NYTimes: The Democrats Have An Immigration Problem (I've warned you all of this)


May 23, 2012
So in other words some black people are willing to risk political capital to demand an influx of people that have a history of white supremacy and whose 70/30 split can turn to 60/40 or 50/50 at the drop of a dime or as soon as Republicans our forward a Hispanic nominee and this is all based on the presumption that liberals and the left wing are friends of black people

I’m sure this will end well


. 70/30 has lasted since the Boomers...Boomers, Gen X, Millenials have all voted on this dynamic. So the "drop of a dime" is just nonsense.

. I didn't say anything about a Hispanic nominee and anyway Rubio tried but got blown out in the primaries. Romney's whole family has ties to Mexico, didn't make a difference. Swaying this electorate that has been steadily 70/30 for three generations is not going to be simple

. None of this is based on any presumptions about liberals, the left wing or black people. It's based on polls on their opinions and how they've actually voted (again consistently for three generations). In order to try and change that 70/30 dynamic; the GOP would have to completely do a 180 on economic and immigration matters (two of the top three issues for the Hispanic voters in 2016) and that would be impossible to accomplish without alienating their base.

. As far as black people risking political capital, the demographic change is inevitable with or without a path to citizenship. However, embracing Hispanics as fellow people of color and working to both engage and involve them on issues could create a coalition that has MORE political capital rather than less. Considering they've already got 70% of that vote, encouraging a larger participation rate and taking the time to actually inform them on issues they likely don't know much about (reparation and policy for example) is a wiser strategy that casting them out as white supremacists when their voting for the past three generations has shown no shifts toward those tendencies.

. And unrelated to the quoted post but a reminder: Anti-Immigration sentiment and rhetoric has been used to push voter fraud (a completely made up issue) to the forefront of conservative policy. They're using fear of immigrants to push policies that disenfranchise black people disproportionately such as voter ID laws.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Around 30% of Hispanics have voted Republican since the Nixon administration. Many of the 60-70% that vote dem are conservative on many issues like abortion, LGBT, women rights, more than half not in favor of reparation for blacks, less enthusiastic about Affirmtive Action and so forth.

As they grow in population and start to move up the economic latter most will abandon their "Hispanic" identity and the Democratic Party.

Just watch. It's happening already.

You guys underestimate how many young Hispanics are fans of Shapiro.

Also the right wing populist movements happening down in Brazil and Coloumbia are going to spread into Latin America and eventually their communities in America.

Mexicans and Possibly Puerto Rican's may have some portions of their pop that still vote dem but make no mistake that even these groups will have conservative enclaves.

I will see how Puerto Ricans and Mexicans fair in the midterms to make that decision.
bruh you had hispanics in this video who voted for trump and dislike illegals themselves :francis:



The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State

. 70/30 has lasted since the Boomers...Boomers, Gen X, Millenials have all voted on this dynamic. So the "drop of a dime" is just nonsense.
@Oceanicpuppy @panopticon peep this
Hispanic voters were supposed to be the DNC party’s future. It’s not working out that way.

. I didn't say anything about a Hispanic nominee and anyway Rubio tried but got blown out in the primaries. Romney's whole family has ties to Mexico, didn't make a difference. Swaying this electorate that has been steadily 70/30 for three generations is not going to be simple
So did Jeb Bush. Whats your point? Jeb has a latina wife.

Romney doesn't claim Mexico.
. None of this is based on any presumptions about liberals, the left wing or black people. It's based on polls on their opinions and how they've actually voted (again consistently for three generations). In order to try and change that 70/30 dynamic; the GOP would have to completely do a 180 on economic and immigration matters (two of the top three issues for the Hispanic voters in 2016) and that would be impossible to accomplish without alienating their base.
NPR Choice page

. As far as black people risking political capital, the demographic change is inevitable with or without a path to citizenship. However, embracing Hispanics as fellow people of color and working to both engage and involve them on issues could create a coalition that has MORE political capital rather than less. Considering they've already got 70% of that vote, encouraging a larger participation rate and taking the time to actually inform them on issues they likely don't know much about (reparation and policy for example) is a wiser strategy that casting them out as white supremacists when their voting for the past three generations has shown no shifts toward those tendencies.
Where's the reciprocation?

. And unrelated to the quoted post but a reminder: Anti-Immigration sentiment and rhetoric has been used to push voter fraud (a completely made up issue) to the forefront of conservative policy. They're using fear of immigrants to push policies that disenfranchise black people disproportionately such as voter ID laws.
no one cares anymore.

History isn't helping you with this PRESENT issue.


The Chosen 1
May 2, 2012
So in other words some black people are willing to risk political capital to demand an influx of people that have a history of white supremacy and whose 70/30 split can turn to 60/40 or 50/50 at the drop of a dime or as soon as Republicans our forward a Hispanic nominee and this is all based on the presumption that liberals and the left wing are friends of black people

I’m sure this will end well

How exactly are black people risking "political capital"?

I'm not sure we have any in the first place, but either way black folks have been voting Dem for decades and are not going to all of a sudden start supporting Republicans after years of 'cism because of immigration.


May 23, 2012

Scary headline for an article that essentially says Latin voters haven't turned out in bigger numbers...that's it.

So did Jeb Bush. Whats your point? Jeb has a latina wife.

Romney doesn't claim Mexico. [/QUOTE]

Try to read who I'm quoting so you can comprehend my point. He said "as soon as Republicans our forward a Hispanic nominee" and I pointed out that Hispanic nominees have tried and failed with the GOP. Good point on Jeb though, he had links too. It didn't spark Latin participation.


This dude talks a good game but he also says Trump won't rescind DACA and is critical of the merit based immigration system Trump pushed. So even the latin conservatives are looking for the GOP to shift on policy in a way that would hurt their image with their almost entirely white male base.

Where's the reciprocation?

The next sentence was about getting reciprocation..."Considering they've already got 70% of that vote, encouraging a larger participation rate and taking the time to actually inform them on issues they likely don't know much about (reparation and policy for example) is a wiser strategy"

no one cares anymore.

History isn't helping you with this PRESENT issue.

Voter ID laws being used to disenfranchise black voters isn't a PRESENT issue? When I say, immigration fear has been used to push voter ID requirements, "has been" would refer to fights that are ongoing. They use fear of immigrants to say "illegal immigrants are voters" and their solutions just happen to impact black and latino voters predominantly.
NPR Choice page


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
How exactly are black people risking "political capital"?

I'm not sure we have any in the first place, but either way black folks have been voting Dem for decades and are not going to all of a sudden start supporting Republicans after years of 'cism because of immigration.

Black people have a lot of political capital, black people pretty much determine who the democratic nominee will be and black politicians are always on tv, for whatever reason

Right now the black nominees for governor in ga and fl are all for “immigration reform” ie amnesty for illegal immigrants and increasing immigration and so are the rumored black presidential nominees, a bunch of black politicians have even jumped on the abolish ICE

It’s not black people per se, I think overall black prople are ambivalent about immigration, but black politicians have spent a lot of political capital on immigration, every time a black politician opens their mouth and they are not talking about black issues and talking about the plight of illegal immigrants they are spending political capital

Black people willi icreassingly vote republican for other reason besides immigration, I’ve been predicting this since forever

Also the question is not are black prople going to switch the question is are black people going to turn out for politicians who make “immigration reform” their focus, as we saw in 2016 the answer is no
Last edited:


Just end the season.
May 1, 2012
Immigration is not even close to what it used to be. :francis:


brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
Black people have a lot of political capital, black people pretty much determine who the democratic nominee will be and black politicians are always on tv, for whatever reason

Right now the black nominees for governor in ga and fl are all for “immigration reform” ie amnesty for illegal immigrants and increasing immigration and so are the rumored black presidential nominees, a bunch of black politicians have even jumped on the abolish ICE

It’s not black people per se, I think overall black prople are ambivalent about immigration, but black politicians have spent a lot of political capital on immigration, every time a black politician opens their mouth and they are not talking about black issues and talking about the plight of illegal immigrants they are spending political capital

Black people willi icreassingly vote republican for other reason besides immigration, I’ve been predicting this since forever

Also the question is not are black prople going to switch the question is are black people going to turn out for politicians who make “immigration reform” their focus, as we saw in 2016 the answer is no

Is that so? How long have you been predicting this for?

More black people voted for Bush then for Trump. and higher percentage voted for bush then for trump.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Scary headline for an article that essentially says Latin voters haven't turned out in bigger numbers...that's it.

Romney doesn't claim Mexico.

Try to read who I'm quoting so you can comprehend my point. He said "as soon as Republicans our forward a Hispanic nominee" and I pointed out that Hispanic nominees have tried and failed with the GOP. Good point on Jeb though, he had links too. It didn't spark Latin participation.

This dude talks a good game but he also says Trump won't rescind DACA and is critical of the merit based immigration system Trump pushed. So even the latin conservatives are looking for the GOP to shift on policy in a way that would hurt their image with their almost entirely white male base.

The next sentence was about getting reciprocation..."Considering they've already got 70% of that vote, encouraging a larger participation rate and taking the time to actually inform them on issues they likely don't know much about (reparation and policy for example) is a wiser strategy"

Voter ID laws being used to disenfranchise black voters isn't a PRESENT issue? When I say, immigration fear has been used to push voter ID requirements, "has been" would refer to fights that are ongoing. They use fear of immigrants to say "illegal immigrants are voters" and their solutions just happen to impact black and latino voters predominantly.
NPR Choice page
all this talk about black voters going republican?


So what the fukk are you rambling about????

Are you even black????


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Is that so? How long have you been predicting this for?

More black people voted for Bush then for Trump. and higher percentage voted for bush then for trump.

I’ve been saying that since sohh, I said that after Obama black prople will become disillusioned with the Democratic Party and start voting more republican

Now that prediction is only become halfway way true, but I think it’s coming

I famously predicted in this board that Hillary was going to lose and I was right, and one of the reasons she lost was low black voter turnout

As time goes on this disillusionment will increase, and one of the reasons for that is democratic politicians obsession with immigration and trying to cater to the Hispanic vote

brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
I’ve been saying that since sohh, I said that after Obama black prople will become disillusioned with the Democratic Party and start voting more republican

Now that prediction is only become halfway way true, but I think it’s coming

I famously predicted in this board that Hillary was going to lose and I was right, and one of the reasons she lost was low black voter turnout

As time goes on this disillusionment will increase, and one of the reasons for that is democratic politicians obsession with immigration and trying to cater to the Hispanic vote

How is that prediction becoming half way true? As the parties become more polarized, the AA vote is becoming more and more solidly Democratic. The Republican answer to Dems catering to the hispanic vote is to double down on the white vote, which alienates more and more AAs. Aside from immigration, the other way to double down is to oppose AAs on every cultural issue like the NFL kneeling issue, police violence, gun control (which the AA political machine is the biggest advocate of).

Demographically speaking, its going to be Jews, Asians, AA's, some hispanics, urban whites vs all other whites and some hispanics who consider themselves white