Nope. He only had 2 albums. Of course you can say Ready to Die is a great (or classic) album, but timeless it's not. It sounded dated by the time '95 rolled around. So you cannot praise him for one thing, then discredit others for the same thing. Life After Death is a very average album. it has some outstanding tracks, but it also has less than stellar...and Hypnotize is a weak track. Plus, he never had that chance to fall off. He's from that era that albums came out every 2-3 years, so we didn't get to see how he could recover from that "we're just tired of him".
As a pure lyricist, he's overrated and as for the tangibles, others have done it better. You can call him the first to really make radio-friendly tracks without losing his street appeal however after that time, you could say that his work was the death or raw hip-hop as we know it. As for his guest appearances, hits, world appeal, Jay-Z has surpassed him, 50 CENT has surpassed him, Kanye has surpassed him, hell Method Man's guest appearances were just as potent as Biggie's. None of these artists are Top 5.