You are projecting really hard,
I'm not playing victim nor do I hate on want to kill, remove or demolish gay's or transsexuals or any person. You know absolutely nothing about me, outside of me not viewing homosexuality or transsexuals as normal.
hermaphroditism is a completely different thing than a woman or a man wanting to be the opposite. That's an actual condition and is a rare one.
But you are proving my point getting all bent out of shape giving me examples of people being abused or being in psych wards because of there sexuality. None of which I have ever condoned, nor want....but I guess if I'm not with them, I'm against them? And there lays the problem.
If you feel like homosexuality and transgender is ok and good.
Cool, I don't rock with it. But just like you feel about me not agreeing with it leads social stigmas and discriminatory behavior. I feel the same about having to teach a a child that yeah its ok to be like "thats not normal" regardless of if everything from the media to random people want to make you feel like a bigot or worse for feeling like that. Doesn't mean you traet them any different, you treat everyone with respect that shows you respect.
But let me get back to my bigotry hate speech.