If you didn't like Nioh 1, which was , you won't like this. Same repetitive grind, unvaried enemies, dull environments and punishing difficulty. GoT is literally a GoTG-tier game. It stands a good chance of stealing GoTY honors this year. Nioh 2 isn't in the same universe.
as someone who is still struggling to learn how to play sekiro, I don’t think nioh 2 is especially punishing. all the enemies are fair, even the really difficult ones. some of them are just really challenging. and one boss is borderline OD, but that’s it.
the game gives you enough variance in play style to deal with most bad guys in a way that suits how you game. for me, that means sniping any bad guys that are speedy/flighty, or fight in unpredictable patterns.
yeah. I don’t get your critique at all. especially now... we’re on the DLC, why are you still in this thread??