you lost with me with the gangbanging stuff, chill with the graphicals
but anyways i disagree that the chinese or russians government doesnt have to answer, either you are down for freedom or not, i dont see how anybody can be down with freedom and privacy and not have awhen it comes to china and russia
so you are saying only americans deserve freedom and privacy...and now the truth comes out
I use to love trolling when it first started. Now a days I can't tell if people are trolling or legitimately as retarded as Bobby Boucher.
Stop worrying about other countries when we have such severe domestic hypocrisies.
I'm a firm supporter of sovereign states and recognize that the progression of humanity,culture and freedom develop and evolve in different societies naturally at different times. All these so-called humanitarian wars(which are really driven by the military-industrial complex and securing natural resources) that were suppose to establish western-style democracies always fail. Why? Because basic rights need to be self-realized and fought for by the countries' citizens.
Live by example and not by rhetoric, which the US obviously hasn't been doing.