
Jun 20, 2015
Maybe, huh? Come on breh, now you're not being consistent. You've obviously made up your mind as to who the white and black varnas are in terms of skin color, so why stop there?

Or MAYBE the color in this sense has nothing to do with race or skin color as I've been telling you. not try to put words in my mouth, constructing stawmen so that you can blown them down only to appear as if you are making sense.
Varna means color and on a whole most brahmins and kshatriyas are lighter complected than most Sudra and dalits who tend to be more dark
Here we have a Hindu website expounding on the historicity and importance of skin color in Hinduism


Hinduism and Caste System

You think they are parallels but they aren't. All Indians regardless of varna belong to the same race, so how are they analogous?

Don't go there.....your attempt to confound the issue will not work as I have already stated that they are all Indians.......cause in the final analysis we are all one race.
So that's not the point, the point is that we all have varied complexions and Varna favors those with a fairer complexion relative to those around them.

This is a typical south Indian Brahmin community, do me a favor and tell me how many "near white" people you see:

I have Address this issue ad nauseam....

Who's oppressing who?

The Nobles and the Priestly caste are oppressing the Dalits.....did you not see the documentary I posted.

Lots of Brahmins in India lie about their caste to get into top schools. It's becoming an epidemic. How is this possible if caste is based strictly on skin color?

That is not strange where ever opportunity lies people will lie if they believe it will give them an advantage in gaining access

You haven't offered any evidence to suggest that darker skinned brahmins are exceptions to the rule.

You do not want to accept it.....I can understand that

India's current preference for light skin has nothing to do with religion.

Well if the link and quote above did not convince you, that varna system is based on skin color and that it is coming from Hindu scriptures......If that does not make it religious.?

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May 1, 2012
Queens not try to put words in my mouth, constructing stawmen so that you can blown them down only to appear as if you are making sense.
Varna means color and on a whole most brahmins and kshatriyas are lighter complected than most Sudra and dalits who tend to be more dark
Here we have a Hindu website expounding on the historicity and importance of skin color in Hinduism

What strawmen? I'm merely showing you why your attempt at extrapolating a racial connotation from the word varna is misguided.

Kshatriyas are red in this classification and vaishyas are yellow. Isn't red a darker hue than yellow? Isn't the "red" native American Indian darker than the "yellow" Chinese? Do you see why this is stupid now?

Posting unscholarly opinion pieces dripping with agendas isn't a substitution for a discussion based on facts.

Don't go there.....your attempt to confound the issue will not work as I have already stated that they are all Indians.......cause in the final analysis we are all one race.
So that's not the point, the point is that we all have varied complexions and Varna favors those with a fairer complexion relative to those around them.

Listen, I'll make this simple...if you can't walk up to a group of Indians and accurately tell what varna they belong to based strictly on physical appearance, you have no argument. Can you do that? If so, congratulations, because not even Indians can do that.


Jun 20, 2015
What strawmen? I'm merely showing you why your attempt at extrapolating a racial connotation from the word varna is misguided.

Kshatriyas are red in this classification and vaishyas are yellow. Isn't red a darker hue than yellow? Isn't the "red" native American Indian darker than the "yellow" Chinese? Do you see why this is stupid now?

In the course of time, however, the reality dawned the Arya that they must coexist with Dasyu. The challenge before them was how to live in peace with Dasyu while still maintaining their distinct racial identity. So they created a class system based on the color (Varna) of skin, known as Varna Dharma. In its most primitive form there were only two classes: white (immigrant) and black (locals). However, when Aryan men comingled with Dasyu women, they produced children of varying hues of skin color and so it became difficult to classify people by skin color. By now the Arya society had become more complex. A new class system based on one’s profession came into being. The word Varna now took the meaning of Class rather than color. In this more refined Varna system, the Arya considered themselves as the elite and occupied the upper two classes.
The Origins and Evolution of Brahmanism | Nirmukta

Posting unscholarly opinion pieces dripping with agendas isn't a substitution for a discussion based on facts.

You haven't posted one link that support anything you say.....
I proven that Varna means color which you initially denied....Now I have shown how varna and Jati got confused

So here is a your scholarly link which supports what I have been saying and links I have posted.....

In order to secure their status, the Aryans laid out social and religious rules which stated that only they were allowed to become priests, warriors, and businessmen of the society (Daniel). Maharashtra, which is a state located in west India, is a great example. This region has been known by this name for hundreds of years, and many think that the meaning of its name is Great Land. But there are some who claim that the name Maharashtra is derived from the category called Mahar, who are considered to be the original people of this region (Daniel). These individuals were forced to adhere to the social and religious rules the Aryans laid out. In the caste hierarchy, the Mahars were outcasts because they were dark-skinned compared to the lightskinned Aryans. Skin color was an important indicator in determining an individual’s caste (Daniel). As mentioned before, the word varna does not mean caste or class, but color (Ghurye, 163). Having come across people who were very dark in color and had rather snub noses, the Aryans described the earlier settlers as “dark color,” as people without noses, and applied them to the term dasa, which in Iranian stood for “enemy” (Ghurye, 165).

After a while, the Aryans who had created the caste system slowly began to add non-Aryans to their statuses. Different jats were integrated into the various varnas according to their profession. Other foreign invaders of ancient India—Greeks, Huns, Scythains, and others—conquered parts of India and created kingdoms. These were integrated with the Kshatriyas. Most of the communities that were in India before the arrival of the Aryans were categorized with the Shudras or were made outcasts depending on their occupations (Daniel). The beginning of the Dalit varna began here, where the communities exercising polluting professions were made outcastes and considered as “untouchables.”

Listen, I'll make this simple...if you can't walk up to a group of Indians and accurately tell what varna they belong to based strictly on physical appearance, you have no argument. Can you do that? If so, congratulations, because not even Indians can do that.

Because of something akin to, if not miscegenation that is no longer short all early color lines have been crossed and recrossed time over time again and again. resulting in a total divorce from color and caste in many cases

America only has 400 yrs of miscegenation among people of so called different races, and many people cannot tell the race of individuals just by what do you expect in a civilization that has had 4000yrs of miscegenation among people of the same ethnic group.
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May 1, 2012

This is the vid I tried to post above, sorry.

@frankster dont ignore this video fam. Look at the kid @ 6:10....that dude is darker than most black people I know. How do you explain this?

Where the white folks at in this video?

This is the late Prakashananda Giri Swami, one of India's most revered saints and also a Brahmin:


Yeah caste must be based on skin color :skip:


Jun 20, 2015
@frankster dont ignore this video fam. Look at the kid @ 6:10....that dude is darker than most black people I know. How do you explain this?

Where the white folks at in this video?

I have answered all your question it is now up to you to accept the truth or continue to play stubborn.....You only fooling yourself.

This is the late Prakashananda Giri Swami, one of India's most revered saints and also a Brahmin:


Yeah caste must be based on skin color :skip:

Yeah play the only tricking yourself......I gave you the truth what you do with it is your concern...
As the saying go "you can carry a fool to water but you cannot make him drink"....

Ask me something new or present new information and I will respond but if its more of the same ground we have covered then I wont.
Lastly it was fun....wouldn't mind the link to any previous discussion on caste system here on coli though

Peace and love.


May 1, 2012
In the course of time, however, the reality dawned the Arya that they must coexist with Dasyu. The challenge before them was how to live in peace with Dasyu while still maintaining their distinct racial identity. So they created a class system based on the color (Varna) of skin, known as Varna Dharma. In its most primitive form there were only two classes: white (immigrant) and black (locals). However, when Aryan men comingled with Dasyu women, they produced children of varying hues of skin color and so it became difficult to classify people by skin color. By now the Arya society had become more complex. A new class system based on one’s profession came into being. The word Varna now took the meaning of Class rather than color. In this more refined Varna system, the Arya considered themselves as the elite and occupied the upper two classes.
The Origins and Evolution of Brahmanism | Nirmukta

1) This link you provided is promoting the Aryan Invasion theory which has largely been discredited by modern scholarship. Even those in the academic community who had previously been sympathetic to it have been forced to soften their stance and pursue an Aryan "migration" model instead. Why? There isn't any evidence for it. You might as well argue that the ancient Egyptians were a white mediterranean race, because that type of garbage comes from the same place.

2) The article written by people who aren't friendly towards religion in general and therefore unfit to provide an unbiased and accurate analysis of religious texts.

Here's an unbiased genetic study:

BMC Genetics | Full text | Most of the extant mtDNA boundaries in South and Southwest Asia were likely shaped during the initial settlement of Eurasia by anatomically modern humans

Since the initial peopling of South and West Asia by anatomically modern humans, when this region may well have provided the initial settlers who colonized much of the rest of Eurasia, the gene flow in and out of India of the maternally transmitted mtDNA has been surprisingly limited. Specifically, our analysis of the mtDNA haplogroups, which are shared between Indian and Iranian populations and exhibit coalescence ages corresponding to around the early Upper Paleolithic, indicates that they are present in India largely as Indian-specific sub-lineages. In contrast, other ancient Indian-specific variants of M and R are very rare outside the sub-continent.

So let's nip all the Aryan stuff in the bud right now.

Because of something akin to, if not miscegenation that is no longer short all early color lines have been crossed and recrossed time over time again and again. resulting in a total divorce from color and caste in many cases

America only has 400 yrs of miscegenation among people of so called different races, and many people cannot tell the race of individuals just by what do you expect in a civilization that has had 4000yrs of miscegenation among people of the same ethnic group.

Your entire premise in this thread has been to maintain that the caste system is based strictly on skin color. If this were true, "brahminhood" would end once the population started to become dark skinned through this so-called "miscegenation" that you claim was so prevalent without any evidence. But that isn't the case. What makes the caste system such an intriguing subject for so many people is due precisely to the LACK OF miscegenation in India. You keep trying to draw comparisons with what went on in America but that just betrays your ignorance as to just how serious caste in India is. It's NOT the same. Caste is serious business in India and has been so for thousands and thousands of years. To diminish its significance to some stupid scheme based on color/physical characteristics is retarded. It's way more complex than that.


Jun 20, 2015
1) This link you provided is promoting the Aryan Invasion theory which has largely been discredited by modern scholarship. Even those in the academic community who had previously been sympathetic to it have been forced to soften their stance and pursue an Aryan "migration" model instead. Why? There isn't any evidence for it. You might as well argue that the ancient Egyptians were a white mediterranean race, because that type of garbage comes from the same place.

2) The article written by people who aren't friendly towards religion in general and therefore unfit to provide an unbiased and accurate analysis of religious texts.

Migration or invasion results in the same influx of people

Here's an unbiased genetic study:

BMC Genetics | Full text | Most of the extant mtDNA boundaries in South and Southwest Asia were likely shaped during the initial settlement of Eurasia by anatomically modern humans

Since the initial peopling of South and West Asia by anatomically modern humans, when this region may well have provided the initial settlers who colonized much of the rest of Eurasia, the gene flow in and out of India of the maternally transmitted mtDNA has been surprisingly limited. Specifically, our analysis of the mtDNA haplogroups, which are shared between Indian and Iranian populations and exhibit coalescence ages corresponding to around the early Upper Paleolithic, indicates that they are present in India largely as Indian-specific sub-lineages. In contrast, other ancient Indian-specific variants of M and R are very rare outside the sub-continent.

So let's nip all the Aryan stuff in the bud right now.

I think you have just proved the Aryan/Arya Model and my suppositions be it invasion or migration......
Iranian is another more modern way of saying - Aryan
And coalescence means two groups coming together - Becoming One Ethnic Group

You digging yourself deeper and deeper into my hole proving me more and more right.

Your entire premise in this thread has been to maintain that the caste system is based strictly on skin color. If this were true, "brahminhood" would end once the population started to become dark skinned through this so-called "miscegenation" that you claim was so prevalent without any evidence. But that isn't the case. What makes the caste system such an intriguing subject for so many people is due precisely to the LACK OF miscegenation in India. You keep trying to draw comparisons with what went on in America but that just betrays your ignorance as to just how serious caste in India is. It's NOT the same. Caste is serious business in India and has been so for thousands and thousands of years. To diminish its significance to some stupid scheme based on color/physical characteristics is retarded. It's way more complex than that.

Complexities of it was a system of oppression that work to keep some segments of society well fed and other underfed. It was better than the starvation which the british caused but cruel nonetheless
I think it was Buddha who laid to rest all its socalled spiritual uplifting qualities as being pure bombast.

No..... my premise has been that Varna means color and that historically Caste system was based on skin color but over time and for want of a better term miscegenation the color lines became blurred.....the vestiges of this is the preference for fair skin and the oppression and or dislike of dark skin peoples relative to the upper caste.
When I introduce the word miscegenation in the discussion i made sure to say it may not be the most accurate term or something to that effect or used quotation marks.....I borrowed to describe a coming together. The proper word seemed to have been - coalescence
To the White Racist...... race was serious business - life and death serious, a mean they went to war over it thousands died.
You talk of lack of miscegenation....when their is a powerless women and powerful man please do not tell me there was no miscegenation.....that's laughable.
Did you not hear the dalit women describe how they were taken advantage of by the upper and lower caste men
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May 1, 2012
Migration or invasion results in the same influx of people

I think you have just proved the Aryan/Arya Model and my suppositions be it invasion or migration......
Iranian is another more modern way of saying - Aryan
And coalescence means two groups coming together - Becoming One Ethnic Group

You digging yourself deeper and deeper into my hole proving me more and more right.

No..... my premise has been that Varna means color and that historically Caste system was based on skin color but over time and for want of a better term miscegenation the color lines became blurred.....the vestiges of this is the preference for fair skin and the oppression and or dislike of dark skin peoples relative to the upper caste.
When I introduce the word miscegenation in the discussion i made sure to say it may not be the most accurate term or something to that effect or used quotation marks.....I borrowed to describe a coming together. The proper word seemed to have been - coalescence
To the White Racist...... race was serious business - life and death serious, a mean the went to war over it thousands died.
You talk of lack of miscegenation....when their is a powerless women and powerful man please do not tell me there was no miscegenation.....that's laughable.
Did you here the dalits women describe how they were taken advantage of by the upper and lower caste men

Invasion and migration aren't the same thing at all. Invasion implies that some foreign european population entered the indian subcontinent, subjugated, and forced its ideals and way of life onto a dark skinned native population. This is eurocentric historical pornography that has no basis in reality. Migration theory favors a more organic assimilation of indo-european language speakers within a society whose native population spoke their own language and had their own culture. Over time the two cultures combined into what we know as Indian society today. Nobody knows what really happened. The latter theory is almost exclusively centered around linguistic evidence for the simple fact that there is no physical or genetic evidence for any of that stuff you linked in your other post.

Regarding the article with the genetic data I linked, I think you need to check the time frame in question. 75,000, 100,000 years ago human society in India was just starting to come into being and in it's early stages. This is when the mixing was taking place. Stratification into caste groups didn't occur until much, much later. The bottom line is if you asked the people behind this genetic study if they support the idea that the Indian caste system is color based they would tell you no.


Dec 5, 2012
Traveling is one thing, but a lot of people relocating to another country for education just screams; lack of ability of being educated in your own countries.
this statement is really dumb to put it mildly. to look down on someone because they move away from the home for education is retarded

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
this statement is really dumb to put it mildly. to look down on someone because they move away from the home for education is retarded

Your reply is even dumber, because my statement was aimed at the countries that can't educate their best and brightest. China and India were in similar situations to many African nations, but they invested in their educational systems and people. You assumed that I looked down on those individuals for going abroad to go to school, because you probably went abroad to go to school. The issues I have is with the countries that can't educate their own folks.


May 1, 2012
Your reply is even dumber, because my statement was aimed at the countries that can't educate their best and brightest. China and India were in similar situations to many African nations, but they invested in their educational systems and people. You assumed that I looked down on those individuals for going abroad to go to school, because you probably went abroad to go to school. The issues I have is with the countries that can't educate their own folks.

That's easy to say but if there is an opportunity to better yourself it's hard not to take it. Besides, you can look at this as India helping Africans develop technical skills to eventually better their home countries. It's called helping one another.

Talking to The Sunday Express, Simon G Samuel (33) from Eritrea said: "There is political unrest in our country and the economy is down." His father was a specialist in snake leather and many members of his family worked in a tannery. But Samuel is now working with the Ministry of Transport and Communications as an IT expert. "We are working on developing systems that would provide user-friendly and crucial information on civil aviation, land transport and marine transport for my countrymen," he said.

At IIT-A, Africans see hope in IT - Indian Express



Dec 5, 2012
Your reply is even dumber, because my statement was aimed at the countries that can't educate their best and brightest. China and India were in similar situations to many African nations, but they invested in their educational systems and people. You assumed that I looked down on those individuals for going abroad to go to school, because you probably went abroad to go to school. The issues I have is with the countries that can't educate their own folks.
I didnt to abroad for school dumbass nice assumption. Also, newsflash, not every school is built equally. Where do you think the best and brightest in India and China go? They study in england, us, Australia etc so your point is moot

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
I didnt to abroad for school dumbass nice assumption. Also, newsflash, not every school is built equally. Where do you think the best and brightest in India and China go? They study in england, us, Australia etc so your point is moot

As usual you make a dumbass assumption and then go from there. India and China have over a billion people each, yet they can build colleges and universities for their folks. Hell the whole continent of Africa is likely just has just around a billion people, but the individual nations are having trouble educating their own folks; so now those folks have to go to India?

Conversely you like to talk shyt about African Americans, but African Americans built over 100 of their own universities (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) right here in the USA. African Americans are not even in the majority. What is wrong with that picture?


Dec 5, 2012
As usual you make a dumbass assumption and then go from there. India and China have over a billion people each, yet they can build colleges and universities for their folks. Hell the whole continent of Africa is likely just has just around a billion people, but the individual nations are having trouble educating their own folks; so now those folks have to go to India?

Conversely you like to talk shyt about African Americans, but African Americans built over 100 of their own universities (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) right here in the USA. African Americans are not even in the majority. What is wrong with that picture?
Quote the messages where i talk shyt about African-Americans, i have all day ill wait. And do you criticize African-Americans that go to pwis over hbcus:lupe:


May 1, 2012
As usual you make a dumbass assumption and then go from there. India and China have over a billion people each, yet they can build colleges and universities for their folks. Hell the whole continent of Africa is likely just has just around a billion people, but the individual nations are having trouble educating their own folks; so now those folks have to go to India?

Conversely you like to talk shyt about African Americans, but African Americans built over 100 of their own universities (Historically Black Colleges and Universities) right here in the USA. African Americans are not even in the majority. What is wrong with that picture?

Just out of curiosity, what do you think of Indians teaching Africans without Africans having to go to India? Apparently tha's whats happening with Ethiopia.

Over 4500 kilometres – that's the physical distance that an Indian engineering institute is traversing virtually as it teaches students sitting in a class in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.

Many students in Ethiopia are studying engineering and technology in virtual classrooms, with some of their teachers still present in the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, which is helping that country become tech-savvy.

"Initially, we have a four-year agreement with Ethiopia. Our job is to develop curriculum, set up a laboratory, give teachings both through virtual classroom and face-to-face mode. We are also responsible for students' evaluation. But the degree will be awarded by the Addis Ababa University," said Balakrishnan, a senior professor in the school of computer science at the IIT.

Welcome To India Africa Connect - Africa in India - IIT-Delhi helping Ethiopia become tech-savvy

Do you see this as a problem too?