
May 1, 2012
Says you......but should you look at how it is put in practice in India and the history behind it - the de facto results is Skin Color discrimination.

I am new here link me to the previous discussion if you are able.......thanks

Obama is the President of the US...that does not mean that racism is dead in the US?
Benazir Bhutto was Prime Minister of Pakistan does that mean that sexism and or misogyny is no longer there?

If that were the case you should be able to tell the caste of any indian just by looking at them, but you can't. Caste is a fact of life in India and discrimination does take place in some social matters, but the victims in this regard aren't blacks, or Africans, but other indians who can be light brown to jet black. The current prime minister of india is low caste, how dark does he look to you? Preference for light skin isnt an indian thing or an african thing, its simply the social reality of the times we are living in.

India is far from perfect, but it isn't fair to label it as generally racist towards black Africans when there are so many over there getting educated in it's best technical schools...and not just Africans but many eastern europeans as well.

Samori Toure

Apr 23, 2015
Its plenty Indians living in Africa, specifically South Africa. nikkas need to stop acting like because Africa is mostly on some third world shyt and lacks opportunities that Black diasporans deserve to be treated like shyt if they go abroad until their home situation is perfect. India is a shythole anyway

And most of those Indians were brought there during colonialism. The African are letting their best and brightest get educated by a bunch of mofos that hate Africans. There needs to be drastic improvement in many of those countries to keep their own folks home. Hell everybody everywhere has gotten rich off of Africans; it is time for Africans to plot their own course.


Jun 20, 2015
If that were the case you should be able to tell the caste of any indian just by looking at them, but you can't. Caste is a fact of life in India and discrimination does take place in some social matters, but the victims in this regard aren't blacks, or Africans, but other indians who can be light brown to jet black. The current prime minister of india is low caste, how dark does he look to you? Preference for light skin isnt an indian thing or an african thing, its simply the social reality of the times we are living in.

India is far from perfect, but it isn't fair to label it as generally racist towards black Africans when there are so many over there getting educated in it's best technical schools...and not just Africans but many eastern europeans as well.

No....on an individual basis you cannot tell the caste of everyone just by looking at them, similarly you can tell the race of everyone just by looking at them.
But you can say that over 90% of Sudra are jet black and 90% of Brahmins are near white....the rest fall somewhere in between - of course as with everything their are exceptions.
The Sudra who are under the most oppression are the majority of the poor and suffer the most socials ills.....majority of the Sudra are black
Those who benefit most from Indian society are the Brahmins and the khastriyas who are majority white or light brown.
Yes the people who suffer from discrimination In Indian for the most part are Indians, the point is that they are mostly dark brown to jet black Indians.
The present Prime Minister looks like a Vaishya - brown

Preference for light skin is global.....but that does not detract or change the fact that it has a 4000yr history in India and is enshrined in the holy books of Hinduism.
Millions of blacks from all over the globe go the US to get educated.....does that mean the US is no longer racist soceity?

No country is perfect, nor did I say that Indians were generally racist toward Africans.....what is true is that India as a society and Hinduism as a religion discriminates and oppresses people with black skin regardless of nationality or race.


May 1, 2012
No....on an individual basis you cannot tell the caste of everyone just by looking at them, similarly you can tell the race of everyone just by looking at them.

Caste has nothing to do with skin color or race so this analogy isn't accurate.

But you can say that over 90% of Sudra are jet black and 90% of Brahmins are near white....the rest fall somewhere in between - of course as with everything their are exceptions.

Where did you get that figure from? There are fair skinned brahmins and dark skinned brahmins, there are fair skinned sudras and dark skinned sudras....this is consistent with the fact that most Indians are varying shades of brown. In the north where people are generally lighter, brahmins will be lighter skinned, and in the south where people are generally darker, brahmins will be darker. Even this is a generalization and not a rule, since there are lots of dark skinned brahmins in the north as well. Bottom line is it's stupid to reduce the complexities of the Indian caste system into a color scheme. It doesn't work that way. You identify a persons caste by their family name, and in the case of Brahmins family name + gotra. Skin color is irrelevant.

The Sudra who are under the most oppression are the majority of the poor and suffer the most socials ills.....majority of the Sudra are black
Those who benefit most from Indian society are the Brahmins and the khastriyas who are majority white or light brown.
Yes the people who suffer from discrimination In Indian for the most part are Indians, the point is that they are mostly dark brown to jet black Indians.

Not true. Even in ancient days, Brahmins, who are the highest caste, never ruled except in extreme circumstances. Brahmins lived meager lives on lands granted by kings, their jobs were to keep the religious traditions alive and teach the other 3 castes, that's it. After a certain age Brahmin males were expected to renounce society and become mendicants, living off alms.

Brahmins have always been a minority in India, they are only like 8-10% of a population which is a billion +. It's actually brahmins who are on the receiving end of government based discrimination since they are an easy target....that's why I said earlier that it's actually easier for a gifted African migrant or sudra to get into a top Indian technical school than a similarly gifted Indian brahmin. Social discrimination against sudras is usually confined to rural areas and villages, which is a problem but not in the way you're making it out to be.

The present Prime Minister looks like a Vaishya - brown

The Prime Minister is a sudra from Gujurat. According to you he should be jet black. According to you he shouldn't even be prime minister.

Preference for light skin is global.....but that does not detract or change the fact that it has a 4000yr history in India and is enshrined in the holy books of Hinduism.
Millions of blacks from all over the globe go the US to get educated.....does that mean the US is no longer racist soceity?

No country is perfect, nor did I say that Indians were generally racist toward Africans.....what is true is that India as a society and Hinduism as a religion discriminates and oppresses people with black skin regardless of nationality or race.

Hindus are the only people on earth who are still fervently worshiping a "black" god in Krishna so that's not accurate. You're basing this on what, exactly?


May 20, 2013
Nikka,dah fuq is all this ish about!? Gangs of Indians are beating up Africans-period! That's the issue;zero fcuks are given about Sudras/Vaisyas and castes quite frankly. If you can tell us how we can stop or at the very least ameloriate these beatings, thanks.


Jun 20, 2015
Caste has nothing to do with skin color or race so this analogy isn't accurate.

The word "varna " means color.....that's where I get it from

Where did you get that figure from? There are fair skinned brahmins and dark skinned brahmins, there are fair skinned sudras and dark skinned sudras....this is consistent with the fact that most Indians are varying shades of brown. In the north where people are generally lighter, brahmins will be lighter skinned, and in the south where people are generally darker, brahmins will be darker. Even this is a generalization and not a rule, since there are lots of dark skinned brahmins in the north as well. Bottom line is it's stupid to reduce the complexities of the Indian caste system into a color scheme. It doesn't work that way. You identify a persons caste by their family name, and in the case of Brahmins family name + gotra. Skin color is irrelevant.

Are their fair skin Dalits?

Just as their are fair skin African Americans and dark skin European color is not irrelevant.
America has been a color based society for less 500 yrs yet the miscegenation is so rampant that the phenomena of "passing" is recognized. India being a color based society for 4000yr would experience a greater level of this "passing" phenomena and may even have develop ways to cope with it so as not to upset the established status quo. Of course the word miscegenation would not apply in India's case.

Not true. Even in ancient days, Brahmins, who are the highest caste, never ruled except in extreme circumstances. Brahmins lived meager lives on lands granted by kings, their jobs were to keep the religious traditions alive and teach the other 3 castes, that's it. After a certain age Brahmin males were expected to renounce society and become mendicants, living off alms.

What are you saying that the Brahmins (Priestly) and Kshatriya (Noble) caste are economically poorer that the Dalits (untouchables) ? if so Prove it

Brahmins have always been a minority in India, they are only like 8-10% of a population which is a billion +. It's actually brahmins who are on the receiving end of government based discrimination since they are an easy target....that's why I said earlier that it's actually easier for a gifted African migrant or sudra to get into a top Indian technical school than a similarly gifted Indian brahmin. Social discrimination against sudras is usually confined to rural areas and villages, which is a problem but not in the way you're making it out to be.

That's what white people are saying in America and they call it Reverse Racism......that blacks are giving more access to college and grants.....It only appears so but it is not true - Whites still get over 70% of grants and access to colleges.
While in truth what is being redress is an historic wrong, which the Brahmins and Kshatriyas Interpret as a form of discrimination directed at them......again there are always exception but the general case is as I said ancient wrongs are being redress.

The Prime Minister is a sudra from Gujurat. According to you he should be jet black. According to you he shouldn't even be prime minister.

Really now.....please show where he is a Sudra and not a Vaishya (commoner)

Hindus are the only people on earth who are still fervently worshiping a "black" god in Krishna so that's not accurate. You're basing this on what, exactly?

TRUE......but they tend to paint him blue.
Just as how Jesus Christ is Middle Eastern or Black, yet for all intends and purposes these two groups are being oppress by sectors of European Christians
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May 1, 2012
The word "varna " means color.....that's where I get it from

So who are the red people in India? Who are the yellow people? Color classification does not equal racial classification. For example, there is a white yajur veda and a black yajur veda. If you don't have a working knowledge of how Sanskrit works as a language then you should refrain from making these kinds of declarations.

Just as their are fair skin African Americans and dark skin European color is not irrelevant.
America has been a color based society for less 500 yrs yet the miscegenation is so rampant that the phenomena of "passing" is recognized. India being a color based society for 4000yr would experience a greater level of this "passing" phenomena and may even have develop ways to cope with it so as not to upset the established status quo. Of course the word miscegenation would not apply in India's case.

We aren't talking about America, we're talking about India where Caste is hereditary and based strictly on birth. In other words, castes rarely mix. Brahmins especially are largely endogomous. With this being the case, according to your own logic, there should be little to no dark skinned Brahmins, but that isnt the case at all. The darkest white European is nowhere near as dark as the darkest Indian brahmin.

What are you saying that the Brahmins (Priestly) and Kshatriya (Noble) caste are economically poorer that the Sudra (Servant) class? Prove it

I'm saying whether one is poor or rich in India has less to do with Caste as you are making it seem. You're the one who brought up the religious aspect, and any cursory study of Hindu religious texts will show that wealth wise, it was the kshatriyas and vaishyas who were on top. The wealth of a Brahmin was supposed to be his religious knowledge, not material belongings.

That's what white people are saying in America and they call it Reverse Racism......that blacks are giving more access to college and grants.....It only appears so but it is not true - Whites still get over 70% of grants and access to colleges.
While in truth what is being redress is an historic wrong, which the Brahmins and Kshatriyas Interpret as a form of discrimination directed at them......again there are always exception but the general case is as I said ancient wrongs are being redress.

Again, you're comparing apples to oranges. Black people are a minority in America. Brahmins are a minority in India.

Really now.....please show where he is a Sudra and not a Vaishya (commoner)

That's common knowledge, a simple Google search will tete you that. Another famous untouchable is Dr. Ambekar the founder of the dalit movement. Google him and tell me how dark he looks to you.

TRUE......but they tend to paint him blue.
Just as how Jesus Christ is Middle Eastern or Black, yet for all intends and purposes these two groups are being oppress by sectors of European Christians

Blue looks better in paintings and artwork meant for decorative purposes. In murtis, or images that are consecrated for worship, he is almost always portrayed as jet black. Krishna literally means black, and one of his names is syamsundra which literally means black and beautiful. No other major religion has an unapologetically supreme black God except for Hindus. How do you explain that?


Jun 20, 2015
So who are the red people in India? Who are the yellow people? Color classification does not equal racial classification. For example, there is a white yajur veda and a black yajur veda. If you don't have a working knowledge of how Sanskrit works as a language then you should refrain from making these kinds of declarations.

Yes I do not have a working knowledge of Sanskrit.....I Do have a working knowledge of English.
English speaking professionals, who have a working knowledge of Sanskrit has said that Varna means color do you dispute this?
What does varna mean do not try an obfuscate the question, what does varna mean?
Why are you asking about red and yellow people?

I have made my declarations say why I am wrong....

We aren't talking about America, we're talking about India where Caste is hereditary and based strictly on birth. In other words, castes rarely mix. Brahmins especially are largely endogomous. With this being the case, according to your own logic, there should be little to no dark skinned Brahmins, but that isnt the case at all. The darkest white European is nowhere near as dark as the darkest Indian brahmin.

Of course we are talking about India, just making a comparison and will continue to do as it is appropriate and relevant.
So is race in America based on birth - the now infamous one drop rule and the Miscegenation laws that were in place to kept the so called races apart. Would lead one to believe that white America was very endogenous.
Dark skin Brahmins just goes to prove sex across the color line and social coping mechanism are in place for such happenings.
You are trying to make the exceptions the rule.....Most Brahmins and Kshatriyas are very light compared to the general Indian population if I am wrong prove me so and you will have open my mind to the truth.

I'm saying whether one is poor or rich in India has less to do with Caste as you are making it seem. You're the one who brought up the religious aspect, and any cursory study of Hindu religious texts will show that wealth wise, it was the kshatriyas and vaishyas who were on top. The wealth of a Brahmin was supposed to be his religious knowledge, not material belongings.

I am saying it has everything to do with caste which means color.
Brahmins,Kshatriya and Vaisha are brown to white generally speaking and has you have now admitted the wealth of India is reposed in their hands.
The Sudra and Dalits are generally speaking Dark brown to jet black I am saying they making up the vast majority of the economically poor.
To every general rule their are exceptions. In this case akin to "passing" and miscegenation.

Again, you're comparing apples to oranges. Black people are a minority in America. Brahmins are a minority in India.

Yes today blacks are consider a minority in the US.....a result of political expediency.
The ever change classification of what is white and what is black in America...America is a living political System while for all intends and purposes Hinduism as with most religion eschews change - A dead System.
In the Beginning of US racialization Only Anglos, Saxon and Franks and Scandinavians where consider white all others excluding Native American Indians were classified as non whites - Blacks.
Now the true power and wealth in the US still reside in the hands of the Anglo-saxons who are a minority when compared to Blacks and Hispanics who are often classified as Coloreds....Europeans are very much still the majority but not ever European was consider white at all times in US history.
Lastly if one was to use the One Drop Rule....then blacks would be a majority.

That's common knowledge, a simple Google search will tete you that. Another famous untouchable is Dr. Ambekar the founder of the dalit movement. Google him and tell me how dark he looks to you

Bait and switch tactic....Ambedkar is not the present Prime Minister of India whom you said was a Sudra

Ambedkar is brown but this exception only proves the rule, he got where he did because people upon seeing him did not immediately know what caste he was, plus his last name was that of a Brahmin.....had he been jet black his success would have been checked......not just difficult and arduous.

Blue looks better in paintings and artwork meant for decorative purposes. In murtis, or images that are consecrated for worship, he is almost always portrayed as jet black. Krishna literally means black, and one of his names is syamsundra which literally means black and beautiful. No other major religion has an unapologetically supreme black God except for Hindus. How do you explain that?

I have already address this....
Blue look better in paintings.....sounds like soot made the early Madonna's black.
Some Argue that the word Christ is a derivative of Krishna and means Black and or Anointed One.
The Pope worships a Black Madonna and Child in private....and these Madonna and Child are to be found all over Europe inside selected houses of worship.
In Most public space in Europe the Madonna and Child is white akin to your blue Krishna in public spaces

Dr. Acula

Hail Hydra
Jul 26, 2012
Dozens attacked three African youths at Rajiv Chowk Metro station in Delhi on Sunday evening, with the attack ongoing for around five minutes before the youths were separated from their attackers. The three men, two from Burkina Faso and one from Gabon, are reportedly students of Sharda and Amity universities in Noida, who had visited Delhi for a social gathering. The three had reportedly verbally harassed a woman on a train - a charge they deny. The woman has reportedly not filed a complaint with police.

The attackers targeted the three students inside and outside the metro station's police counter, which had been left unsupervised by officers. Striking the three with their belts and other objects, the group can be heard chanting in Hindi: 'Long live Mother India.' One of the group bit one of the students on the leg.

A case of rioting has reportedly been registered, with Delhi police investigating the CCTV footage to identify people in the crowd.

Three Nigerian nationals were beaten up by people on Sunday evening after they allegedly misbehaved with a woman commuter on the Delhi Metro. The incident was reported at 6.15 pm. The woman was travelling on the Yellow Line between Jahangirpuri and HUDA City Centre Metro stations. According to an official of the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC), the woman raised alarm. “Other passengers then beat up the three Nigerian nationals. When the train reached the next stop at Rajiv Chowk, the three were forced out of the coach and the station master was informed about the incident. The Nigerians were taken to a Delhi Police booth at the Rajiv Chowk Metro station,” the DMRC official said. DCP (Railways) Sanjay Bhatia said, “We received a call about a scuffle inside the Metro. Three Nigerian nationals were detained in the process. Even though some eyewitnesses said the fight started after one of them allegedly molested a woman, no one has come forward to support the claim till now. We are going through the CCTV footage to ascertain the exact cause that led to the scuffle. Further action will be taken accordingly. We are recording statements of the three Nigerian nationals.” - See more at: Nigerians ‘misbehave’ with woman on Metro, beaten up

If true then... :yeshrug:. You don't go to another country and disrespect locals.
  • Dap
Reactions: MGM


May 1, 2012
Yes I do not have a working knowledge of Sanskrit.....I Do have a working knowledge of English.
English speaking professionals, who have a working knowledge of Sanskrit has said that Varna means color do you dispute this?
What does varna mean do not try an obfuscate the question, what does varna mean?
Why are you asking about red and yellow people?

Thank you for admitting that you don't know Sanskrit. I don't either but have family members who do, and I can tell you quite confidently that color in relation to varna has nothing to do with race or skin color. Unfortinately you are operating on outdated eurocentric interpretations of ancient Indian texts.

I asked you who the red and yellow people are because according to this paradigm you are citing kshatriyas are red and vaishyas are yellow. So I'll ask you again: who are the red people in India and who are the yellow people in India, if indeed varna refers to skin color?

Of course we are talking about India, just making a comparison and will continue to do as it is appropriate and relevant.

...except that it isn't appropriate or relevant.

So is race in America based on birth - the now infamous one drop rule and the Miscegenation laws that were in place to kept the so called races apart. Would lead one to believe that white America was very endogenous.
Dark skin Brahmins just goes to prove sex across the color line and social coping mechanism are in place for such happenings.

Caste is not analogous to race, it's more analogous to tribe....even that isn't an apt comparison since there are different sects within the different castes. In actuality varna doesn't mean caste, caste means jati or occupation. Brahmins just happen to be the only people in India whose occupation has historically coincided with their varna.

You are trying to make the exceptions the rule.....Most Brahmins and Kshatriyas are very light compared to the general Indian population if I am wrong prove me so and you will have open my mind to the truth.

I don't know what you consider light. Google pictures of Brahmins and let me know how many white people you come across. Feel free to post your findings.

I am saying it has everything to do with caste which means color.
Brahmins,Kshatriya and Vaisha are brown to white generally speaking and has you have now admitted the wealth of India is reposed in their hands.
The Sudra and Dalits are generally speaking Dark brown to jet black I am saying they making up the vast majority of the economically poor.
To every general rule their are exceptions. In this case akin to "passing" and miscegenation.

India is poor in general. This is a fact anyone with two eyes can observe. If you are going to say it's a caste based conspiracy rooted in race and skin color, you should provide some proof.

Yes today blacks are consider a minority in the US.....a result of political expediency.
The ever change classification of what is white and what is black in America...America is a living political System while for all intends and purposes Hinduism as with most religion eschews change - A dead System.
In the Beginning of US racialization Only Anglos, Saxon and Franks and Scandinavians where consider white all others excluding Native American Indians were classified as non whites - Blacks.
Now the true power and wealth in the US still reside in the hands of the Anglo-saxons who are a minority when compared to Blacks and Hispanics who are often classified as Coloreds....Europeans are very much still the majority but not ever European was consider white at all times in US history.
Lastly if one was to use the One Drop Rule....then blacks would be a majority.

again, I don't see what any of this has to do with the Indian caste system.

Bait and switch tactic....Ambedkar is not the present Prime Minister of India whom you said was a Sudra

Ambekar was a dalit, who are lower than sudras. He wasn't anywhere near black. Why? And it's not me who says india's PM is a sudra, it's an accepted fact.

Ambedkar is brown but this exception only proves the rule, he got where he did because people upon seeing him did not immediately know what caste he was, plus his last name was that of a Brahmin.....had he been jet black his success would have been checked......not just difficult and arduous.

Oh really? Gandhi was much darker than he was and a vaishya. Why did people follow him? Why was he darker if caste is based on skin color?

I have already address this....
Blue look better in paintings.....sounds like soot made the early Madonna's black.
Some Argue that the word Christ is a derivative of Krishna and means Black and or Anointed One.
The Pope worships a Black Madonna and Child in private....and these Madonna and Child are to be found all over Europe inside selected houses of worship.
In Most public space in Europe the Madonna and Child is white akin to your blue Krishna in public spaces

All irrelevant. Any Indian will tell you Krishna was black and Krishna means black.


Jun 20, 2015
Thank you for admitting that you don't know Sanskrit. I don't either but have family members who do, and I can tell you quite confidently that color in relation to varna has nothing to do with race or skin color. Unfortinately you are operating on outdated eurocentric interpretations of ancient Indian texts.

I asked you who the red and yellow people are because according to this paradigm you are citing kshatriyas are red and vaishyas are yellow. So I'll ask you again: who are the red people in India and who are the yellow people in India, if indeed varna refers to skin color?

I made no such citation
Just as how Chinese are consider Yellow and Native American are Consider Red in America, maybe some members of Indian society was so considered...Lets get it straight they are actually no one who is white, but we understand what is meant be the term when referring to humans.
So though they are no actually red or yellow or white people, we do refer to some people as stop playing semantics.

...except that it isn't appropriate or relevant.

Caste is not analogous to race, it's more analogous to tribe....even that isn't an apt comparison since there are different sects within the different castes. In actuality varna doesn't mean caste, caste means jati or occupation. Brahmins just happen to be the only people in India whose occupation has historically coincided with their varna.

Of course they are analogous.....I have been drawing those very parallels all along.
No two society are exactly the same but they do have similarities and it is these similarities that I am bringing to the fore to aid in understanding...
No Varna means color according to the encyclopedia.

Varna, Sanskrit varṇa, any one of the four traditional social classes of India. Although the literal meaning of the word varna (Sanskrit: “colour”)
varna | Hinduism

I don't know what you consider light. Google pictures of Brahmins and let me know how many white people you come across. Feel free to post your findings.
Of Course Priestly and Noble caste are not European white, all I am saying is that they are near white when compared with Majority of the Sudra and Dalits

India is poor in general. This is a fact anyone with two eyes can observe. If you are going to say it's a caste based conspiracy rooted in race and skin color, you should provide some proof.

Not just race but skin color and birth

again, I don't see what any of this has to do with the Indian caste system.

I am drawing a comparison in which those in power are always a united minority......oppressing a disunited majority.

Ambekar was a dalit, who are lower than sudras. He wasn't anywhere near black. Why? And it's not me who says india's PM is a sudra, it's an accepted fact.
Their are always exceptions and in a system that is over 4000yrs, those exceptions multiply

At About the 43 second mark you will see where he was not easily recognize as a dalit, but when it was found out his business essence up until that point he was"passing"

Oh really? Gandhi was much darker than he was and a vaishya. Why did people follow him? Why was he darker if caste is based on skin color?

Already dealt with this variable in which we have clear skin blacks of African descent and dark skin whites of European descent....these are generally call exceptions to the rule.

All irrelevant. Any Indian will tell you Krishna was black and Krishna means black.

How can it be irrelevant when I am showing that it is not only India that has this "cognitive dissonance" to borrow a psychological term, of worshiping a black skin God whilst oppressing black skin humans.


May 1, 2012
I made no such citation
Just as how Chinese are consider Yellow and Native American are Consider Red in America, maybe some members of Indian society was so considered...Lets get it straight they are actually no one who is white, but we understand what is meant be the term when referring to humans.
So though they are no actually red or yellow or white people, we do refer to some people as stop playing semantics.

Maybe, huh? Come on breh, now you're not being consistent. You've obviously made up your mind as to who the white and black varnas are in terms of skin color, so why stop there?

Or MAYBE the color in this sense has nothing to do with race or skin color as I've been telling you.

Of course they are analogous.....I have been drawing those very parallels all along.
No two society are exactly the same but they do have similarities and it is these similarities that I am bringing to the fore to aid in understanding...
No Varna means color according to the encyclopedia.

Varna, Sanskrit varṇa, any one of the four traditional social classes of India. Although the literal meaning of the word varna (Sanskrit: “colour”)
varna | Hinduism

You think they are parallels but they aren't. All Indians regardless of varna belong to the same race, so how are they analogous?

Of Course Priestly and Noble caste are not European white, all I am saying is that they are near white when compared with Majority of the Sudra and Dalits

Not just race but skin color and birth

This is a typical south Indian Brahmin community, do me a favor and tell me how many "near white" people you see:

I am drawing a comparison in which those in power are always a united minority......oppressing a disunited majority.

Who's oppressing who?

At About the 43 second mark you will see where he was not easily recognize as a dalit, but when it was found out his business essence up until that point he was"passing"

Lots of Brahmins in India lie about their caste to get into top schools. It's becoming an epidemic. How is this possible if caste is based strictly on skin color?

Already dealt with this variable in which we have clear skin blacks of African descent and dark skin whites of European descent....these are generally call exceptions to the rule.

You haven't offered any evidence to suggest that darker skinned brahmins are exceptions to the rule.

How can it be irrelevant when I am showing that it is not only India that has this "cognitive dissonance" to borrow a psychological term, of worshiping a black skin God whilst oppressing black skin humans.

India's current preference for light skin has nothing to do with religion.
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