. Have fun breh.

Broke Wave

Apr 30, 2012
Open Society Foundation
Obama supported the Patriot Act when he was in the Senate and even mentioned on the campaign trail he supported some previsions of the Patriot Act.
... Still indefensible...

Drones have been also been an important asset with its use in killing many high-ranking Al-Qaida and Taliban commanders. Obama's foreign policy in regards to the so-called "War on Terror" efforts have been more effective than his predecessor's.
At what cost? Thousands of innocent civilians have been killed... the way Obama has pursued the drone war has been worse than anything Al-Q and the Taliban has ever done in my estimation... killing innocent civilians on purpose through double tap strikes, signature strikes etc, these are all horrendous war crimes.

Particular circumstances on Anwar al-Awlaki behalf required military action...Ed Snowden is still roaming around :manny:.
Snowden is a hero, and the fact that he is alive is not a testament to Obama's humanity, it's a testament to the fulitity of the intelligence complex. Anwar al Awlaki was an American Citizen who did not get due process. If it required military action, why didn't a court at least verify this? He was spreading propaganda against America, why did that warrant his immediate death? And why was his son killed in a separate killing?

Economy began to rebound under his term and shows it still is, not at a much faster rate than it should be but housing market is rebounding and so is consumer spending...compare that to 2008/2009 circa.

Also economy is much more complex than just what Obama does and doesn't do. Much more aspects effect it, such as foreign markets, the Fed's actions, etc.

Yes please teach me more about the economics 101 :bryan:

lol you think the financial system that damn near collapsed our countries economy started and ended in Wall Street??? In America???

Why do you think they called it a "global economic crisis" Einstein? You want to round up and prosecute those responsible? Your going to need more than just a shopping list homie. It's not as easy as you think.

More benign sarcasm... The financial crisis DID start and end in Wall Street, it was the epicenter for global financial activity and guess what, it still is. Do I want to round up and prosecute those responsible for fraud? I would at least think that an investigation is in order. Lets start by arresting those we KNOW were complacent in fraud and other criminal activities. It's not as easy as I think, but you know what's even easier? Letting everyone walk.

:mindblown: you can't openly leak classified National Security documents..

If he bombs you with a drone...without due process...then MAYBE I'll be like...

"Obama that's kinda messed up dog" :lupe:[/QUOTE]

I came back home to RI to vote this election which was a guaranteed W for him and so I voted for someone else. But if I was in Michigan, I would've voted for the guy again. I already outlined why right before the election and literally everything I said would come to pass has happened. I said, and I quote, "The SCOTUS (and the courts in general) of has done more to harm the American populace than any administration over of the past 20 or 30 years. I'm not willing to put in 8 years of a Republican (most likely) knowing that Ginsburg is in her 80s." I'd like to possibly see a progressive court in my lifetime. I said that reason alone was enough. Just looking at this past week, and how every one of his judicial appointments are being held up, I'm pretty sure you see my point. That's ME. Though, like I was telling @Kool G Trap a couple weeks back, I go back and forth about whether progressives should just take some Ls in election while trying to shift back to the left.

But if you want to know why more "progressives" (not all these guys are) aren't upset, it's because they think more like JUSS HEDD than you or me. They're not all that upset about some of the shyt you're complaining about (and misrepresenting...but you yourself said you're not big on details). They care about the economy, and that's why you see his biggest hit is there in approval. RI is the most reliably blue state in the country. On the issues it sided with Obama on 54% and Jill Stein on 46%.

I know, I was one of the 2000 or so people in RI that voted for Jill Stein. My family gave me the :usure:. But that's for another day.

You didn't vote for Obama so I would suppose none of this applies to you, and maybe, just maybe the idea that someone could rationally vote for Obama based on the issue of supreme court appointments. However your statement that the SCOTUS has done more harm than any admin in my view is not accurate... What SCOTUS decision could have been more harmful than say the Bush Administrations vast overreach in the early 2000's and invasions?

Are you guys looking for a President or Messiah? There is no President that is going to change everything to fit ones EGO. You make your own life.

Yeah, seems like people were expecting him to be the second coming of Jesus or something and are now bitter because he couldn't live to their unrealistic expectations.

As far as I'm concerned he's a mediocre Democratic president who has had to deal with an unusual level of congressional obstruction. That said, he's pretty far right for a Democrat, so you'd think the "conservatives" here would be feeling him a little more.

Nope, sorry. I hold people accountable for what they did wrong. Whenever Obama apologists say something like this (And I dont think you are, Acri) I cringe. Just because he isn't perfect, he shouldn't be held accountable for his obvious transgressions? :mindblown:
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Dusty Bake Activate

Fukk your corny debates
May 1, 2012
Awwww shyt you dont got Doom upset talkin about gay people like that.

Nah it just seems to be ass backwards to me to say you don't give a shyt about government contractors spying on your personal e-mails, phone calls, and purchases, but the President loses you because he supports gay rights, which has nothing to do with you.

I don't care about random IT graduates who landed jobs at the NSA snooping on my private dealings, just don't let fags get married? :wtf:


Intensity Integrity Intelligence
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Auburn, AL
he supports the industry i intend to work for

and is basically the sole reason i can afford to go to school


@Broke Wave what do you have to gain from a change in US presidency though :wot:
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Jun 3, 2012
... Still indefensible...

At what cost? Thousands of innocent civilians have been killed... the way Obama has pursued the drone war has been worse than anything Al-Q and the Taliban has ever done in my estimation... killing innocent civilians on purpose through double tap strikes, signature strikes etc, these are all horrendous war crimes.

Snowden is a hero, and the fact that he is alive is not a testament to Obama's humanity, it's a testament to the fulitity of the intelligence complex. Anwar al Awlaki was an American Citizen who did not get due process. If it required military action, why didn't a court at least verify this? He was spreading propaganda against America, why did that warrant his immediate death? And why was his son killed in a separate killing?

Yes please teach me more about the economics 101 :bryan:

More benign sarcasm... The financial crisis DID start and end in Wall Street, it was the epicenter for global financial activity and guess what, it still is. Do I want to round up and prosecute those responsible for fraud? I would at least think that an investigation is in order. Lets start by arresting those we KNOW were complacent in fraud and other criminal activities. It's not as easy as I think, but you know what's even easier? Letting everyone walk.

:mindblown: you can't openly leak classified National Security documents..

If he bombs you with a drone...without due process...then MAYBE I'll be like...

"Obama that's kinda messed up dog" :lupe:

You didn't vote for Obama so I would suppose none of this applies to you, and maybe, just maybe the idea that someone could rationally vote for Obama based on the issue of supreme court appointments. However your statement that the SCOTUS has done more harm than any admin in my view is not accurate... What SCOTUS decision could have been more harmful than say the Bush Administrations vast overreach in the early 2000's and invasions?

Nope, sorry. I hold people accountable for what they did wrong. Whenever Obama apologists say something like this (And I dont think you are, Acri) I cringe. Just because he isn't perfect, he shouldn't be held accountable for his obvious transgressions? :mindblown:[/QUOTE]

I agree with you for the most part. I also voted for him a second time mainly because of the SCOTUS. This week I think we have all seen how important the SCOTUS is, and the president also appoints the judges for the lower courts. Conservatives have a narrow majority now but if Mitt Romney would of won it would have become an overwhelming majority. Also I think its less likely that we will go to war with Iran with Obama as president. Republicans can and many democrats can't wait to start another war.

I do agree with most of your points though. Obama has done some good things as president but overall he has done extreme damage to many progressive issues. Because some people love obama so much they will defend the NSA program, the double taps in drones strikes, him being soft on the bankers and many other issue. My homie's girl told me she don't like the NSA program, " but I trust my president".:snoop: But this shouldn't be a surprise. People turn presidents into demigods. It didn't happen with Bush (except after 9/11) but it happened with Clinton, and Reagan. They can't do nothing wrong in the eyes of their supporters, and they are evil and everything is their fault to their detractors. This is one of the major factors in the keeping the system from changing.
The Obama presidency should teach us an important lesson. You are only going to get a small amount of change from the president and congress. Instead of pouring all our energy into a presidential election every 4 years or an congressional election every two, we need to put the majority of our efforts into changing the system that allows politicians to be bought and sold. We need to focus on getting big money out of politics, because while I don't think Obama has done a good job as president I have very little hope our next president will be any better. The next president will have to raise a billion dollars to win in 2016 just like obama did. They will have to sellout to get that money just like Obama. We have to start getting at the root of the problem if we really want things to change.
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follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Romney would have been an abomination too. That's the problem. People believe being against one side is a cosign for another side. When you realize BOTH sides are bad for you and are working for interests not of the people is when you can pull back and see things for how they really are.


Chairman Meow
Jul 14, 2012
Dog Shooting Squad Of Islamabad
Nice thread. All the democrats that support Obama, would be screaming bloody murder if a republican was doing this. :heh:

the left-right paradigm is a joke. everybody is hypnotized by television, propaganda, and mass media. I guess killing thousands of innocent civillians in countries we're not at war with isnt a big deal. :snoop: hundreds of kids by the way...

not to mention obama has prosecuted more whistle blowers than ALL presidents combined. :russ:

Right is right, no matter who does it. -Malcolm X


May 7, 2012
I'll admit when Obama first ran I really believed a guy with his background would really make a difference when he became prez. What I've learned these last years is that even if the top guy wants to change things this evil empire will do everything to stop what doesn't benefit it. The whole system and everyone in it is completely fukked and I don't think it'll ever get better unless we clean it out from the bottom up.

Amestafuu (Emeritus)

May 8, 2012
This NSA scandal shows the extent to which Obama is continuining and expanding the Bush Era programs... something progressives have been saying for years... yet you continue to support.

The Drone war shows his blatent disregard for human life and accepted standards of combat, and inarguable makes him a war criminal. In addition to this, he has become the first American President to kill U.S. citizens without due process. You still chose to ride with him.

He has swept the issue of the economy/debt/defecit/stimulus/growth right under the rug, and has not issued a statement about the pathetic growth of the U.S. economy at 1.8% a full 4 years after the so called stimulus program. You still thought he was fit for another term.

He has refused to prosecute bankers for their obvious crimes, let alone investigate the biggest financial collapse since the Depression, and in fact has enabled the bankers by refusing to, recently, prosecute HSBC on teh basis that adhering to the law would cause financial tumult, with NO evidence. You checked the box beside his name.

He persecutes journalists and whistle blowers at a level which would make these Chinese proud. The embarrassing nature of the Obama Administrations global manhunts for Snowden and Assange, and their torture of Bradley Manning has clearly outlined for the rest of the world that America isn't even pretending to be a model for freedom. You donated on change.org regardless.

I can go on and on and on and on, so let me make it short and ask, what's it going to take, Obama supporters? What's going to break your allegiance to this total fraud?
Broke wave your a homie but... :aicmon:

It doesn't matter who is in office, they still work within the same system. This partisan crap is just divide and concuer.... Presidents are figure heads. Obama was never s hero or villain just a personality to pacify the people.


May 1, 2012
Yeah im done with him. His 2nd term especially has been a disappointment.

Happy i didnt vote for him :jawalrus:

You do know that his second term started like 6 months ago right? :dead: Couldn't even give him a year into it huh lol

I swear black folks have to be 100x's better than a white person to be considered average at something sometimes. Same nikkas hating Obama would say Clinton was such a great president