What strawmen? I'm merely showing you why your attempt at extrapolating a racial connotation from the word varna is misguided.
Kshatriyas are red in this classification and vaishyas are yellow. Isn't red a darker hue than yellow? Isn't the "red" native American Indian darker than the "yellow" Chinese? Do you see why this is stupid now?
In the course of time, however, the reality dawned the Arya that they must coexist with Dasyu. The challenge before them was how to live in peace with Dasyu while still maintaining their distinct racial identity. So they created a class system based on the color (Varna) of skin, known as Varna Dharma. In its most primitive form there were only two classes: white (immigrant) and black (locals). However, when Aryan men comingled with Dasyu women, they produced children of varying hues of skin color and so it became difficult to classify people by skin color. By now the Arya society had become more complex.
A new class system based on one’s profession came into being. The word Varna now took the meaning of Class rather than color. In this more refined Varna system, the Arya considered themselves as the elite and occupied the upper two classes.
The Origins and Evolution of Brahmanism | Nirmukta
Posting unscholarly opinion pieces dripping with agendas isn't a substitution for a discussion based on facts.
You haven't posted one link that support anything you say.....
I proven that Varna means color which you initially denied....Now I have shown how varna and Jati got confused
So here is a your scholarly link which supports what I have been saying and links I have posted.....
In order to secure their status, the Aryans laid out social and religious rules which stated that only they were allowed to become priests, warriors, and businessmen of the society (Daniel). Maharashtra, which is a state located in west India, is a great example. This region has been known by this name for hundreds of years, and many think that the meaning of its name is Great Land. But there are some who claim that the name Maharashtra is derived from the category called Mahar, who are considered to be the original people of this region (Daniel). These individuals were forced to adhere to the social and religious rules the Aryans laid out.
In the caste hierarchy, the Mahars were outcasts because they were dark-skinned compared to the lightskinned Aryans. Skin color was an important indicator in determining an individual’s caste (Daniel). As mentioned before, the word varna does not mean caste or class, but color (Ghurye, 163). Having come across people who were very dark in color and had rather snub noses, the Aryans described the earlier settlers as “dark color,” as people without noses, and applied them to the term dasa, which in Iranian stood for “enemy” (Ghurye, 165).
After a while, the Aryans who had created the caste system slowly began to add non-Aryans to their statuses. Different jats were integrated into the various varnas according to their profession. Other foreign invaders of ancient India—Greeks, Huns, Scythains, and others—conquered parts of India and created kingdoms. These were integrated with the Kshatriyas. Most of the communities that were in India before the arrival of the Aryans were categorized with the Shudras or were made outcasts depending on their occupations (Daniel). The beginning of the Dalit varna began here, where the communities exercising polluting professions were made outcastes and considered as “untouchables.”
Listen, I'll make this simple...if you can't walk up to a group of Indians and accurately tell what varna they belong to based strictly on physical appearance, you have no argument. Can you do that? If so, congratulations, because not even Indians can do that.
Because of something akin to, if not miscegenation that is no longer possible.....in short all early color lines have been crossed and recrossed time over time again and again. resulting in a total divorce from color and caste in many cases
America only has 400 yrs of miscegenation among people of so called different races, and many people cannot tell the race of individuals just by looking....so what do you expect in a civilization that has had 4000yrs of miscegenation among people of the same ethnic group.