I've got a few things to add to this..
I've been adding weight all wrong.. I've been adding
5lbs to each side instead of
2.5. I still did it all though
Still worried about my form..Felt like my deadlift form was all wrong.. I'll keep watching BB.com instructional videos though
pressing that olympic bar had me
even though it was just the bar
On the deadlift, I know some people disagree with this line of thinking but leave that out for a min. Replace it with Good Mornings and Rack Pulls(aka Pin Pulls) to build lower back and core strength. Also every day of strong lifts do oblique work and spend some time doing (10-15+ mins) some kind of work to loosen up your hips, there is some foam roller work along with stretches that can help with that.
Somebody who is just starting to hit the weights with relatively low core strength shouldn't risk doing deadlifts and most people who are "out of shape" have stiff un-explosive hips at first so you put a lot of strain on the lower back in the way of hips rising faster than shoulders during the explosive movement and shoulders falling faster than hips causing your back to round and lose its natural arch.
If you do the rack pulls, good mornings and oblique work for a few weeks/months your core will become more athletic and you'll start to get more athletic hips which will allow you to deadlift in the future with proper form reducing your chance of injury. It'll also make your squat jump faster in the 5x5. There is no negative effect to the Strong Lifts program subbing in those exercises since they are both mass and strength builders with the same patterns of movements of the deadlift.
Personally my biggest complaint with beginner programs like strong lifts and starting strength is they advise these programs with no knowledge of how in shape the person is. I've been lifting for 3ish years with a 405 deadlift that stalled and form was getting sketchy so I dropped it and focused on my weak point in the lift, I was strong at the explosion off the ground so my hips and hamstrings were good but slow in the hip rise->lockout so it was my lower back/core, so i added more oblique work to my ab circuit, good mornings and rack pulls and I pr'd 455 last week.
I just barely started a power lifting routine at a legit power lifting gym and been learning a lot about weak points and form issues I have and they've been giving me a lot of exercises to fix those weak points so if you need any form help or feel like an exercise stalled just ask.
w/rack pulls start the pins at about 1 inch to 2 inch below the knee cap, as it gets easier over the weeks drop the pins down so the bar gets closer and closer to the floor.
example with some
good mornings
hip exercises
didn't watch this video so it could be all bro science or legit.