NYU Law Student Pres blames Israel in email to student body, prestigious law offer rescinded


All Star
May 2, 2012
That ain't how the show gonna go playa...

Her name is on the "list"



Dec 15, 2019
Because thats what America touts its uniqueness on, and is supposedly protected and enshrined in the so called great US constitution.

Thanks for actually pointing out and proving what we've known all along..that it's all really bullshyt and America is just an authoritarian White supremacist Republic like Russia.
One could argue that the university and their donors were also practicing their first amendment freedom of association. :pachaha:

She was free to say whatever she wanted , but they were also free to disassociate from her afterwards. Looks like the constitution is working just fine:troll:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
That she needed to bow down and not challenge power??
I'd expect that from a Chinese, not an American..

But the act of taking away an opportunity, based on someone's support of one nation over another, is disturbing.

Jews got the west in a choke hold.. can’t even criticize the Jewish state without getting fired lmaoo

Nothing worse than a scared,broken,safe negro
She made it to Harvard Law School
She knew the consequences of her actions before doing what she did
She chose to stand on business,truth and integrity

"Bu bu bu but black people have less opportunities"

fukk y'all nikkas for real
I don't want u cowards near me when the race war pops off
I'll kill you first..on God!

a lot of bytch ass negros on this site. more worried about “fumbling the bag” than standing up for what’s right.

it’s twisted.


I agree with all of you, and not surprised by the people who disagree. There's a strong right-wing tendency to throw on the cape for those who protect oppressors and blame the victims in cases like this.

When SJWing goes wrong :francis:

When will people learn, you don't have to comment about everything. Damn.

always trying to be "allies of the oppressed"...meanwhile she'd have to wear a scarf and...man...don't get me started :snoop:

Money. Power. Respect


When she’s jobless for the foreseeable she will think differently

Welp. If they/them wanted clout, they got it.

But I seriously wonder about anyone referring to themselves in plural.

Sacrifice insane amounts of monetary gain for your values you just won’t eat

Why would her random ass need to challenge power? :dead: this is absolute idiocy on her part. Who was asking her to challenge anything?

The most ridiculous part is that posters like @Absolut are the type who probably talk shyt about "cancel culture", but then turn around and victim blame when it's protectors of the powerful doing the cancelling.


Mar 24, 2014
Black people should inherently know this isn’t their fight and do their best to avoid it.

If crazy, rich, (actual antisemitic) Kanye is smart enough to stay out of it, we should too.

Two warring sides that have done nothing since day one but show contempt, abuse and hostility towards Blacks till this day..two sides that occupied Black areas of the middle east through genocide and displacement. Neither side occupied that area originally and they're both invaders.

Honestly, I really don't care for either the Arabs or Israelis knowing how they feel about Blacks and how they've acted towars us.
It's just a matter of deciding whom I despise more and I can't separate them :francis:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Two warring sides that have done nothing since day one but show contempt, abuse and hostility towards Blacks till this day..two sides that occupied Black areas of the middle east through genocide and displacement. Neither side occupied that area originally and they're both invaders.

Honestly, I really don't care for either the Arabs or Israelis knowing how they feel about Blacks and how they've acted towars us.
It's just a matter of deciding whom I despise more and I can't separate them :francis:

This is like the Matryoshka doll of coli ignorance. Every layer of ignorance you peel back from this argument, you realize it's just another layer of ignorance underneath. :russ:

And this is the 2nd time in two days I've had to say that to you after that whole threat you made about China invading the USA. :deadrose:

Raw Lyrics

Sunset Park
May 15, 2012
Two warring sides that have done nothing since day one but show contempt, abuse and hostility towards Blacks till this day..two sides that occupied Black areas of the middle east through genocide and displacement. Neither side occupied that area originally and they're both invaders.

Honestly, I really don't care for either the Arabs or Israelis knowing how they feel about Blacks and how they've acted towars us.
It's just a matter of deciding whom I despise more and I can't separate them :francis:

Maybe you can't decide who you despise more because they are technically...cousins. :ehh::hubie:


Nov 9, 2017
People in here talking bout she standing on her principles. What principles? Calling out injustices that has nothing to do with you or your people, or your country.

Being compelled to speak on something without regard to the complexities of both sides, drawing lines where your pen has no might, on a page owned by those you're blaming, is sheer stupidity.

An education of that magnitude, one would think, takes a good amount of critical thinking.

I'm not saying that I don't understand or sympathize with Palestinians plight, but I don't f**k with Hamas.

If you gon say something, condemn the reckless terror attack by Hamas, the inhumane response by Israel, promote peace in the region, safety for civilians, and a solution that is mutually beneficial for both parties.

If you really that concerned, play the long game. Get your status up at one of THEIR law firms, open your own international practice and provide legal assistance to the Palestinian people. Too many common sense ways to go about this.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
People in here talking bout she standing on her principles. What principles? Calling out injustices that has nothing to do with you or your people, or your country.

Very first line and you already killed the idea that you know what "principles" are.

If you really that concerned, play the long game. Get your status up at one of THEIR law firms, open your own international practice and provide legal assistance to the Palestinian people. Too many common sense ways to go about this.

Everyone says that bullshyt as a way to justify their complicity and 99.999% of the time it doesn't work. People who go into those places get sucked into the money and the status and within a few months are just willing co-collaborators of the same bullshyt they used to claim they hate.

George Monbiot said it best, about this claim that you can start your true mission by chasing status first:

This career path, in other words, is counter-educational. It teaches you to do what you don’t want to do, to be what you don’t want to be. It is an exceptional person who emerges from this process with her aims and ideals intact. Indeed it is an exceptional person who emerges from this process at all. What the corporate or institutional world wants you to do is the opposite of what you want to do. It wants a reliable tool, someone who can think, but not for herself: who can think instead for the institution. You can do what you believe only if that belief happens to coincide with the aims of the corporation, not just once, but consistently, across the years (it is a source of wonder to me how many people’s beliefs just happen to match the demands of institutional power, however those demands may twist and turn, after they’ve been in the company for a year or two).

Even intelligent, purposeful people almost immediately lose their way in such worlds. They become so busy meeting the needs of their employers and surviving in the hostile world into which they have been thrust that they have no time or energy left to develop the career path they really wanted to follow. And you have to develop it: it will not happen by itself. The idea, so often voiced by new recruits who are uncomfortable with the choice they have made, that they can reform the institution they join from within, so that it reflects their own beliefs and moral codes, is simply laughable. For all the recent guff about corporate social responsibility, corporations respond to the market and to the demands of their shareholders, not to the consciences of their employees. Even the chief executive can make a difference only at the margins: the moment her conscience interferes with the non-negotiable purpose of her company – turning a profit and boosting the value of its shares – she’s out.



Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359
I'm not saying that I don't understand or sympathize with Palestinians plight, but I don't f**k with Hamas.
Why don't so many people understand Palestine is not Hamas? Most Palestinians are not in Gaza. Hamas has not been a progressive actor for the Palestinian cause and are by their own admission opposed to most negotiated solutions. They, like far right Israelis, opposed the Oslo Accords. People shoot themselves in the foot and hurt Palestinians by celebrating what they just did.

If you really that concerned, play the long game. Get your status up at one of THEIR law firms, open your own international practice and provide legal assistance to the Palestinian people. Too many common sense ways to go about this.
This. People think you either have to assimilate or rebel but it can be a process.

Everyone says that bullshyt as a way to justify their complicity and 99.999% of the time it doesn't work. People who go into those places get sucked into the money and the status and within a few months are just willing co-collaborators of the same bullshyt they used to claim they hate.

I agree and disagree. I agree it is a lie and futile to think you will change these institutions from the inside but to act like they can't be a stepping stone to meaningful work is not true.

Most people get sucked into the money and status because their values were never what they claimed. I worked in corporate (no longer) and saw it too but what I saw was the true idealists get the picture, learn what they can, stack bread and move on with the knowledge and resume.

The others that sucummb were usually malleable to begin with. They were conscious and activist in school bc it was cool and what others did. Now they work they do what others think is cool again in living beyond their means and drowning in debt for an image. In the end they didn't change, just found a new crowd.

Btw, you should read the book Disciplined Minds which does a deep dive on this topic from both the grad school and work world. Particularly the cooling out effect of co-opting resistance.


Space is the Place
Jan 23, 2016
Figthing borg at Wolf 359

But wait, there’s more.

The students made statements or the groups? Were they signatories or just happened to be members?

If the students don't have a direct statement or signature this is bullshyt. Not even proximal cause. If they are trying to freeze out by affiliation they need to get called out for real.