The Prince of All Saiyans
Formerly Jisoo Stan & @Twitter
y'all never made it past season 1? 

I just cant get into Aftermath but that sounds interesting. Might have to give the audiobooks a shotNew character from a recently released novel. Is in control of the remnants of the Empire's forces in the years immediately following ROTJ.
Gallius Rax
Aftermath: Life Debt seems to be significantly better than the first Aftermath.I just cant get into Aftermath but that sounds interesting. Might have to give the audiobooks a shot
Just finished the latest Poe comic. As of now Im officially caught up on everything new canon, excpet for the Junior Novelizations and the Lego cartoon.
Some of the comics are aight. Never have read comics before. Was a struggle to get through some of them, but I like how they tie a lot of canon stuff together.
The Lando Mini Series was probably the best one.
I did notice they had this dude in that trailer. He made a series of "what if the prequels were good" videos on YT that are really good. Makes you even more frustrated with them prequels because of what could be.
Yeah I remember that but still feels like an afterthought to meThey explained Poe's surviving the crash in the novelization. Basically he ejected , knocked out and was saved by a moisture farmer who helped him get off world.
I assume they filmed all that, but it ended up on the cutting room floor to keep the length of the movie reasonable. But yeah - him showing up all of the sudden in the movie was out of nowhere and a bit of a plot hole.