NYTimes: The Democrats Have An Immigration Problem (I've warned you all of this)


May 23, 2012
all this talk about black voters going republican?


So what the fukk are you rambling about????

Are you even black????

Your reading comprehension is ass. Nothing I said had anything to do with black voters going republican. I’m talking about black voters and Hispanic voters finding issues of agreement and forming a coalition to increase their influence and how your immigration fear mongering empowers republicans to pass voter ID laws under the guise of discouraging illegal immigrants from voting when really they’re just attempting to limit PoC from voting (predominantly black ones). You’re a useful idiot and just plain too stupid to have even semi-functional reading comprehension.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
How is that prediction becoming half way true? As the parties become more polarized, the AA vote is becoming more and more solidly Democratic. The Republican answer to Dems catering to the hispanic vote is to double down on the white vote, which alienates more and more AAs. Aside from immigration, the other way to double down is to oppose AAs on every cultural issue like the NFL kneeling issue, police violence, gun control (which the AA political machine is the biggest advocate of).

Demographically speaking, its going to be Jews, Asians, AA's, some hispanics, urban whites vs all other whites and some hispanics who consider themselves white

Hillary lost because of low interest of black voters in the Democratic Party, that’s how it’s halfway true

The black voters are not more democratic, black voters are increasingly disillusioned with democrats, I think black people are united on police violence but black people are not united on gun control, there are more black people advocating for gun ownership because of the police violence

And the black political machine who are the servants of white liberals are ignoring this

Only people that have the heads in the sand are unaware of the increasing amount of black people denouncing the Democratic Party

Im aware of the “obama coalition” the failure of the obama coalition is why Hillary lost


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Your reading comprehension is ass. Nothing I said had anything to do with black voters going republican. I’m talking about black voters and Hispanic voters finding issues of agreement and forming a coalition to increase their influence and how your immigration fear mongering empowers republicans to pass voter ID laws under the guise of discouraging illegal immigrants from voting when really they’re just attempting to limit PoC from voting (predominantly black ones). You’re a useful idiot and just plain too stupid to have even semi-functional reading comprehension.
that "agreement" is nonexistent if you understood latino voters and their interests.


Aug 12, 2012
Hillary lost because of low interest of black voters in the Democratic Party, that’s how it’s halfway true

The black voters are not more democratic, black voters are increasingly disillusioned with democrats, I think black people are united on police violence but black people are not united on gun control, there are more black people advocating for gun ownership because of the police violence

And the black political machine who are the servants of white liberals are ignoring this

Only people that have the heads in the sand are unaware of the increasing amount of black people denouncing the Democratic Party

Im aware of the “obama coalition” the failure of the obama coalition is why Hillary lost

These fools are a lost cause and are not worth arguing with. I'm sure the guy you quoted actually thinks the Democrats will win the midterms too and would be shocked when they lose. People like that just always miss these signs and are terrible with reading trends.

Trump while he is still polarizing and unpopular, has higher popularity than on election night, with the best economy and job market ever. Whether its because of Obama or him, the point is the white majority play dumb but they love Trump as their guilty pleasure and them feeling happy about the "black guy" leaving is what made them start all these hiring sprees. Plus with Black people being tired of the immigration debate and crime being drastically down....and also black folks in addition to everyone being tired of the Russia talk, why would someone expect there to be a "blue wave"? Over what?

When the Republicans win the midterms i wanna see what the new excuse is from people. I'm sure they will then be wasting more time and predicting how the Democratic nominee will wash Trump in 2020. Then when that falls apart too they gonna be talking how there will be a Democrat after that who reverses everything. They just don't learn breh.

If the Democrats were smart, they would run on universal education for Black Americans and promoting HBCUs again. Speaking out about the helping the HBCUs themselves getting enough funds to be more independent and not after their reform, become less dependent on the cac government for funds. In addition to more Black youth having available scholarship programs strictly for them. Notice how many scholarships and grants there are for strictly Hispanic people


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
These fools are a lost cause and are not worth arguing with. I'm sure the guy you quoted actually thinks the Democrats will win the midterms too and would be shocked when they lose. People like that just always miss these signs and are terrible with reading trends.

Trump while he is still polarizing and unpopular, has higher popularity than on election night, with the best economy and job market ever. Whether its because of Obama or him, the point is the white majority play dumb but they love Trump as their guilty pleasure and them feeling happy about the "black guy" leaving is what made them start all these hiring sprees. Plus with Black people being tired of the immigration debate and crime being drastically down....and also black folks in addition to everyone being tired of the Russia talk, why would someone expect there to be a "blue wave"? Over what?

When the Republicans win the midterms i wanna see what the new excuse is from people. I'm sure they will then be wasting more time and predicting how the Democratic nominee will wash Trump in 2020. Then when that falls apart too they gonna be talking how there will be a Democrat after that who reverses everything. They just don't learn breh.

If the Democrats were smart, they would run on universal education for Black Americans and promoting HBCUs again. Speaking out about the helping the HBCUs themselves getting enough funds to be more independent and not after their reform, become less dependent on the cac government for funds. In addition to more Black youth having available scholarship programs strictly for them. Notice how many scholarships and grants there are for strictly Hispanic people

yeah, unless democrats start speaking real specific and start touting things that benefit black people specifically, black people will continue to drift away

but in full disclosure, i predicted the democrats will win the house because i think the republicans overplayed their hand with health care and a lot of white people will switch their vote to Dems and black people will turn out in GA and FL for the black democratic candidates

brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
Hillary lost because of low interest of black voters in the Democratic Party, that’s how it’s halfway true

The black voters are not more democratic, black voters are increasingly disillusioned with democrats, I think black people are united on police violence but black people are not united on gun control, there are more black people advocating for gun ownership because of the police violence

And the black political machine who are the servants of white liberals are ignoring this

Only people that have the heads in the sand are unaware of the increasing amount of black people denouncing the Democratic Party

Im aware of the “obama coalition” the failure of the obama coalition is why Hillary lost

Do you have anything besides anecdotal data to suggest that black voters are increasingly disillusioned with democrats? Do you have any data to suggest that black people are not as united on gun control as they are on police violence? Last I saw, it was roughly 70-30 for both, but I can't find the link.

Like I said in my last post, blacks are more aligned with Democrats in every single way then ever before. A higher percentage of AA's vote for democrats. There have never been more AA's registered as Democrats. By every single metric, African Americans are more solidly in the Democratic camp then ever before.

Less black people voted for Hillary because less PEOPLE overall voted in the election. More black people voted for Romney than they did for Trump. It's safe to say that no single voting demographic (age, income, sex) was as solidly in one camp as AA's were for democrats.

Data not feelings breh

brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
yeah, unless democrats start speaking real specific and start touting things that benefit black people specifically, black people will continue to drift away

but in full disclosure, i predicted the democrats will win the house because i think the republicans overplayed their hand with health care and a lot of white people will switch their vote to Dems and black people will turn out in GA and FL for the black democratic candidates

Breh, you going to just keep going on with the assertion that black people will continue to drift away, as more AA's become politically engaged, and a higher percentage vote for democrats?

pretty soon 99% of AA's will be voting Democrat, with higher political engagement, and at record numbers, but you are going to not give up, huh?

Black people hate racist cacs more than they know about immigration, the economy, or literally anything else, and the party with the least racist cacs is obviously going to be the one with the 96% AA vote and almost every single black congress person.

brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
These fools are a lost cause and are not worth arguing with. I'm sure the guy you quoted actually thinks the Democrats will win the midterms too and would be shocked when they lose. People like that just always miss these signs and are terrible with reading trends.

Trump while he is still polarizing and unpopular, has higher popularity than on election night, with the best economy and job market ever. Whether its because of Obama or him, the point is the white majority play dumb but they love Trump as their guilty pleasure and them feeling happy about the "black guy" leaving is what made them start all these hiring sprees. Plus with Black people being tired of the immigration debate and crime being drastically down....and also black folks in addition to everyone being tired of the Russia talk, why would someone expect there to be a "blue wave"? Over what?

When the Republicans win the midterms i wanna see what the new excuse is from people. I'm sure they will then be wasting more time and predicting how the Democratic nominee will wash Trump in 2020. Then when that falls apart too they gonna be talking how there will be a Democrat after that who reverses everything. They just don't learn breh.

If the Democrats were smart, they would run on universal education for Black Americans and promoting HBCUs again. Speaking out about the helping the HBCUs themselves getting enough funds to be more independent and not after their reform, become less dependent on the cac government for funds. In addition to more Black youth having available scholarship programs strictly for them. Notice how many scholarships and grants there are for strictly Hispanic people

African Americans are 12% of the popuation, and that number is shrinking. Universal education for black Americans and promoting HBCUs is really going to shift the tide of national politics :dead:

The immigration problem is alienating whites that used to vote Democratic, what the fukk does it have to do with the most solid part of the democratic coalition. Democrats gambled that they could get the hispanic vote and keep enough of the white vote which was obviously wrong.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Do you have anything besides anecdotal data to suggest that black voters are increasingly disillusioned with democrats? Do you have any data to suggest that black people are not as united on gun control as they are on police violence? Last I saw, it was roughly 70-30 for both, but I can't find the link.

Like I said in my last post, blacks are more aligned with Democrats in every single way then ever before. A higher percentage of AA's vote for democrats. There have never been more AA's registered as Democrats. By every single metric, African Americans are more solidly in the Democratic camp then ever before.

Less black people voted for Hillary because less PEOPLE overall voted in the election. More black people voted for Romney than they did for Trump. It's safe to say that no single voting demographic (age, income, sex) was as solidly in one camp as AA's were for democrats.

Data not feelings breh

yeah the data is the presidential election, your logic that less black people voted in the election because less people voted is gibberish, in 2016 the black voter turnout RATE went down, the RATE is a ratio, it has nothing to do with the total number of votes, go back and read your 7th grade math book

i do think black voters will turn out for black candidates so I think the turn out rate in GA an FL will be high, but I dont think that means black people are NOT increasingly disillusioned with democrats

brick james

John piffington
May 4, 2012
yeah the data is the presidential election, your logic that less black people voted in the election because less people voted is gibberish, in 2016 the black voter turnout RATE went down, the RATE is a ratio, it has nothing to do with the total number of votes, go back and read your 7th grade math book

i do think black voters will turn out for black candidates so I think the turn out rate in GA an FL will be high, but I dont think that means black people are NOT increasingly disillusioned with democrats

The black turnout went down, but not as much as the total turnout went down. Like I said, you are speaking on feelings, not on actual data.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
Breh, you going to just keep going on with the assertion that black people will continue to drift away, as more AA's become politically engaged, and a higher percentage vote for democrats?

pretty soon 99% of AA's will be voting Democrat, with higher political engagement, and at record numbers, but you are going to not give up, huh?

Black people hate racist cacs more than they know about immigration, the economy, or literally anything else, and the party with the least racist cacs is obviously going to be the one with the 96% AA vote and almost every single black congress person.

a large percentage of immigrants are racists cacs, the economy under trump is ok and according to statistics that i will not vouch for the black unemployment is going down and the democratic party is filled with racist cacs, namely hillary clinton

so you arent really saying anything


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
The black turnout went down, but not as much as the total turnout went down. Like I said, you are speaking on feelings, not on actual data.

you lie

What does voter turnout tell us about the 2016 election?
Estimates show more than 58 percent of eligible voters went to the polls during the 2016 election, nearly breaking even with the turnout rate set during the last presidential election in 2012, even as the final tallies in states like California continue to be calculated, according to statistics collected by the

General Mills

More often than not I tend to take that L.
May 1, 2012
Piffsburgh, PA
are you even black?
The pure audacity that is required for you to dare ask anyone that has me