NoDQ writes op-ed on Divas killing the Women's Revolution, Paige and co respond

Coco Brown

All Star
Nov 12, 2017
wasnt that kickstarted by aj lee calling stephanie mcmahon out?

It was trending before then but it went nuclear b/c of AJ calling Stephanie out (folks forget it was AJ's tweet that got mainstream press to sit up and pay attention) The hashtag started w/fans being annoyed by a 30 second Diva match so they hijacked R-Truth's "GiveTruthAChance" and made it about the Divas.

I feel like a lot of people think folks are "just hating" on Brie and Nikki, and that's not it at all. It's that people remember how WWE had to be dragged kicking and screaming to this point and remember that Brie and Nikki had very little to do that. I know someone about to swoop in here and point out the hashtag started trending in response to a match The Bellas were in. This is where I point out yes, yes the Bellas were in that match...against Paige and Emma. I had to camp out in that hashtag for the day job and no tea, no shade, no pink lemonade...there were a lot of people in there who were very vocal about getting divas like Brie and Nikki out the paint and letting women like Paige/AJ/Emma take center stage.

Also...the facts are fun side of me would like to point out that it was Nikki and Brie's idea for the initial match that started #GiveDivasAChance to only be 30 seconds and then they got Paige and Emma on board with that plan. And that Nikki defended the 30 second match after the fact by saying it told a good story. AND she pretended there wasn't a pay gap AND she played stupid on how merch was unevenly distributed, pretending she couldn't imagine why anyone would have an issue w/the merch situation (maybe she should have asked her Team Bella homie Alicia to explain it to her).

I know folks like to reduce the opposition to Nikki and Brie being put in this position down to 'Y'all just don't like them" but this ain't that. It's just that some of us remember the way those two, especially Nikki, showed and proved over and over that they didn't gaf about "giving divas a chance" cause they were just there to secure their bag and if that meant caping for WWE and throwing the rest of the division under the bus, they'd do that w/zero problems.

Norrin Radd

To me, my board!
Jun 9, 2013
It was trending before then but it went nuclear b/c of AJ calling Stephanie out (folks forget it was AJ's tweet that got mainstream press to sit up and pay attention) The hashtag started w/fans being annoyed by a 30 second Diva match so they hijacked R-Truth's "GiveTruthAChance" and made it about the Divas.

I feel like a lot of people think folks are "just hating" on Brie and Nikki, and that's not it at all. It's that people remember how WWE had to be dragged kicking and screaming to this point and remember that Brie and Nikki had very little to do that. I know someone about to swoop in here and point out the hashtag started trending in response to a match The Bellas were in. This is where I point out yes, yes the Bellas were in that match...against Paige and Emma. I had to camp out in that hashtag for the day job and no tea, no shade, no pink lemonade...there were a lot of people in there who were very vocal about getting divas like Brie and Nikki out the paint and letting women like Paige/AJ/Emma take center stage.

Also...the facts are fun side of me would like to point out that it was Nikki and Brie's idea for the initial match that started #GiveDivasAChance to only be 30 seconds and then they got Paige and Emma on board with that plan. And that Nikki defended the 30 second match after the fact by saying it told a good story. AND she pretended there wasn't a pay gap AND she played stupid on how merch was unevenly distributed, pretending she couldn't imagine why anyone would have an issue w/the merch situation (maybe she should have asked her Team Bella homie Alicia to explain it to her).

I know folks like to reduce the opposition to Nikki and Brie being put in this position down to 'Y'all just don't like them" but this ain't that. It's just that some of us remember the way those two, especially Nikki, showed and proved over and over that they didn't gaf about "giving divas a chance" cause they were just there to secure their bag and if that meant caping for WWE and throwing the rest of the division under the bus, they'd do that w/zero problems.
Damn I forgot about that :ohhh:


Apr 30, 2012
Damn I forgot about that :ohhh:
Nikki Bella Reveals Who Came Up With The 30-Second Divas RAW Match, Talks WWE Divas Pay, More | PWMania

AJ Lee’s comments about Divas pay:

“We’re all here because we’re living our dreams. Whether it’s two minutes or twenty minutes on TV, I’m beyond grateful for that, because there are millions of people that wish they could get two minutes in that ring, and they can’t, so I’m not going to be one to bytch about it. But do I think Divas should definitely get more time on TV? 100%. But do I think pay is different? No.”
Divas not having the star power to make money like John Cena, Roman Reigns or Brock Lesnar:

“Let me put it this way: if a Diva was to headline a show, would those seats sell out like it does when John Cena’s headlining? Roman Reigns? Brock Lesnar? Absolutely not. We’re not there yet. We’re trying to get there, but we’re not there yet. As far as merch goes, we all get the same percentage, so I don’t know why anyone’s crying about it. We all make the exact same percentage, so it’s like, sell more merch if you wanna be like the guys. At the end of the day, we’re in a man’s world. People show up to watch men wrestle, and they look at us the ‘pretty things on the side’, but I think slowly, we’re changing people’s minds about that. It’s not gonna happen overnight, but eventually we’re gonna get there. We just need patience and time.”

Who came up with the 30-second RAW match that led to #GiveDivasAChance trending:

“What’s funny about that is we were given about three minutes. Three to four minutes. And we – us four girls who were in the match – we put our heads together and said look: we can either give them a two minute match, or we can give them nothing and get Brie and I so much heat and tell a great story…We’re not gonna give people three minutes of BS, and it ended up being a big chance. It ended up turning into #GiveDivasAChance trending worldwide for two days. I mean, we could’ve gone out there, done a few moves and called it a day, but we were like, ‘How do we tell a great story?’ and at the end of the day, that’s what we did. Brie and I got good heat at the end of it, we got trended for two days straight, and it was like, ‘Whoa. We’re storytelling now.’ And that’s what puts the Divas on the next level. Instead of just going out there and doing moves, we storytell. ‘Cause that’s what the boys do, and that’s what we need to do.”