Bunchy Carter
I'll Take The Money Over The Honey
We have access to their establishment and helped their economic wealth flourish instead of our own , we definitely propelled breh
We sure did lol
We have access to their establishment and helped their economic wealth flourish instead of our own , we definitely propelled breh
How do you say this?What did the civil rights movement accomplish? Did it really help black people?
He's right, hell Black women are the face of the movement now save a few exceptions here and there.
How do you say this?
No, the problem is black feminists, like you, want the benefits of patriarchy and are upset that black men cannot provide them to you in equal proportion to that of white male patriarchal society. I've always said that black feminists don't have a problem with patriarchy, especially when practiced by white men. They have a problem with black men, generally, being unable to provide them with the perceived benefits that patriarchy provides to white women.
Black men have ALWAYS been the target of white supremacy with black women and children as the collateral damage. If you destroy black men, you destroy black women and children for free. Unfortunately, black women, like yourself, would rather fight with black men over the control of a sinking ship instead of build up black men, as our helpmates, so that we can fix the ship and better both of our lives.
Society has no problem splitting the difference by pitting black women against black men. Not because black women are the target. But because if you can get the men and women of a targeted people to clash amongst themselves, then they will have less energy and clarity on who poses the real threat to their entire people.
I guess being placed in the same fields, being raped, tortured, and murdered was "collateral damage". The callus disregard for the black female experience under white supremacy from black males is exactly why womanism will continue to thrive. I dare you to tell the millions of enslaved black women that they weren't a target of white supremacy. Utterly moronic and ridiculous. Help mate? You just spent several paragraphs bytching about being relegated to second class citizenry for your race, but demanded in the same breath that people be OK with that position because of their sex. Your notions about womanism and patriarchy are as ridiculous as everything else you've written.
How do you say this?
Wow. A lot of Black men on here are so pro-Black in words but genuinely could care less about the Black female experience.
Historical Fact: African women were not imported in proportional numbers to African men during the Trans Atlantic Slave Trade until the early 1800s with the The Act Prohibiting Importation of Slaves of 1807. Prior to that, the mass majority of imported Africans were males. Why? Because they were being enslaved to perform prolonged, strenuous labor that required physical strength. African females were in low demand since they generally weren't valued for physical labor nor were they needed en masse since African men could imported regularly to replace weakening or dying African male labor.
It was only following the word of the above act going into law in short order that African women began to be imported in comparable numbers. Why? Because if you can't simply import more product, you need to develop more product. Hence African women being imported as a breeding mechanism for African labor.
In addition, black females tended to serve in "comfort" capacities moreso than black men on plantations. Not to say they didn't experience hard labor. However, they were more likely to serve as cooks, maids, nurses and concubines. Again, their mistreatment was the collateral damage of being the female counterpart of the male who was enslaved as a labor force to finance the plantation system.
White society didn't hatch a plan to get free maid and nurse service and then thought "Oh yea, why don't we put these men to use too and have them develop products for free that we can sell internationally. That would give them something to do while the women cook biscuits." No, it was the other way around-"Let's enslave these African men, so they can manufacture products for free. Oh, and since we can't just replace them like we did before, let's bring over some African women who we can breed. And when they're not breeding, we can give them a job in the kitchen or the nursery."
Your black feminist ideology has you so backward that you can't even see straight from a historical and political perspective. No general has ever had the end goal of destroying the women and children of a village. No, that was a tactic to discombobulate the military force(men), so they could sweep behind them while distracted. If you kill the men of a village, you get the women and children for free.
But you're so gone that you want to fight black men over who gets shot, lynched or killed first. Just so you, and others like you, can proclaim to be just as important as the black guy who was killed last week. Instead of working with black men, you'd rather work against them, so you can be recognized as just as much of a warrior as black men.
The irony of it all is, your mentality only helps white supremacy dominate and murder black men. The reality is, you're on the other side.
So the War on Drugs and the prison boom made a large portion of BW adopt this kind of mindset:
So where does @bcrusaderw @Yup etc fall as far as womanism or feminism?