So who are the red people in India? Who are the yellow people? Color classification does not equal racial classification. For example, there is a white yajur veda and a black yajur veda. If you don't have a working knowledge of how Sanskrit works as a language then you should refrain from making these kinds of declarations.
Yes I do not have a working knowledge of Sanskrit.....I Do have a working knowledge of English.
English speaking professionals, who have a working knowledge of Sanskrit has said that Varna means color do you dispute this?
What does varna mean do not try an obfuscate the question, what does varna mean?
Why are you asking about red and yellow people?
I have made my declarations say why I am wrong....
We aren't talking about America, we're talking about India where Caste is hereditary and based strictly on birth. In other words, castes rarely mix. Brahmins especially are largely endogomous. With this being the case, according to your own logic, there should be little to no dark skinned Brahmins, but that isnt the case at all. The darkest white European is nowhere near as dark as the darkest Indian brahmin.
Of course we are talking about India, just making a comparison and will continue to do as it is appropriate and relevant.
So is race in America based on birth - the now infamous one drop rule and the Miscegenation laws that were in place to kept the so called races apart. Would lead one to believe that white America was very endogenous.
Dark skin Brahmins just goes to prove sex across the color line and social coping mechanism are in place for such happenings.
You are trying to make the exceptions the rule.....Most Brahmins and Kshatriyas are very light compared to the general Indian population if I am wrong prove me so and you will have open my mind to the truth.
I'm saying whether one is poor or rich in India has less to do with Caste as you are making it seem. You're the one who brought up the religious aspect, and any cursory study of Hindu religious texts will show that wealth wise, it was the kshatriyas and vaishyas who were on top. The wealth of a Brahmin was supposed to be his religious knowledge, not material belongings.
I am saying it has everything to do with caste which means color.
Brahmins,Kshatriya and Vaisha are brown to white generally speaking and has you have now admitted the wealth of India is reposed in their hands.
The Sudra and Dalits are generally speaking Dark brown to jet black I am saying they making up the vast majority of the economically poor.
To every general rule their are exceptions. In this case akin to "passing" and miscegenation.
Again, you're comparing apples to oranges. Black people are a minority in America. Brahmins are a minority in India.
Yes today blacks are consider a minority in the US.....a result of political expediency.
The ever change classification of what is white and what is black in America...America is a living political System while for all intends and purposes Hinduism as with most religion eschews change - A dead System.
In the Beginning of US racialization Only Anglos, Saxon and Franks and Scandinavians where consider white all others excluding Native American Indians were classified as non whites - Blacks.
Now the true power and wealth in the US still reside in the hands of the Anglo-saxons who are a minority when compared to Blacks and Hispanics who are often classified as Coloreds....Europeans are very much still the majority but not ever European was consider white at all times in US history.
Lastly if one was to use the One Drop Rule....then blacks would be a majority.
That's common knowledge, a simple Google search will tete you that. Another famous untouchable is Dr. Ambekar the founder of the dalit movement. Google him and tell me how dark he looks to you
Bait and switch tactic....Ambedkar is not the present Prime Minister of India whom you said was a Sudra
Ambedkar is brown but this exception only proves the rule, he got where he did because people upon seeing him did not immediately know what caste he was, plus his last name was that of a Brahmin.....had he been jet black his success would have been checked......not just difficult and arduous.
Blue looks better in paintings and artwork meant for decorative purposes. In murtis, or images that are consecrated for worship, he is almost always portrayed as jet black. Krishna literally means black, and one of his names is syamsundra which literally means black and beautiful. No other major religion has an unapologetically supreme black God except for Hindus. How do you explain that?
I have already address this....
Blue look better in paintings.....sounds like soot made the early Madonna's black.
Some Argue that the word Christ is a derivative of Krishna and means Black and or Anointed One.
The Pope worships a Black Madonna and Child in private....and these Madonna and Child are to be found all over Europe inside selected houses of worship.
In Most public space in Europe the Madonna and Child is white akin to your blue Krishna in public spaces