NYTimes: The Democrats Have An Immigration Problem (I've warned you all of this)

NkrumahWasRight Is Wrong

May 1, 2012
Uncertain grounds
its the majority of democrats too... :sas2:

This was in San Francisco of all places... Poll: Americans overwhelmingly reject voting rights for undocumented immigrants

San Francisco's Department of Elections last week made the move to start allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote in the city's school board elections, sparking a national debate.

The idea is unlikely to be copied in many localities, at least if the latest American Barometer poll is any indication.

According to the survey, which is a joint project of Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, 71 percent of respondents opposed San Francisco's decision, while only 29 percent said they supported the move.

Ninety-one percent of Republicans polled said they opposed giving the right to vote to noncitizens, as did 54 percent of Democrats.

Seventy percent of independents said they were also in opposition to the decision.

When respondents were asked the same question but with the wording changed to include the term "illegal immigrants" instead of non-U.S. citizens, the results were nearly the same.

This looks like it wasn't San Francisco residents polled however. Seems like it was Americans polled on the actions in San Francisco but I digress


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
@Call Me James i've been dropping facts on this issue FOR YEARS...you can't win this one :ufdup:

i've been warning people for years about the democrats forsaking black voters and catering to illegals and leveraging their support to win hispanic votes :francis:

Illegal immigration hurts the black community

If Illegal immigration doesn't hurt black people, can someone explain this chart?

LA Times: Library of Congress to stop using term 'illegal alien'...now calling them "noncitizen"

Illegal immigrant supporters. What the fukk is this?

US Civil Rights Committee Commissioner: Illegal Immigration Hammers African-American Workers

Univision's Jorge Ramos is full of shyt when it comes to illegal immigration

NPR debate panel on illegal immigration

Illegal Immigration Reform Plan Could Black Workers. Confirmed.

Tariq Nasheed: Racist 911 Callers | People comparing illegal immigrants to black civil rights

Name these jobs that only illegal hispanics can do that black Americans can't

Ladies and Gentlemen of The Coli, this is PRECISELY why blacks need to oppose illegal immigration

What do you think about Rick Santorum's response to this illegal immigrant who became an engineer?

JESSE LEE PETERS IS A c00n. PERIOD. ...but can you debunk his argument against illegal immigration?

Trump says that "illegal immigration violates the civil rights of African Americans"

Black economist Glenn Loury & Economist George Borgas show illegal immigration hurts black citizens

I'm REALLY getting annoyed with the left confusing IMMIGRANTS with ILLEGAL ALIENS








no one listened :francis:


May 22, 2012
its the majority of democrats too... :sas2:

This was in San Francisco of all places... Poll: Americans overwhelmingly reject voting rights for undocumented immigrants

San Francisco's Department of Elections last week made the move to start allowing non-U.S. citizens to vote in the city's school board elections, sparking a national debate.

The idea is unlikely to be copied in many localities, at least if the latest American Barometer poll is any indication.

According to the survey, which is a joint project of Hill.TV and the HarrisX polling company, 71 percent of respondents opposed San Francisco's decision, while only 29 percent said they supported the move.

Ninety-one percent of Republicans polled said they opposed giving the right to vote to noncitizens, as did 54 percent of Democrats.

Seventy percent of independents said they were also in opposition to the decision.

When respondents were asked the same question but with the wording changed to include the term "illegal immigrants" instead of non-U.S. citizens, the results were nearly the same.
the fact that 29% of respondents supported non-citizens to vote in anything blows my mind.

What the fukk is going on in ppls minds that any non citizen can have ANY say and determine how you live, or how your life gets affected by government.


Nov 28, 2016
I'm getting here late. Just gonna re-post something I wrote on another immigration-related thread a while back while I try and catch up.

It's on both major political parties for turning a blind eye while this was happening.

Democrats because party strategists saw an influx of immigrants as an opportunity to build a demographic advantage in elections up and down the ticket- from municipal politics to the presidency. The humanitarian wing of the party saw it as a way to rectify historical wrongs perpetrated by the US on people around the world.

Republicans because the business wing of the party saw mass immigration as an opportunity to crush domestic wages while selling more products and services than ever (everything from new housing construction to toilet paper & toothbrushes). The racist wing of the party saw immigration as an opportunity to dilute AADOS political and economic power - much easier to treat a Salvadoran illegal drywaller like shyt and get away with it than it is to do the same thing to a black man. The religious wing of the party saw an opportunity to turn (primarily Latin American) immigrants into soldiers in their crusade against abortion (their talking point throughout the 90s and 2000s was that Hispanics were "natural conservatives").

Love him or hate him, Trump drew much-needed attention to the issue. Clearly the majority of the voting American public was never fully informed on the fukkery going on with immigration - and had they been, there's no way they would have supported what's taken place. Pick your pollster, the results are more or less the same.

Dealing with 30+ years of unbridled immigration-related fukkery was always going to be ugly. There will be all sorts of personal tragedies generated by the government actually enforcing laws that have always been on the books. That's typically what happens when laws that have long gone unenforced start being enforced again.

But it's started. The train has left the station.

The only questions now are:

1) How aggressive will the deportation policy be for illegal immigrants who've been long-term residents of the US?

2) How many legal immigrants will be allowed into the country moving forward?

3) What current legal immigration programs will be eliminated? (will we still have a refugee program? EB-5 program? H-1b program?, etc.)

4) Will any new legal immigration programs be created?

5) How will legal immigrants be distributed among whatever legal immigration programs exist?


Nov 28, 2016
if trump wins again in 2020 it will be because of this issue AGAIN.

3 weeks ago beto was closing in on cruz then his pac started bombarding us with commercials juxtaposing beto's abolish ice comments and a picture of kathryn steinle and the polls have widened.
Straight facts :francis:


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
the fact that 29% of respondents supported non-citizens to vote in anything blows my mind.

What the fukk is going on in ppls minds that any non citizen can have ANY say and determine how you live, or how your life gets affected by government.
bruh...democrats think this shyt is a game.

And people aren't asking black democrats where they stand on this issue.

Outside of child separation, the democrats need to fix their stance on this issue ASAP.


Nov 28, 2016
Their argument is "you shouldn't be competing with illegal immigrants for jobs". What kinda nonsense argument is that :gucci: America is a capitalistic system. Somebody gotta work them fukked up jobs. Poorer Americans unfortunately have to do so. How are they supposed to have higher pay, better benefits and better working conditions when third world workers are willing to work for nothing? Either these nikkas are trolling, are Hispanics themselves, c00n professionals that made a few dollars and forgot where they came from or they're business owners and depend on having illegal workers. If a politician said this garbage in real life, he'd get destroyed in the media.

Anybody spouting off about illegals not affecting black working class employment levels and wages, do your homework on what happened to the black men working as janitors, in warehouses, as landscapers, and in construction in LA in the 70s and 80s.

Black men working those jobs earned enough to buy homes and raise families. Some of their children went off to college. Others were caught up in the crack era.

But the ones I feel for most? The children they had that would've been happy to do the same work for the same wages.

Their fathers got pushed out by the 1st massive wave of illegal immigrants - and by the time those children came of age, the wages had cratered because of the huge influx of labor - and the opportunity for a respectable standard of living doing that sort of work no longer existed.


Nov 28, 2016
Yeah, but you'll buy into republican propaganda like it's going out of style.

You don't get to "not buy it" they're historical facts that the US actively ruins foreign countries. Look at Iraq, look at Vietnam. The difference is, South America has always been more connected to the US, geographically, culturally, demographically, economically, so the US is able to infiltrate and interfere on a much more direct and ongoing basis, whereas on other continents, they have to perform drive-bys. You're just incredibly ignorant and view politics through the narrowest of prisms, so you can filter out anything that runs contrary to your view system.

Reagan funded the Nicaraguan contras in the 1980s with money he bought from Iran.
Reagan's vice-president, Bush, was the next president.
Then Bush's son came into office 10 years later.
And now Trump is sending tanks to Brazil because it's trying to vote a far-right politician into office.

It's not like this all happened 40 years ago and then stopped. Like how slavery didn't end after the Emancipation Proclamation. You think it's impossible for there to be decades of refugees, yet the private prison system has kept slavery intact for centuries... Obviously America is capable of keeping large groups of people in advanced states of oppression for extended periods of time. The world is an apartheid state and by acting as a republican lapdog, all you're doing is being one of the border security guards. If this were South Africa, you would be an Afrikaaner.

Everything you're afraid of immigrants POSSIBLY doing, ruining your economy, etc. is a fraction of the amount of damage America HAS ALREADY inflicted on numerous countries on damn near every continent except Antarctica. You're a hypocrite. The US has been actively fukking with foreign countries internal affairs, creating massive areas of terror controlled by juntas. But you're cowering in fear over the prospect of poor, disenfranchised refugees taking your job.

This isn't even chess vs checkers, you're playing tic-tac-toe. You're willfully disregarding decades of global events to present your ignorant, xenophobic argument that holds as much water as a colander.
Just want to add to this.

You aren't wrong about what the US got up to in Latin America in the 80s.

But it goes far deeper than just what we did in the 80s. This stretches all the way back to the Monroe Doctrine.

The US strategic approach to Latin America has always been first and foremost about preventing any other world power from gaining influence anywhere in the region.

This really heated up post-WWII, when the Soviet Union made an enormous effort to establish Communist (or at least Communist-sympathizing) governments across the region.

Under JFK, the US failed pathetically at overthrowing Castro's young and still very weak government (Bay of Pigs :mjlol:).

Under Nixon, the US (fairly openly) backed the coup d'etat that ousted Salvador Allende (the leftist PM of Chile at the time) and installed a military government led by Pinochet.

We all know what Pinochet was about :merchant:...executing suspected Communists by flying helicopters over the ocean and dropping them to their deaths :towelmax:

And so on and so forth...when you peel back all of the Latin American shenanigans the US was involved in (even through the Reagan era), you find that they're primarily driven by a desire to eliminate Soviet influence on the region.

For the most part (Cuba is really the only exception - Venezuela didn't escape America's grip until the early 2000s) it was a successful effort.

Was it right though? Absolutely not. But I don't expect morally upstanding behavior in foreign affairs from any country.

I assume states have interests, and they'll pursue them by whatever means they have at their disposal - up to the limit of their citizens' tolerance for foul behavior, or the potential for regime-threatening blowback from other states.
After all...other, equally amoral states have been known to exploit the ugly actions of competitor states towards their own ends...just look at the Saudis and the Syrians :sas2:
Or better yet...the US and Saddam's Iraq :snoop:


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
Just want to add to this.

You aren't wrong about what the US got up to in Latin America in the 80s.

But it goes far deeper than just what we did in the 80s. This stretches all the way back to the Monroe Doctrine.

The US strategic approach to Latin America has always been first and foremost about preventing any other world power from gaining influence anywhere in the region.

This really heated up post-WWII, when the Soviet Union made an enormous effort to establish Communist (or at least Communist-sympathizing) governments across the region.

Under JFK, the US failed pathetically at overthrowing Castro's young and still very weak government (Bay of Pigs :mjlol:).

Under Nixon, the US (fairly openly) backed the coup d'etat that ousted Salvador Allende (the leftist PM of Chile at the time) and installed a military government led by Pinochet.

We all know what Pinochet was about :merchant:...executing suspected Communists by flying helicopters over the ocean and dropping them to their deaths :towelmax:

And so on and so forth...when you peel back all of the Latin American shenanigans the US was involved in (even through the Reagan era), you find that they're primarily driven by a desire to eliminate Soviet influence on the region.

For the most part (Cuba is really the only exception - Venezuela didn't escape America's grip until the early 2000s) it was a successful effort.

Was it right though? Absolutely not. But I don't expect morally upstanding behavior in foreign affairs from any country.

I assume states have interests, and they'll pursue them by whatever means they have at their disposal - up to the limit of their citizens' tolerance for foul behavior, or the potential for regime-threatening blowback from other states.
After all...other, equally amoral states have been known to exploit the ugly actions of competitor states towards their own ends...just look at the Saudis and the Syrians :sas2:
Or better yet...the US and Saddam's Iraq :snoop:
It goes further than the Monroe Doctrine, it goes back to John Adams' Aliens & Sedition's act. Immigrants were less likely to vote for his party, so he enacted an anti-immigration law which made it more difficult to become a citizen (14 years, long after he'd be running for president). Thomas Jefferson repelled 3/4 of the act when he came into office, and the part he didn't was used to inter Japanese-Americans during WWII :francis:

I was just pointing how post-Reagan neoconservatives stirring up narcoterrorism, paramilitary groups, and right-wing Juntas in Latin American countries has led to a direct influx in emigration from those areas; and how Nap is such a brainwashed stooge, that he'll go on and on about how it's unrelated, but then eventually concede, throw up his hands and go "too bad! We all have problems, they still can't come here. Go back to those death traps ILLEGALS!" like a xenophobic republican from Dallas has their hand pulling his puppet strings.


God Emperor of SOHH
May 4, 2012
It actually goes further than that, it goes back to the Anglo-Spanish War (1585–1604) - Wikipedia

The conflict between the British and Iberians and their descendants is a maze that Africans have to navigate while putting black interests first

Black people need to get off goofy moral shyt and get in some power shyt, neither of the aforementioned groups care about morality they just care about power