See This Just Angers Me To My Core... Cause See Most Of My Closest homies Flew Flags And Were Affiliated Some In Jail And Some Dead. I find it ignorant and outright backwards when kats who act like just cause your criticize banging and gangs you don't understand the conditions or have empathy.
I have empathy, I had empathy for my closest homeboi when I told him he shouldn't bang and put his flag down cause it was detrimental to us as a people, Even told my cuzo something similar...
We Acknowledge WHHYYY blacks are in the postion were in how it was orchestrated and set up against us... HOWEVER, what should we do about those of us who would kill you as soon as look at you kill you and your mother as soon as you say something they dislike, what should we do with those people?
And thats an Answer alot of the black community don't wanna answer cause we know the answer either involves the police or us policing us, either way someone is gonna end up dead or imprisoned for the rest of there life.. so instead of actually answering that question they would rather just accuse you of
have having no empathy, being white, An Agent, And Uncle Tom... Cause thats easier than actual confronting the situation cause you have no solutions to this problem other then to deflect and thats why this
VERY argument goes around in circles everytime its had.
Some Kats is just trying to find a way out and got caught up, but other kats? Smh To Quote a Recent Slim400 interview by al profit:
. Slim400: This Ish Is Not Stopping.
(Refering to gangbanging)
. Al Profit: Is there a way it could stop?
. Slim400: (
Taking a tone and giving him the look) Its not stopiing BRO! its not ever gonna stop its what it is! THIS IS! the culture banging in la is the
Culture, period this is what it is and how we roc, its compton... shootin, killin, robbin, ITS ITS JUST HOOD!
Tell Me. Is that Mentality and ingrained self destructive
culture Gonna Benefit us or hurt us? The System has wrong and continues to do so but that's only one part of the problem the other one is problem many don't wanna face because it would require responsibility and change something many don't wanna do.