
May 1, 2012
Bro your dumb as shyt. Your using that fake a as CaC invasion theory like it's truth.
They even taught me that bull shyt in school but I knew it wasn't right.

So your trynna tell me that thousands of years of culture from India wasn't created by Indians?:russ:
You as dumb as a cac

Lemme tell you a secret. CACS created the so call ed "Aryan Theory" to demoralize the Indian People. Tell them their culture is not theirs, their ancient language(which is one of the oldest written languages) supposedly didn't come from them. Their religion and God's supposedly not from.Them. But brought by so called "Aryans"

Not to mention the word "Aryan" is used only 36 times in the rigveda. Basically the Nazis found a word that meant noble and ran with it. They even took the Nazi Swastika logo from the Indians. Such cruel cacs, turning a religious symbol into a symbol of hate.

Did you know Hinduism has similarities with Greek and Roman God's?

Did you know the ancient Indian language Sanskrit has many similarities with English and other indo_european languages?

Now, did you know that the Cacs were jealous of India's Spices, Gold, jewels, religion , and spirituality? They were so jealous they tried to rob them of this culture.

They make up some bs that some CaCs came down and dropped the Vedas, culture, the whole swag on Indians.:stopitslime:

C'mon now.smarten up.

Not to mention there is no evidence for this Aryan Theory at all, so it's laughable. No evidence., no genetic evidence . No old stories nothing. If there was a whole race of people shutting down India, wouldn't it be documented? They had Sanskrit so why not? But no you see nothing because nothing really happened.

The only invasions are the documented ones, like Turko-persians, and Alexander who barely skimmed India

In reality it makes more sense to be the other way around. CACs actuAlly descend from Indians. The western religions are branched off from Indians.

Thank you. Dude is railing against prejudice against dark skinned people while touting eurocentric garbage. Hilarious.


Jun 20, 2015
Except that whether there was an aryan invasion or migration was never the subject of debate. The subject of debate is whether or not the varna system was based on skin color. You haven't provided any scholarly articles to support that view, only speculative assertions based on biased interpretations of religious texts. I have used the same religious texts here to show that many of Hinduisms most revered sages, gods, and heroes have been described as being unabashedly dark skinned, and you've chosen to hand wave them away and cling to your dogma. Well, that's not my problem.

Here is a second scholarly afticle this time from an Indian University...

The Varna system
Without the knowledge of Varnashrama Dharma one may not be able to understand the nuances of Manusmriti. The ‘Varna'popularly known as the 'Caste system' is perhaps the most explosive topic in Hinduism. The word "Varna" is derived from the root 'VR' to screen, veil, covering, external appearance' - Varna also means colour. Varna was used to denote groups having different skin coloration. The Aryans were fair skinned and the Dravidians black skinned. Thus, white or fair complexion was considered as belonging to Brahmins(priestly), red to Kshatriyas (princely), yellow to Vaisyas (commercial) and black to Sudras (serving). But colour is only one of the many aspects of the term. Varna also denotes species, kind, character and nature. Racial, tribal and familial solidarity had also a part to play in the origin of the 'Varna' system. The divisions may have been made based on religious beliefs, cult practices, and even eating habits. Above all, there is the theory that the Varnas derived their basis from the Purushasukta (Rig Veda 10.90) in dividing mankind into four socially separate interdependent categories and this was incorporated in the Manu Dharmasastra (Singh 1998; Bhatia 2001)

You are free to continue denying the obvious truth...

"vedic scriptures," assuming you mean the vedas don't talk about Dravidians at all. The word dravid means south. In fact Brahmins in India are divided into two groups, pancha gouda, and pancha dravida. Pancha dravida Brahmins are those Brahmins who reside south of the vindhya mountains. They can be called Dravidian since they speak Dravidian languages. Again, skin color and race has no bearing on any of this at all.

Sure that's what I mean
Oh really...semantics again....check out verse* 44

4. Brahmana, the Kshatriya, and the Vaisya castes (varna) are the twice-born ones, but the fourth, the Sudra, has one birth only; there is no fifth (caste)
5. In all castes (varna) those (children) only which are begotten in the direct order on wedded wives, equal (in caste and married as) virgins, are to be considered as belonging to the same caste (as their fathers)
14. Those sons of the twice-born, begotten on wives of the next lower castes, who have been enumerated in due order, they call by the name Anantaras (belonging to the next lower caste), on account of the blemish (inherent) in their mothers.
16. From a Sudra spring in the inverse order (by females of the higher castes) three base-born (sons, apasada), an Ayogava, a Kshattri, and a Kandala, the lowest of men
29. Those (six mentioned above) also beget, the one on the females of the other, a great many (kinds of) despicable (sons), even more sinful than their (fathers), and excluded (from the Aryan community, vahya)
43. But in consequence of the omission of the sacred rites, and of their not consulting Brahmanas, the following tribes of Kshatriyas have gradually sunk in this world to the condition of Sudras;

44. (Viz.) the Paundrakas, the Kodas, the Dravidas, the Kambogas, the Yavanas, the Sakas, the Paradas, the Pahlavas, the Kinas, the Kiratas, and the Daradas.

45. All those tribes in this world, which are excluded from (the community of) those born from the mouth, the arms, the thighs, and the feet (of Brahman), are called Dasyus, whether they speak the language of the Mlekkhas (barbarians) or that of the Aryans
56. By the king's order they shall always execute the criminals, in accordance with the law, and they shall take for themselves the clothes, the beds, and the ornaments of (such) criminals.

57. A man of impure origin, who belongs not to any caste, (varna, but whose character is) not known, who, (though) not an Aryan, has the appearance of an Aryan, one may discover by his acts.

58. Behaviour unworthy of an Aryan, harshness, cruelty, and habitual neglect of the prescribed duties betray in this world a man of impure origin.

59. A base-born man either resembles in character his father, or his mother, or both; he can never conceal his real nature.
64. If (a female of the caste), sprung from a Brahmana and a Sudra female, bear (children) to one of the highest caste, the inferior (tribe) attains the highest caste within the seventh generation.

65. (Thus) a Sudra attains the rank of a Brahmana, and (in a similar manner) a Brahmana sinks to the level of a Sudra; but know that it is the same with the offspring of a Kshatriya or of a Vaisya.
96. A man of low caste who through covetousness lives by the occupations of a higher one, the king shall deprive of his property and banish
126. A Sudra cannot commit an offence, causing loss of caste (pataka), and he is not worthy to receive the sacraments; he has no right to (fulfil) the sacred law (of the Aryans, yet) there is no prohibition against (his fulfilling certain portions of) the law.
The Laws of Manu: Full Text Translation by G. Buhler - Chapter 10

Again, none of this supports your point. If you want to discuss the aryan invasion theory, start another thread. There's no evidence for it, and the rig veda you are quoting mentions no land outside the subcontinent where these aryans supposedly arrived from. Also, the word dasyu was used to describe rebel aryan tribes...refer to the battle of ten kings.

In later literature the word mleccha which means barbarian was used to refer to lighter skinned Greeks, Iranians, Arabs, etc...this wouldn't be the case if it were all about skin color.

No scholarly articles to support your supposition have been provided, The one genetic link you presented ended up supporting my arguments....
Here is another......for your reading pleasure

The origins and affinities of the approximately 1 billion people living on the subcontinent of India have long been contested. This is owing, in part, to the many different waves of immigrants that have influenced the genetic structure of India. In the most recent of these waves, Indo-European-speaking people from West Eurasia entered India from the Northwest and diffused throughout the subcontinent. They purportedly admixed with or displaced indigenous Dravidic-speaking populations. Subsequently they may have established the Hindu caste system and placed themselves primarily in castes of higher rank. To explore the impact of West Eurasians on contemporary Indian caste populations, we compared mtDNA (400 bp of hypervariable region 1 and 14 restriction site polymorphisms) and Y-chromosome (20 biallelic polymorphisms and 5 short tandem repeats) variation in approximately 265 males from eight castes of different rank to approximately 750 Africans, Asians, Europeans, and other Indians. For maternally inherited mtDNA, each caste is most similar to Asians. However, 20%-30% of Indian mtDNA haplotypes belong to West Eurasian haplogroups, and the frequency of these haplotypes is proportional to caste rank, the highest frequency of West Eurasian haplotypes being found in the upper castes. In contrast, for paternally inherited Y-chromosome variation each caste is more similar to Europeans than to Asians. Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans. These findings are consistent with greater West Eurasian male admixture with castes of higher rank. Nevertheless, the mitochondrial genome and the Y chromosome each represents only a single haploid locus and is more susceptible to large stochastic variation, bottlenecks, and selective sweeps. Thus, to increase the power of our analysis, we assayed 40 independent, biparentally inherited autosomal loci (1 LINE-1 and 39 Alu elements) in all of the caste and continental populations (approximately 600 individuals). Analysis of these data demonstrated that the upper castes have a higher affinity to Europeans than to Asians, and the upper castes are significantly more similar to Europeans than are the lower castes. Collectively, all five datasets show a trend toward upper castes being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to Asians. We conclude that Indian castes are most likely to be of proto-Asian origin with West Eurasian admixture resulting in rank-related and sex-specific differences in the genetic affinities of castes to Asians and Europeans.
Genetic evidence on the origins of Indian caste populations. - PubMed - NCBI

Uh, I've provided multiple examples of dark skinned gods and heroes in Hinduism to counter your claims, you've made it clear that you are choosing to ignore them. Like I said, that's your problem, not mine.

I have not ignore them
I have shown where even in Europe the pope worships a Black Madonna and child in private, whilst in public he worship a white one....Krishna is often portrayed as blue in Public.
All Christians Know that Jesus Christ was a Semite or Middle eastern man - which means they are worshiping a non white GOD.......This does not stop Christian from oppressing non white peoples.Kr
Hence a Black God in Indian does not mean that Light Brown and black Indians will not oppress people who they construe as blacks Indians.....Cognitive Dissonance.

During the American Civil War black Africans fought on both sides....That does not mean that blacks were not being oppressed

Yes Iranians are lighter than Dravidians in general. South India aligns with ethiopia below the tropic of cancer, it's not a mystery as to why they would be darker skinned.
That is the basis, that was used to create the varna system

No Dravidians have never went to war with Iranians.

Maybe tomorrow I will look into the Indus Valley Civilization destruction and the Indu-Kush regions...

Dasyu, Sanskrit dāsa (“servant”), an aboriginal people in India who were encountered by the Indo-European-speaking peoples who entered northern India about 1500 bce. They were described by the Indo-Europeans as a dark-skinned, harsh-spoken people who worshipped the phallus. Some Western scholars who view the lingam (a Hindu votary object) as a phallic symbol have conjectured that it originated with the dasyu; others hold that this description of the dasyu may have referred to their sexual practices. The dasyu lived in fortified places from which they sent out armies. They may have been among the Shudras, or labourers, who served the three higher classes— Brahman (priests),Kshatriya (warriors), and Vaishya (merchants)—from whose ritual communion they were excluded
dasyu | people

Yes there are connections between the vedic religion and Zoroastrianism. Theres evidence to suggest that a group of aryans split and went west and settled Iran and eventually became the Iranians. They still called themselves aryans but they weren't considered to be so anymore by vedic Brahmins.

Could you provide the link.....I believe this connect has more to yield.
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Jun 20, 2015
Bro your dumb as shyt. Your using that fake a as CaC invasion theory like it's truth.
They even taught me that bull shyt in school but I knew it wasn't right.

So your trynna tell me that thousands of years of culture from India wasn't created by Indians?:russ:
You as dumb as a cac

Lemme tell you a secret. CACS created the so call ed "Aryan Theory" to demoralize the Indian People. Tell them their culture is not theirs, their ancient language(which is one of the oldest written languages) supposedly didn't come from them. Their religion and God's supposedly not from.Them. But brought by so called "Aryans"

Not to mention the word "Aryan" is used only 36 times in the rigveda. Basically the Nazis found a word that meant noble and ran with it. They even took the Nazi Swastika logo from the Indians. Such cruel cacs, turning a religious symbol into a symbol of hate.

Did you know Hinduism has similarities with Greek and Roman God's?

Did you know the ancient Indian language Sanskrit has many similarities with English and other indo_european languages?

Now, did you know that the Cacs were jealous of India's Spices, Gold, jewels, religion , and spirituality? They were so jealous they tried to rob them of this culture.

They make up some bs that some CaCs came down and dropped the Vedas, culture, the whole swag on Indians.:stopitslime:

C'mon now.smarten up.

Not to mention there is no evidence for this Aryan Theory at all, so it's laughable. No evidence., no genetic evidence . No old stories nothing. If there was a whole race of people shutting down India, wouldn't it be documented? They had Sanskrit so why not? But no you see nothing because nothing really happened.

The only invasions are the documented ones, like Turko-persians, and Alexander who barely skimmed India

In reality it makes more sense to be the other way around. CACs actuAlly descend from Indians. The western religions are branched off from Indians.

Reading is fundamental I never said I supported the Aryan Invasion theory....what I said was two groups of people coming together whether through migrant or war doesn't matter

Get a grip way off base, here is the genetic evidence - read it and weep...

The origins and affinities of the approximately 1 billion people living on the subcontinent of India have long been contested. This is owing, in part, to the many different waves of immigrants that have influenced the genetic structure of India. In the most recent of these waves, Indo-European-speaking people from West Eurasia entered India from the Northwest and diffused throughout the subcontinent. They purportedly admixed with or displaced indigenous Dravidic-speaking populations. Subsequently they may have established the Hindu caste system and placed themselves primarily in castes of higher rank. To explore the impact of West Eurasians on contemporary Indian caste populations, we compared mtDNA (400 bp of hypervariable region 1 and 14 restriction site polymorphisms) and Y-chromosome (20 biallelic polymorphisms and 5 short tandem repeats) variation in approximately 265 males from eight castes of different rank to approximately 750 Africans, Asians, Europeans, and other Indians. For maternally inherited mtDNA, each caste is most similar to Asians. However, 20%-30% of Indian mtDNA haplotypes belong to West Eurasian haplogroups, and the frequency of these haplotypes is proportional to caste rank, the highest frequency of West Eurasian haplotypes being found in the upper castes. In contrast, for paternally inherited Y-chromosome variation each caste is more similar to Europeans than to Asians. Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans. These findings are consistent with greater West Eurasian male admixture with castes of higher rank. Nevertheless, the mitochondrial genome and the Y chromosome each represents only a single haploid locus and is more susceptible to large stochastic variation, bottlenecks, and selective sweeps. Thus, to increase the power of our analysis, we assayed 40 independent, biparentally inherited autosomal loci (1 LINE-1 and 39 Alu elements) in all of the caste and continental populations (approximately 600 individuals). Analysis of these data demonstrated that the upper castes have a higher affinity to Europeans than to Asians, and the upper castes are significantly more similar to Europeans than are the lower castes. Collectively, all five datasets show a trend toward upper castes being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to Asians. We conclude that Indian castes are most likely to be of proto-Asian origin with West Eurasian admixture resulting in rank-related and sex-specific differences in the genetic affinities of castes to Asians and Europeans.
Genetic evidence on the origins of Indian caste populations. - PubMed - NCBI
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May 1, 2012
Here is a second scholarly afticle this time from an Indian University...

The Varna system
Without the knowledge of Varnashrama Dharma one may not be able to understand the nuances of Manusmriti. The ‘Varna'popularly known as the 'Caste system' is perhaps the most explosive topic in Hinduism. The word "Varna" is derived from the root 'VR' to screen, veil, covering, external appearance' - Varna also means colour. Varna was used to denote groups having different skin coloration. The Aryans were fair skinned and the Dravidians black skinned. Thus, white or fair complexion was considered as belonging to Brahmins(priestly), red to Kshatriyas (princely), yellow to Vaisyas (commercial) and black to Sudras (serving). But colour is only one of the many aspects of the term. Varna also denotes species, kind, character and nature. Racial, tribal and familial solidarity had also a part to play in the origin of the 'Varna' system. The divisions may have been made based on religious beliefs, cult practices, and even eating habits. Above all, there is the theory that the Varnas derived their basis from the Purushasukta (Rig Veda 10.90) in dividing mankind into four socially separate interdependent categories and this was incorporated in the Manu Dharmasastra (Singh 1998; Bhatia 2001)

You are free to continue denying the obvious truth...

A quick peek at your link shows a source that's obviously biased and dubious at best. If you knew how much a of a mess caste politics was in India you'd realize how many groups have a lot to gain from demonizing brahmins and engaging in divisive propaganda. It is correct however when it likens caste to tribe and family. As for a more qualified source:

Varna, Sanskrit varṇa, any one of the four traditional social classes of India. Although the literal meaning of the word varna (Sanskrit: “colour”) once invited speculation that class distinctions were originally based on differences in degree of skin pigmentation between an alleged group of lighter-skinned invaders called “Aryans” and the darker indigenous people of ancient India, this theory has been discredited since the mid-20th century. The notion of “colour” was most likely a device of classification. Colours were frequently used as classifiers; e.g., the Vedic scripture known as theYajurveda is divided into two groups of texts, White and Black.

varna | Hinduism

Oh, and look, it mentioned the white and black yajur veda which I brought to your attention when this discussion first started :francis:

Sure that's what I mean
Oh really...semantics again....check out verse* 44

44. (Viz.) the Paundrakas, the Kodas, the Dravidas, the Kambogas, the Yavanas, the Sakas, the Paradas, the Pahlavas, the Kinas, the Kiratas, and the Daradas.

45. All those tribes in this world, which are excluded from (the community of) those born from the mouth, the arms, the thighs, and the feet (of Brahman), are called Dasyus, whether they speak the language of the Mlekkhas (barbarians) or that of the Aryans
56. By the king's order they shall always execute the criminals, in accordance with the law, and they shall take for themselves the clothes, the beds, and the ornaments of (such) criminals.

First of all it can't be what you mean, because the Manu Smriti isn't a part of the Vedas, which you were quoting earlier.

Secondly, this actually works against you. The Yavanas (Greeks and Turks), Sakas (Schythians), Pahlavas (Persians), Kiratas (Mongolians), and Daradas (Kashmiris) are obviously all referring to historically "white skinned" peoples. The Kambojas were a warrior tribe from Persia as well. So where is skin color coming into play in this scenario? Where is skin color even mentioned in this text?

No scholarly articles to support your supposition have been provided, The one genetic link you presented ended up supporting my arguments....

LOL no it didn't.

Here is another......for your reading pleasure

The origins and affinities of the approximately 1 billion people living on the subcontinent of India have long been contested. This is owing, in part, to the many different waves of immigrants that have influenced the genetic structure of India. In the most recent of these waves, Indo-European-speaking people from West Eurasia entered India from the Northwest and diffused throughout the subcontinent. They purportedly admixed with or displaced indigenous Dravidic-speaking populations. Subsequently they may have established the Hindu caste system and placed themselves primarily in castes of higher rank. To explore the impact of West Eurasians on contemporary Indian caste populations, we compared mtDNA (400 bp of hypervariable region 1 and 14 restriction site polymorphisms) and Y-chromosome (20 biallelic polymorphisms and 5 short tandem repeats) variation in approximately 265 males from eight castes of different rank to approximately 750 Africans, Asians, Europeans, and other Indians. For maternally inherited mtDNA, each caste is most similar to Asians. However, 20%-30% of Indian mtDNA haplotypes belong to West Eurasian haplogroups, and the frequency of these haplotypes is proportional to caste rank, the highest frequency of West Eurasian haplotypes being found in the upper castes. In contrast, for paternally inherited Y-chromosome variation each caste is more similar to Europeans than to Asians. Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans. These findings are consistent with greater West Eurasian male admixture with castes of higher rank. Nevertheless, the mitochondrial genome and the Y chromosome each represents only a single haploid locus and is more susceptible to large stochastic variation, bottlenecks, and selective sweeps. Thus, to increase the power of our analysis, we assayed 40 independent, biparentally inherited autosomal loci (1 LINE-1 and 39 Alu elements) in all of the caste and continental populations (approximately 600 individuals). Analysis of these data demonstrated that the upper castes have a higher affinity to Europeans than to Asians, and the upper castes are significantly more similar to Europeans than are the lower castes. Collectively, all five datasets show a trend toward upper castes being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to Asians. We conclude that Indian castes are most likely to be of proto-Asian origin with West Eurasian admixture resulting in rank-related and sex-specific differences in the genetic affinities of castes to Asians and Europeans.
Genetic evidence on the origins of Indian caste populations. - PubMed - NCBI

This study is from 2001. We've already established that the Aryan invasion theory has been under heavy fire from the academic community with modern breakthrough studies in genetics that show that the influx of European genes into India has been minimal at best. "Affinities" is another thing entirely. Here is a more recent study:

One of the aims of the study was to explore whether genetic differences observed among Tamil Nadu populations could be attributed to the establishment of the Hindu Varna system approximately 2,000 years ago by Indo-Europeans from northern India. The genetic data were also interpreted in reference to the paleoclimatic, archaeological and historical evidence from this region.....

......The genetic data also revealed that genetic differentiation among populations in Tamil Nadu began as early as 6,000 years ago, with no significant genetic admixture among them for at least the last 3,000 years. These results indicate a minimal genetic impact from the Indo-European migrations into the region over the past 2,000 years. These results are consistent with the earliest historical records of the region that document a highly structured society prior to the establishment of the Hindu Varna system.

Southern India’s Caste System Predates Arrival of Indo-Europeans, Genographic Project Reveals – National Geographic Society Press Room

Keep in mind this study was done by people who are sympathetic to the Aryan invasion theory.

I have not ignore them
I have shown where even in Europe the pope worships a Black Madonna and child in private, whilst in public he worship a white one....Krishna is often portrayed as blue in Public.
All Christians Know that Jesus Christ was a Semite or Middle eastern man - which means they are worshiping a non white GOD.......This does not stop Christian from oppressing non white peoples.Kr
Hence a Black God in Indian does not mean that Light Brown and black Indians will not oppress people who they construe as blacks Indians.....Cognitive Dissonance.

This has nothing to do with Jesus or any of that Middle Eastern stuff. You are saying Brahmins were biased against dark skin. Are you aware that Brahmins are the ones who composed all of these religious texts? So why would they represent Krishna as a black god? Why is Rama dark skinned? Why is Veda Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas himself dark skinned? Don't tell me about black madonnas and all that other stuff, answer the questions or admit you have no answers.

Maybe tomorrow I will look into the Indus Valley Civilization destruction and the Indu-Kush regions...

Dasyu, Sanskrit dāsa (“servant”), an aboriginal people in India who were encountered by the Indo-European-speaking peoples who entered northern India about 1500 bce. They were described by the Indo-Europeans as a dark-skinned, harsh-spoken people who worshipped the phallus. Some Western scholars who view the lingam (a Hindu votary object) as a phallic symbol have conjectured that it originated with the dasyu; others hold that this description of the dasyu may have referred to their sexual practices. The dasyu lived in fortified places from which they sent out armies. They may have been among the Shudras, or labourers, who served the three higher classes— Brahman (priests),Kshatriya (warriors), and Vaishya (merchants)—from whose ritual communion they were excluded
dasyu | people

If you notice in this link it doesn't say who wrote this entry. In the Britannica link I posted above, the entry was written by the editors themselves.

Could you provide the link.....I believe this connect has more to yield.

I gotta look around.

Kublai Khan

Apr 15, 2014
Reading is fundamental I never said I supported the Aryan Invasion theory....what I said was two groups of people coming together whether through migrant or war doesn't matter

Get a grip way off base, here is the genetic evidence - read it and weep...

The origins and affinities of the approximately 1 billion people living on the subcontinent of India have long been contested. This is owing, in part, to the many different waves of immigrants that have influenced the genetic structure of India. In the most recent of these waves, Indo-European-speaking people from West Eurasia entered India from the Northwest and diffused throughout the subcontinent. They purportedly admixed with or displaced indigenous Dravidic-speaking populations. Subsequently they may have established the Hindu caste system and placed themselves primarily in castes of higher rank. To explore the impact of West Eurasians on contemporary Indian caste populations, we compared mtDNA (400 bp of hypervariable region 1 and 14 restriction site polymorphisms) and Y-chromosome (20 biallelic polymorphisms and 5 short tandem repeats) variation in approximately 265 males from eight castes of different rank to approximately 750 Africans, Asians, Europeans, and other Indians. For maternally inherited mtDNA, each caste is most similar to Asians. However, 20%-30% of Indian mtDNA haplotypes belong to West Eurasian haplogroups, and the frequency of these haplotypes is proportional to caste rank, the highest frequency of West Eurasian haplotypes being found in the upper castes. In contrast, for paternally inherited Y-chromosome variation each caste is more similar to Europeans than to Asians. Moreover, the affinity to Europeans is proportionate to caste rank, the upper castes being most similar to Europeans, particularly East Europeans. These findings are consistent with greater West Eurasian male admixture with castes of higher rank. Nevertheless, the mitochondrial genome and the Y chromosome each represents only a single haploid locus and is more susceptible to large stochastic variation, bottlenecks, and selective sweeps. Thus, to increase the power of our analysis, we assayed 40 independent, biparentally inherited autosomal loci (1 LINE-1 and 39 Alu elements) in all of the caste and continental populations (approximately 600 individuals). Analysis of these data demonstrated that the upper castes have a higher affinity to Europeans than to Asians, and the upper castes are significantly more similar to Europeans than are the lower castes. Collectively, all five datasets show a trend toward upper castes being more similar to Europeans, whereas lower castes are more similar to Asians. We conclude that Indian castes are most likely to be of proto-Asian origin with West Eurasian admixture resulting in rank-related and sex-specific differences in the genetic affinities of castes to Asians and Europeans.
Genetic evidence on the origins of Indian caste populations. - PubMed - NCBI


Looking to the same people that made the "Aryan illusion" for genetic evidence:stopitslime:

But anyways.I quote your article

Indo-European-speaking people from West Eurasia entered India from the Northwest and diffused throughout the subcontinent. They purportedly admixed with or displaced indigenous Dravidic-speaking populations.

I said the only confirmed invasions would be Turco-persians ,or Turco-mongols
And turks are from West Eurasia

Here's a wiki source on what the so called "Aryans" aka Indo Iranians

The early Indo-Iranians are commonly identified with the descendants of the Proto-Indo-Europeans known as the Sintashta culture and the subsequent Andronovo culture within the broader Andronovo horizon, and their homeland with an area of the Eurasian steppe that borders the Ural River on the west, the Tian Shan on the east. Historical linguists broadly estimate that a continuum of Indo-Iranian languages probably began to diverge by 2000 BC, if not earlier,[9]:38–39 preceding both the Vedic and Iranian cultures

So your just confirming what I said and going off topic because I deflated your Aryan CaC theory with common sense.:russ:

There is no real border between Europe and Asia, that's why scientist just say Eurasia because the people are admixed between Mongoloid and Caucasoid.

Not to mention the Eurasian Steppes stretch from Moscow to Mongolia.
They were inhabited by an amalgamation of Tribal Confederations like the
Xiongnu, Scythia, Cimmeria, Sarmatia,Hunnic Empire, Chorasmia, Transoxiana,Sogdiana, Xianbei, Mongols, and Göktürk Khaganate.

And these people ranged from fully Caucasian and fully Mongoloid then some in between. Basically the West Asia and.Eastern Europe inhabited by Turks and Iranid peoples. The East inhabited by the Tungusic peoples and Mongoloids

You should read up on some Steppe Nomadic history . They get gully :violent:
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May 1, 2012


May 20, 2013
@getinthetruck,its good you finally admitted there were blacks in early India,though you still insist on fake Caccery talmbout Eurasians and Indo Europeans. You do say Krishna was black-why didn't you do so on the other thread? Archaeologists find two 'lost cities' deep in Honduras jungle
You could've saved so much time!
Also this has fcuk all to do with the thread! Why do your people find it necessary to fcuk us up?? I have my suspicions but I want your input. Do you have any idea how many Indians are all over Africa? Its raelly not a good look.


Freeing Pokemon From Their Masters Since 1996
May 23, 2012
Cerulean Cave
Why are people going to India to study? This isn't the first story I've heard of African or African-American people going to India to study.


May 1, 2012
@getinthetruck,its good you finally admitted there were blacks in early India,though you still insist on fake Caccery talmbout Eurasians and Indo Europeans. You do say Krishna was black-why didn't you do so on the other thread? Archaeologists find two 'lost cities' deep in Honduras jungle
You could've saved so much time!
Also this has fcuk all to do with the thread! Why do your people find it necessary to fcuk us up?? I have my suspicions but I want your input. Do you have any idea how many Indians are all over Africa? Its raelly not a good look.

:pachaha: man STFU you sound like a bytch. This is an isolated incident and 2 years old to boot. India as a country does nothing but help Africans, so many Africans are in India because of agreements with African countries, in other words they want to be there and their countries want them there. Indians never enslaved no African. I posted an article earlier talking about how Indian professors are teaching Ethiopian students at Addis Ababa university engineering skills via the internet so that country can improve it's infrastructure....tell me what India gets from this? India can easily say look we'd love to help but we're poor too and trying to come up ourselves so tough luck...but that's not the case. This India vs Africa shyt is all in your head and exists only via the internet through the inferiority complex of weirdos like you.

Teaching Africans technical skills that they can use to better their countries for the future is real help, perhaps in the future Ethiopia or some other African country who benefited from this help will be in a position to help India with something - this is how international relations works. Calling yourself an "amateur researcher" and posting stupid articles about Andaman islanders and how Tamil is related to African languages like you do is doing nothing to help Africans with anything :francis:

Xenophobia in India is not a problem. Xenophobia in South Africa however, is. Aren't they attacking and murdering migrants from African countries over there in droves?

Xenophobia in South Africa

Why don't you go kick up a fit over that? Don't worry breh, Africans in India will be fine.


May 20, 2013
:pachaha: man STFU you sound like a bytch. This is an isolated incident and 2 years old to boot. India as a country does nothing but help Africans, so many Africans are in India because of agreements with African countries, in other words they want to be there and their countries want them there. Indians never enslaved no African. I posted an article earlier talking about how Indian professors are teaching Ethiopian students at Addis Ababa university engineering skills via the internet so that country can improve it's infrastructure....tell me what India gets from this? India can easily say look we'd love to help but we're poor too and trying to come up ourselves so tough luck...but that's not the case. This India vs Africa shyt is all in your head and exists only via the internet through the inferiority complex of weirdos like you.

Teaching Africans technical skills that they can use to better their countries for the future is real help, perhaps in the future Ethiopia or some other African country who benefited from this help will be in a position to help India with something - this is how international relations works. Calling yourself an "amateur researcher" and posting stupid articles about Andaman islanders and how Tamil is related to African languages like you do is doing nothing to help Africans with anything :francis:

Xenophobia in India is not a problem. Xenophobia in South Africa however, is. Aren't they attacking and murdering migrants from African countries over there in droves?

Xenophobia in South Africa

Why don't you go kick up a fit over that? Don't worry breh, Africans in India will be fine.

No son,the bytch is the dude who refuses to see the obvious and spams this thread with irrelevant bs! Look at the video on the link:
Its not an isolated incident-by no means! If you want to bring up the Africa/Tamil links do so on the proper thread-I'm waiting.


May 1, 2012
No son,the bytch is the dude who refuses to see the obvious and spams this thread with irrelevant bs! Look at the video on the link:
Its not an isolated incident-by no means! If you want to bring up the Africa/Tamil links do so on the proper thread-I'm waiting.

People get lumped up everyday B, im not defending that but it doesnt make your narrative accurate.

South Africans are killing African migrants, why doesn't that concern you?


Jun 20, 2015
A quick peek at your link shows a source that's obviously biased and dubious at best. If you knew how much a of a mess caste politics was in India you'd realize how many groups have a lot to gain from demonizing brahmins and engaging in divisive propaganda. It is correct however when it likens caste to tribe and family. As for a more qualified source:

Varna, Sanskrit varṇa, any one of the four traditional social classes of India. Although the literal meaning of the word varna (Sanskrit: “colour”) once invited speculation that class distinctions were originally based on differences in degree of skin pigmentation between an alleged group of lighter-skinned invaders called “Aryans” and the darker indigenous people of ancient India, this theory has been discredited since the mid-20th century. The notion of “colour” was most likely a device of classification. Colours were frequently used as classifiers; e.g., the Vedic scripture known as theYajurveda is divided into two groups of texts, White and Black.

varna | Hinduism

So are you knowing accepting the Britannica as scholarly and unbiased?

Oh, and look, it mentioned the white and black yajur veda which I brought to your attention when this discussion first started :francis:

First of all it can't be what you mean, because the Manu Smriti isn't a part of the Vedas, which you were quoting earlier.

Secondly, this actually works against you. The Yavanas (Greeks and Turks), Sakas (Schythians), Pahlavas (Persians), Kiratas (Mongolians), and Daradas (Kashmiris) are obviously all referring to historically "white skinned" peoples. The Kambojas were a warrior tribe from Persia as well. So where is skin color coming into play in this scenario? Where is skin color even mentioned in this text?

Yeah and as I said Varna means and white are colors
Manu Smriti mentions the Dravidians.....I said Vedic Scriptures you said Vedas.

I am glad you admitted they were white because that actual goes to prove my point.....they where formerly Kshatriyas

43. But in consequence of the omission of the sacred rites, and of their not consulting Brahmanas, the following tribes of Kshatriyas have gradually sunk in this world to the condition of Sudras;

44. (Viz.) the Paundrakas, the Kodas, the Dravidas, the Kambogas, the Yavanas, the Sakas, the Paradas, the Pahlavas, the Kinas, the Kiratas, and the Daradas

LOL no it didn't.

Oh yes it show that there was a mixing or blending of Indians and Iranians in and out flows.....and to quote you "Yes Iranians are lighter than Dravidians in general. South India aligns with ethiopia below the tropic of cancer, it's not a mystery as to why they would be darker skinned."

This study is from 2001. We've already established that the Aryan invasion theory has been under heavy fire from the academic community with modern breakthrough studies in genetics that show that the influx of European genes into India has been minimal at best. "Affinities" is another thing entirely. Here is a more recent study:

One of the aims of the study was to explore whether genetic differences observed among Tamil Nadu populations could be attributed to the establishment of the Hindu Varna system approximately 2,000 years ago by Indo-Europeans from northern India. The genetic data were also interpreted in reference to the paleoclimatic, archaeological and historical evidence from this region.....

......The genetic data also revealed that genetic differentiation among populations in Tamil Nadu began as early as 6,000 years ago, with no significant genetic admixture among them for at least the last 3,000 years. These results indicate a minimal genetic impact from the Indo-European migrations into the region over the past 2,000 years. These results are consistent with the earliest historical records of the region that document a highly structured society prior to the establishment of the Hindu Varna system.

Southern India’s Caste System Predates Arrival of Indo-Europeans, Genographic Project Reveals – National Geographic Society Press Room

Keep in mind this study was done by people who are sympathetic to the Aryan invasion theory.

So now you are providing a link that sympathetic to the Aryan Invasion theory??

The article you link is not denying a influx (invasion/migration) of people in to India, just when and whether or not they were Indo-Europeans.
The Ancient Vedic Scriptures called these peoples Aryas, which is the old name for Iranians.....You have already stated that Iranians are of Lighter skin.
To quote your link
" Among the most surprising findings was that genetic differences between tribal and caste groups in Tamil Nadu seem to pre-date the arrival of the Indo-Europeans in the region by approximately 2,000 years." "Although non-tribal groups exhibited a slightly higher proportion of non-Indian paternal lineages than tribal populations"
So you see they are acknowledging a difference between the Tribal and caste groups genetically - the questions is when and who?

This has nothing to do with Jesus or any of that Middle Eastern stuff. You are saying Brahmins were biased against dark skin. Are you aware that Brahmins are the ones who composed all of these religious texts? So why would they represent Krishna as a black god? Why is Rama dark skinned? Why is Veda Vyasa, the compiler of the Vedas himself dark skinned? Don't tell me about black madonnas and all that other stuff, answer the questions or admit you have no answers.

They are Known to be Black or even dark but they are portrayed as light blue
It is more appropriate to see it as Colorism/Shadism than Racism.....even so years of miscegenation has confused that leaving preferences as a vestige.
So go check out the meanings of those terms.

If you notice in this link it doesn't say who wrote this entry. In the Britannica link I posted above, the entry was written by the editors themselves.

what is that supposed to mean?

I gotta look around.


Jun 20, 2015
So are you knowing accepting the Britannica as scholarly and unbiased?

Yeah and as I said Varna means and white are colors
Manu Smriti mentions the Dravidians.....I said Vedic Scriptures you said Vedas.

I am glad you admitted they were "white" or lighter because that actual goes to prove my point.....they where formerly Kshatriyas

43. But in consequence of the omission of the sacred rites, and of their not consulting Brahmanas, the following tribes of Kshatriyas have gradually sunk in this world to the condition of Sudras;

44. (Viz.) the Paundrakas, the Kodas, the Dravidas, the Kambogas, the Yavanas, the Sakas, the Paradas, the Pahlavas, the Kinas, the Kiratas, and the Daradas

Oh yes it show that there was a mixing or blending of Indians and Iranians in and out flows.....and to quote you "Yes Iranians are lighter than Dravidians in general. South India aligns with ethiopia below the tropic of cancer, it's not a mystery as to why they would be darker skinned."

So now you are providing a link that sympathetic to the Aryan Invasion theory??

The article you link is not denying a influx (invasion/migration) of people in to India, just when and whether or not they were Indo-Europeans.
The Ancient Vedic Scriptures called these peoples Aryas, which is the old name for Iranians.....You have already stated that Iranians are of Lighter skin.
To quote your link
" Among the most surprising findings was that genetic differences between tribal and caste groups in Tamil Nadu seem to pre-date the arrival of the Indo-Europeans in the region by approximately 2,000 years." "Although non-tribal groups exhibited a slightly higher proportion of non-Indian paternal lineages than tribal populations"
So you see they are acknowledging a difference between the Tribal and caste groups genetically - the questions is when and who?

They are Known to be Black or even dark but they are portrayed as light blue
It is more appropriate to see it as Colorism/Shadism than Racism.....even so years of miscegenation has confused that leaving preferences as a vestige.
So go check out the meanings of those terms.

what is that supposed to mean?



May 20, 2013
People get lumped up everyday B, im not defending that but it doesnt make your narrative accurate.

South Africans are killing African migrants, why doesn't that concern you?

Its obvious your people have problems with the darker ones including Africans. Possibly a deeper cellular memory thing-doesn't matter. I first saw this infamous Assam stripping pic years ago and thought it a one off:

A casual search shows this is by no means rare and is actually quite common!

Coupled with many reports of violence against Africans what would you yourself conclude-tell me?