I disagree about he jukes- give me Hunter and Gore juking the LBs any day. we'll see.
i mean its a good argument to have, niners are basically 3 deep rb wise. i cant remember this type of depth since hearst/kirby
I disagree about he jukes- give me Hunter and Gore juking the LBs any day. we'll see.
yeah, hopefully Hunter comes back healthy though. we missed him last year. hear Lattimore could be ready mid-seasoni mean its a good argument to have, niners are basically 3 deep rb wise. i cant remember this type of depth since hearst/kirby
i dont even want lattimore to play this year, hopefully he wont have to. according to reports hunter has been running at full speed and should ready to play soonyeah, hopefully Hunter comes back healthy though. we missed him last year. hear Lattimore could be ready mid-seasonshyt will be insane if he can come back this season
uh oh. gonna be a LONG week for aj
aj was getting booed out there breh. at this point hed have to work pretty hard to just prove hes not a bust.
I agree that booing wasnt necessary, but he had a bad game altogether. he ran into his own man couple of times and just in general he saw tons of snaps but didnt do much with them. hall looked way better.i really dont understand why hes getting boo'd, he could of had a good game if that pass wasnt overthrown
lots of wrs fumble the ball while fighting for yards, crabs did it as well in the nfc champ game
there aint no reason to boo him
Im not a big Goldson fan myselfThis was Reid'sfirst game y'all, and with the second team D.
He'll get use to playing in NFL soon enough.
Remember, Goldson wasn't making much noise until a couple of years ago.
Vance McDonald is going to be a starter.
aj was getting booed out there breh. at this point hed have to work pretty hard to just prove hes not a bust.
I like Vance a lot but VD is still our starter