So they kind of got us by the balls in the short term, but would actually be fuming themselves even harder in the mid and long term.
I say fukk em and let them pass the bill. Would be very interesting to see how the victims would be able to sue a government based on some individuals actions. I just want to see what comes from the exploratory phase.
We would likely find out that a lot of shot going on is state-sponsored somehow.
What makes this bill interesting is the question of where does the US fall into this?

Didn't the Bush cabinet claim Iraq had helped orchestrate 9/11? Didn't Rusmfeld attempt to strong arm senior intelligence officials into fabricating a meeting between Iraqi intelligence officers and Al Qaeda people?

By the time the 9/11 commission was well underway there was enough to say that Iraq was not involved and Saudi were the culprits, why did bush ignore that and proceed with war with Iraq anyway?

The US government was at the VERY LEAST passively complicit in 9/11.

I have always suspected Saudi involvement but the evidence is pointing to US knowledge as well.
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