This is complete garbage the most important paragraph from this article is
And it’s glossed over to show that people arrested for misdemeanors didn’t commit crimes to get re arrested in a time frame
You ignored the very next line:
"Fundamentally, we found that eliminating bail for most misdemeanors and nonviolent felonies reduced recidivism in New York City, while there was no clear effect in either direction for cases remaining bail eligible,” said Michael Rempel, director of John Jay College’s Data Collaborative for Justice, in a statement."
You ignored literally the entire study in order to focus on a single exception with an impact so small that it wasn't even relevant.
This is like when you accidentally posted the guy who killed someone cause he got out on cash bail as your defense of cash bail. You have no idea what you're reading, you're just a hard-right reactionary when it comes to police unless your sports rooting allegiances are in the way.