Okay, but I directly benefit from those bike lanes etc. At any time that I feel like it, I can hop on a bike and utilize those lanes. I can go to that park and enjoy it. There’s always the potential/possibility for me to go hike that trail and enjoy nature.
How in the fukk does paying off a professional’s (with already great earning potential) student loans benefit the rest of us? What does paying off an attorney’s, an engineer’s, or an accountant’s loans do for the rest of us? I say this as a professional myself. What about those who chose to fukk off in college or studied Fine Arts?
Please don’t give us the
“Bu-but it can stimulate the economy!” like those irritating and entitled Cacs on Reddit. They’re just upset that they can’t go out and buy that new BMW or luxury condo because they are obligated to pay off their student loans first.
It is a an outrageous concept/proposal, and it IS NOT popular at all. Most Americans don’t rock with absolute student loan “forgiveness”, especially with no plan to fix the insane costs of Higher Education.